Don't You Just HATE Facebook Sometimes???


New Member
So, I was enjoying some time catching up on a friend's profile, when lo and behold, I come across my ex boyfriend's new Facebook profile. He hadn't been on it in almost a year, and was all on the "I don't have time for that kind of stuff" tip for a while.

I just wanted to puke. While I've gotten over him enough to the point where I'm out and about dating again and feeling like my good old fabulous self, I still can't stand his arse and don't even want to say two words to him (well...maybe a word that starts with "F" followed by another word that starts with "Y" :lachen::grin:).

I also know myself well enough to know that if he has a profile, I might be tempted to look at it.

Mercifully, Facebook still has that lovely feature that allows you to BLOCK people. It's as if they don't even exist. So, I blocked his butt, and now, I can waste time on Facebook in peace :grin:

But still, this is exactly why I can't stand social media sometimes...
Chile, why did facebook RECOMMEND to me an EX as a FRIEND? NO mutual friend (we met in Florida, but I live in N.Y, no connections) NO NOTHING!

I deleted the little "add as a friend" x thing and just two days ago, it haunts me again. OFF ALL OF THE MILLIONS OF FACEBOOK USERS. Him? HIM? IN ANOTHER STATE, NO CONNECTIONS OR ANYTHING HIM?!!! GRRR!!!!
Yes, I do HATE Facebook sometimes (ESPECIALLY the feature that allows all of your friends to see what you've posted on someone's wall; why must EVERYONE know that), but I also HATE the way that people use Facebook. People don't need to add me just because I'm friends with one of their friends.
ITA with the above. I'm sick of people adding me when the only mutual friend we have is someone who is an acquaintance. No, I don't want to be your fan and no, I'm not interested in your concert this week. Jeez!
Yeah, sometimes I really hate it. I saw pics of my ex on there cause he was in a wedding of a mutual friend. I couldn't help but look at the pics. UGH....sometimes i wish FB never existed. :ohwell:
I just hate when I join a "sexual" or "suggestive" group or page... or because I'm friends with models/entertainment people, men wanna add and never speak... ewwww... or send dirty messages
You guys have listed some of the main reasons I don't post on Facebook. I have basic information, stuff I don't mind if the world knows. But the private stuff is reserved for family and close friends b/c they're the ones who matter. Oh well.