DontSpeakDefeat did my weave today and its T-I-G-H-T!!!!


Well-Known Member
DontSpeakDefeat did my hair today and I love it. We talked and had a merry ole time while she weaved my hair. It was truly a good feeling to be in an intimate setting without all the commercial stuff. I will definitely be going back!!!

:lachen:And oh I saved a ton of money on car insurance by going to DontSpeakDefeat!!!:lachen:I really did!!!





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looks like how your hair normally look... i wouldn't have known on first sight or prolly even after staring for a while :lol:

sew-in or what?
The style is pretty and natural looking, I like the length too. She did an awesome job. Wish I leaved near her.
Girl you got hooked up!!!!!! That is so pretty!!! I got her number saved in my cellphone but I know I will be calling her A.S.A.P!!!!
It looks good Whipz! :up: How are you going to maintain your hair that's left out? I'm thinking about getting one soon. I usually cover all my hair.