I Had to Let Go of 3" & Pics of My New Kinky Curly Weave

woot! i spotted that lanik's kinky curly a mile away ;) it looks gorgeous on you. I've been saving up to buy some for a while *poor college student*

how many oz did you buy? I was thinking 3

You only need 2 bundles which is 8 oz.
The redo looks natural. I wouldn't have known that was a weave if you hadn't said anything. Your natural hair blends in really well with that wave pattern. It just looks like it has tangle potential. Are you having issues with that?

You're absolutely correct. I've heard that with any kinky curl texture weave it would tangle some, and I do have that minor issue. I haven't used any products on it, so that might help.
the hair looks great! i love the install. makes me want to try weaves again. i would wear it in a bun all the time though!
Your weave looks good lady! I'm glad you found someone who put it in to your satisfaction. They did a fantastic job.

By the way, your curly bun is TOO CUTE! :up: :up: