Don't you hate it when


New Member
Stylists who are natural THEMSELVES are rough with your head? I just came back from the stylist (got a press+curl), and after she washed my hair, she started detangling, and I didn't see the comb she was using, all I know is that it felt like she was literally RIPPING hair out! :burning: and i'm transitioning, so I know I had a lot of new growth. Then I turned my head a bit, and saw she was using a tiny ass comb to try and detagle:nono: I mean seriously, it just pissed me off! Would she try and use that damn tiny ass comb in her own head!? I think not! :wallbash: Then tried to do the whole 'lets rinse all the hair out of the comb in the sink before she turns around and sees half her head in the sink :wallbash: URGH
Yeah, this just recently happened to me. Home girl combed so much that my scalp felt raw :nono: I think I'm just going to DIY from now on.
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The one time I went to a natural salon (to get the last of the relaxed ends cut off) the stylist was detangling my hair with a tiny comb too. I don't get this :nono:. I didn't even use combs like that to detangle my relaxed hair.
I have not even found a natural salon here in So. CA ( los Angeles Area)

I just stay away - far away from stylists.

They are just not going to be as gentle as you will be.

I also HATE it when people who are supposed to be stylists have jacked up :hammer:WEAVES, HAIR, AND the like.
I don't get that!:huh:

They can't even take care of their OWN head!:armyhat:

So they can not come near me............:poke:
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My last visit to a "natural" stylist involed the chick lecturing me on washing my hair daily ( I TOLD her I was co-washing... washing with conditioner) and that I was drying out & ruining my hair..... all of this before she proceeded to pull out an industrial sized jar of BLACK HAIR GEL to do my twists with

Ive come to 2 conclusions....

- Every person lacking a perm is NOT a natural hair care expert or stylist

- I know how to ruin my hair on my own, I don't need to pay anyone to do it for me... Im a DIYer for the most part now... I still will do the occasional Dominican Salon visit until I learn how to do the blowout with the brush properly
My last visit to a "natural" stylist involed the chick lecturing me on washing my hair daily ( I TOLD her I was co-washing... washing with conditioner) and that I was drying out & ruining my hair..... all of this before she proceeded to pull out an industrial sized jar of BLACK HAIR GEL to do my twists with

Ive come to 2 conclusions....

- Every person lacking a perm is NOT a natural hair care expert or stylist

- I know how to ruin my hair on my own, I don't need to pay anyone to do it for me... Im a DIYer for the most part now...

Lol! Go head girl! Shout out to the DIYers! Seriously though, I have been a DIY since my Mom stopped combing my hair when I was 12 years old, told me it was time for me to start combing my own hair, I got a relaxer(with Mom's permission cause she didn't want me to have one, Go Mom! :)), and realized that being all up in a salon for hours every weekend/other weekend was NOT FOR ME. I went to the salon every 2-3 months and got a retouch and rollerset/blow dry, that's it. Then after I got to college, the haircuts started (but I trusted only one stylist on my head, have only had TWO hairdresser my whole life) so hair was the least of my issues. My first stylist (from age 12-16) I stopped going to because she was INSISTENT on my coming to get a retouch diligently every 6 weeks AND if I didn't make the appointment as I was leaving, she would TRY to squeeze me in. I have never been the type to be limited on my options so I told Mom that this might not work for me. Plus, she was ol'school and would always "trim" my ends at least 2 inches but I didn't pay attention to hair back then as much as I do now. All I know is I went in with hair passing my shoulders and came out with hair to my shoulders(and her daughter's hair was to her arse). Then my last stylist(who also did my big chop in 2002 and that was the last time I stepped into a salon, I still love her to death :)), worked at JC Penney salon and did white folx hair, black folx hair, men's haircuts, women and children. She was and still is off the chain when it comes to hair, all types and textures. She has gone natural at the persuasion of my Mommy! :yay:

Whoo, I have gone on a tangent...anyway, I hope more women see the benefits of DIY. It's wonderful to educate yourselves on different things, especially us and our hair, and it's a great feeling you get when you have it all figured out without having to listen to what someone else is saying about what your hair will or won't do, can or can't do, how long it will or won't grow, etc. DIY! All the way! I will say this forever, as it has been said on this board numerous times, no one will take better care of your hair than you. Your stylist should be a supplement, an accessory, a flavor enhancer, if you will, when it comes to YOUR hair. Haircare is like skin care, personalized and exclusive to YOU. When it came to dramatic haircuts(aka Toni Braxton, Halle Berry), chemical services, hi-lites, etc, that's what my stylist was there for. She did my hair approx 4 times in a year and those other 361 days I did it myself. HTH someone, peace and love ladies.
I used to hate it when my stylist would rip through my wet hair like that. I've been doing my own hair since I started transitioning.
My last visit to a "natural" stylist involed the chick lecturing me on washing my hair daily ( I TOLD her I was co-washing... washing with conditioner) and that I was drying out & ruining my hair..... all of this before she proceeded to pull out an industrial sized jar of BLACK HAIR GEL to do my twists with

Ive come to 2 conclusions....

- Every person lacking a perm is NOT a natural hair care expert or stylist

- I know how to ruin my hair on my own, I don't need to pay anyone to do it for me... Im a DIYer for the most part now... I still will do the occasional Dominican Salon visit until I learn how to do the blowout with the brush properly

WELL Said my sista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drunk: