My natural hair vs. Dominican salon **(RANT)**

I am wary of all salons, but the more I hear about the Dominican salons, the more it sounds like they don't appreciate natural hair and want to torture it straight. The attitude people have towards hair is really important and manifests itself in how they do it. I've decided to never let anyone touch my hair unless they have a profound love for naps!

I totally agree--especially with the bolded.

I am so sorry you had that experience. No one should be treated that way. From all that I've heard about Dominican salons, I don't think I'd ever want to go to one, eventhough I'm relaxed. Just on principle--It disgusts me that they would treat someone like that just because their hair is natural. :nono:
Sometimes when I read stories like that I liken trusting these women with our hair to going into battle or something.:nono: Gotta get all prepared and build yourself up and go in armed with conditioner already on the hair and your own comb in hand... only to have the woman hack at your head on some major offensive.:lachen:

I think its a war better fought at home, I would rather have to deal with friendly fire than being blasted the enemy. At least I can say it was my fault and not that I let some heifer do it to me. Regardless of how nice you are, you should have said something. This woman clearly didn't want you to have hair on your head, or she wanted to destroy your texture to make it straight, or had issues with you not having a relaxer (probably never styled natural hair before) and she should have been confronted before she let second woman damage you even more. You did not have to pay because they did not do what you asked them to. Your hair was not what you wanted and I am sure they know it.

That's why I don't let anyone touch my hair, they expect you to pay them for fcuking you up:nono:
I would have been out as soon as I sensed things weren't going right. I work too hard to keep my hair healthy and I'll be darned if I let some ***** at a salon jack it up. If you can't handle natural hair then tell me from the jump so we won't waste each others time. Q
A similar thing happened to me when I went to the Dominican salon 8 months into my transition:perplexed. The lady asked me about 6 times why I don't get a relaxer?. I said, " Because I don't want to!"

I really felt like just getting up and leaving. She tugged and pulled, and tugged and pulled some more. My hair suffered greatly for it.:sad:

As a result, I had to cut a LOT of my hair off a few days ago. My hair is nowehere near the length in my siggy.
Sometimes when I read stories like that I liken trusting these women with our hair to going into battle or something.:nono: Gotta get all prepared and build yourself up and go in armed with conditioner already on the hair and your own comb in hand... only to have the woman hack at your head on some major offensive.:lachen:

That's why I don't let anyone touch my hair, they expect you to pay them for fcuking you up:nono:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: So true...that's why I've been doing my hair myself for the past 9 yrs.
I'm not going to tell you how sorry I am that this happened, cuz it won't help. That really sucked how she did you. I know i'm hot damn good at blowing out hair. I honestly don't think natural hair can be that hard to blowdry straight. I plan on getting a digital camcorder soon so I will make a video on blowouts. For now, all I have is this. BOL

How do I get a sleek, straight look with all my new growth?

I used to roll my hair with rollers and then try to straighten it with heat. However, I found that my hair would always tangled and break. I now use the blowdry method. Although the excessive heat used during this method seems dangerous, it doesn't have to be if you want. Lower the voltage of the appliances from high heat to medium. If you tools get very hot at a low setting, use low. But, I would not recommend doing this every week.
1. After I wash my hair with a moisturizing or straightening shampoo and conditioner, I apply deep conditioner and put on a shower cap, with heat for 40 minutes. Do not skip this step.After I rinse, I apply a small amount of leave-in and coaxing or heat serum/balm.
Your conditioner should have strengthening and moisturizing properties, so you may have to use a reconstructor first, and follow-up with a moisturizer. You know you hair best and what it need and when it needs it most. Or, you may use something that is all encompassing, like Affirm 5-in-1.
2. Once I am done, I use a blow dryer with a diffuser attachment and get at least one round barrel brush. Its better to use a diffuser than the vented nozzle because the Diffuser attachment will reduce the effects of high heat.
[[You may use several small ones for those harder or shorter kinks. Please, make sure the bush is made of soft boar's brustle and not a synthetic mix.]]​

3. I, then turn the dryer on at a high or mid-level heat. Its best to have your hair sopping wet so the bush may glidge easier and so as you do both motions the hair becomes straight. Part the hair in fours and clip the section with banana clips.
Start with the longes pieces, or the portion you want the straightest first. Place the right size brush under the newly grown hair. Hold the dryer (hopefully you have it on at this point) and hold it too the kinky root of the hair. Pull the brush down, rolling it at is traveles down the root.
4. Let the dryer follow Avoid the end, unless you are natural. If so, dry hair from root to tip, twirling the brush as you go down. If you hair tangles in the brush, slowly unwind. Try switch to a small brush and re-wet the hair.
6. Continues this until the hair roots are completely dry. The hair should feel straight once it dries. If not, over over the same section again before moving on.
It might be best if you keep a pray bottle of water next to you in case you need to re-wet the hair.
Go over the top side of the hair with a straightening iron for a "relaxed" look. Depending of the thickness or length of new growth, this step could take anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes. Some can move faster than others.

6. Tame your hair with a shine sherum or very light moisturizer to give ends moisture. If you ends are too dry, spritz them with water and wrap end papers around large magnetic rollers. Roll hair with rollers. Remove when dry. Voila!
Going to a DR salon is hit or miss mostly miss if you do not know the stylist.

I tell you, we need to start a 'speaking up' challenge. Some stylist really don't know what they're doing and can only change when perhaps one brave souls says 'hooooooooooold up' LOL

Like the witch who I asked to TRIM my hair, after I explained that I want it even, that's why I didn't want a cut.
She was on the phone, and when she whipped me around (still on the phone) I had a layered CUT that she told me that she cut it for the PRICE OF A TRIM...:sad:
I too used to sing the praises of Dominican Salons when I had a relaxer, now that I am natural I have yet to find a Dominican Salon that can tackle my hair and it never last more than a day. If I am going to spend minimum $50.00 than I need to go to a place where they can style natural hair, which in my experiences is not a Dominican Salon.
My hair is almost all natural and they only charge an extra $5. :yep: Im sorry she got so frustrated with your hair but when she threw that roller that woulda been my cue to exit stage left.
This is why I tell ALL the natural people that I know (ESPECIALLY 4A/4B) to:

(unless you personally know someone that has been tto the one youplan on going to who is NATURAL that has had a good experience)

I have heard to many bad stories. I'd rather pay more money to go to a place that knows how to do natural hair. Sometimes cheaper is not always better...

I am sooooo sorry that this happened to you. Baby your hair like you never did before! Good luck!
This is why I tell ALL the natural people that I know (ESPECIALLY 4A/4B) to:

(unless you personally know someone that has been tto the one youplan on going to who is NATURAL that has had a good experience)

I have heard to many bad stories. I'd rather pay more money to go to a place that knows how to do natural hair. Sometimes cheaper is not always better...

I am sooooo sorry that this happened to you. Baby your hair like you never did before! Good luck!

EXACTLY! My girlfriend's hair is more 3A and kept trying to get me to go to her salon. I went with her to see how they did hair and noticed the naturals that went there had a looser texture. One girl came in there with 4B hair and first thing they asked her was 'perm today?'. she said no, she wanted a wash and condition. They told her to sit and wait. She waited for 5 minutes, peeped the vibe in there and jetted.
Ladies thanks for the comments..bre bre honestly i am way too nice cuz i dont know why i stayed let alone pay! my family said you shouldnt have paid but isnt that like stealing??? my hair was done. how do you say i am not paying for this without being escorted out in hand cuffs?:ohwell: i am just glad i have LHCF :circle: because its nothing like knowing how to care for your own hair! thanks ladies

You have to learn to feel self-righteous about your own money. They didn't provide the service they expected you to pay for and maybe damaged your hair in the process. If there's a next time, keep your money in your pocket and tell them why. That is not stealing. They might refuse to do your hair again, but do you really want to go back?
Whoa, she threw the roller on the floor. That would have been the end for me! I didn't know naturals had so much trouble with the dominican salons.

When u said she threw the damn roller I got upset for you!
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience, and PLEASE don't ever go back there again. I couldn't have been as nice as you.
I'm so sorry about your experience. I can't believe how rude they were to you. Your hair does look good though.

Your story is a perfect example of why I will NEVA go to a Dominican salon. Although I am now texlaxed, my hair is still very curly and getting a comb through it is NOT a joke. :hair: I wouldn't trust them to comb it :nervous2:! I can almost feel the hairs snapping now.:ohsnap:
:nono: <<hair hugs>> I'm sorry you had to go thru this. Something similar just happened to me, so I can feel your pain. I'm just happy you made it out of there with your hair in tact. I think you may need to skip the salon and learn to be a DIY'er. It's time consuming and can be frustrating at times, but at least you know you won't (intentionally) abuse your hair.