Dont give up on No-Lye!


New Member
I have used no-lye for 7 years, and had always suffered with the "dry ends" symptom that no-lye is well known to create.

when i joined LHCF is till had the dry ends
when i brought specialist products i STILL HAD DRY ENDS when i airdryed i STILL HAD dry ends!!!
i was beginning to think that i had to turn to lye ...

well i was wrong. i got a major cut about 10 months ago, and changed the way i took care my hair. i started using scissors costing me over £30 to dust my hair ends. i had to get militant!!!

i began to stop combing my hair so much, i cut out the heat. i still used the same cheapy box relaxer that i use today.

and now my hair is the longest most healthiest its ever been, and i haven't trimmed in over 10months! MY ENDS ARE AS SILKY as my freshly relaxed roots, they dont split or break. my hair is thick like blanka from street fighter!

basically, no lye will teach u to get strict on ur hair if you dont care for it. maybe no lye hair needs more love and attention but really, dont give up on it, your hair can be as beautiful as it cud ever be with no-lye, just chose the right brand for you!!


^^ me and my best friend Elasta QP no-lye sensitive!:grin:
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I love elasta qp sensitive scalp relaxer. Honestly elasta qp no-lye, feels and relaxes like a lye relaxer. It's very moisturizing. At least to my hair.
I agree its all about what works for u I use no lye and have to take extra care of my hair , I been negelecting it for the past few yrs but soon thats all going to change;)
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sweetcashew said:
I love elasta qp sensitive scalp relaxer. Honestly elasta qp no-lye, feels and relaxes like a lye relaxer. It's very moisturizing. At least to my hair.

yes! it does exactly what it says on the "tin!"
Temp101 said:
I agree its all about what owrks for u I use no lye and have to take of my hair , I been negelecting it for the past few yrs but soon thats all going to change;)

start off cutting all those dead ends off, no-lye relaxers can be very moisturizing if you utilize ir properley! good luck with your hair :)
The Mizani no-lye and lye feel exactly the same on my hair. I haven't had any adverse effects from either one. I just love Mizani all the way around. My reason for sticking with the no-lye is the price difference and the availability difference. I have to order the lye Mizani online for a higher price. They still don't even keep the no-lye on the shelves at the beauty supplies I've been to--- I've always had to request the Mizani from the back or from behind the counter. It is just a good brand hands down in my opinion- they make quality relaxers lye or no lye!:love: Sure, its a little more pricey than typical no-lyes but it is so worth the extra money. It costs me about $12.99 for the small tub alone, but the results are amazing. I could never get the same with a $5.99 "box perm kit"--- so brand makes a big difference for me.:yep: I'd use the lye or no lye Mizani in a heartbeat.
No-lye causes me to have a very very dry scalp and I just can't get down with it. But if it works good on you, girl I say work it!
I agree also. I've always used no-lye but it wasn't until I came to LHCF that I learned how drying no-lye relaxers are and relaxers period. Now I keep my hair and ends moisturized and that's all there is to it. My hair just needs more moisture than someone who is lye relaxed (although they too need moisture) and that's easy enough.

I also see the proof - there are so many ultra-long, healthy heads of hair on this board who use no-lye. Those who use no-lye are certainly not giving up on it!
With no-lye relaxers. especially with Profectiv no-lye, I have not experienced any of the issues that make a lot of you stay away from them. My scalp is far from dry- I dont even apply anything to it! My hair feels good and is healthy.

But to say that all no-lye is evil... :lol: I disagree.
Another no no-lye chica chiming in! The only time I've had problems with the no-lye is when I didn't know how to take car fo my hair. My ends are in the best shape ever.
I'm happy for you! Anyone who comes from a setback and wins is an inspiration to me! My mom uses no lye relaxers with no problem. Her hair is almost brastrap. it can be done. :notworthy
lea5 said:
Your hair is beautiful. I hope you don't mind me saying you look alot like Erykah Badu.

who me? i wish! believe me in real life i look like Brandy... not very happy about that as i dont find her attractive :lachen:

Its interesting seeing the hair of the ladies who love no lye, all ur hair is so pretty and bouncy (not sayin the lye users hair is not!)

i think its true that no lye needs more care than lye, also the lye users hair seems too look just a straighter version of them being natural (from their original texture).

its all about the products. i mean i used s-curl in my hair yes2day (I WISH I DIDN'T) I used it before, but the next day my hair felt like cardboard, i've washed it this morning with my MNT and i got a baggy on me head. ick!the only products it seems i can use are ones labelled "hydrating" or "strengthening", my no lye hair also loves natural oils and LIGHT products. heavy products totally *** up my strands.

who else is no lye and happy??

Where are you purchasing your Elasta QP no lye?....I've tried Sally's but they didn't have the sensitive scalp formula.

BTW......thanks for this thread, lye just burns my scalp but doesn't straighten my hair unless left on for 25-30 mins. (which caused breakage) So I need to switch back to no lye. It's good to know that no lye works great for alot of us.

msshic said:

Where are you purchasing your Elasta QP no lye?....I've tried Sally's but they didn't have the sensitive scalp formula.

BTW......thanks for this thread, lye just burns my scalp but doesn't straighten my hair unless left on for 25-30 mins. (which caused breakage) So I need to switch back to no lye. It's good to know that no lye works great for alot of us.


hey ITA!!

i get mine from the local indian store, or from the black hair stores (owned by asians lol). alot of corner shops in my area sell it as they make ALOT of money off it. keep looking, its a brilliant relaxer, i want to write to them and tell them how good their product is!
Well I'm natural now but when I was relaxed I only used no-lye box relaxers applied at home. So I used them for about 15 years or so. I didn't have any problems. I have a finicky scalp and never had any desire to try a lye relaxer. My hair probably would have jumped off my head :lol: I never tried the Elasta one. My fave was Soft & Beautiful Botanicals made especially for sensitive scalps. No scalp irritation and my hair came out stick straight every time :yep:
The only relaxers that I've used have been No-Lye! I love them, too! :love: I haven't had a problem w/ dryness.
i know this has probably been asked b4, but can u go from lye to no lye safely??
Just doing the new growth or can you do a corrective without much damage??
This has got me wondering now, maybe no lye isn't that bad after all.........Its all about the TLC you give it
I think it's the brand. I gave up on no lye relaxers until I tried Phyto. I haven't had a problem with it since.
Sistaslick said:
The Mizani no-lye and lye feel exactly the same on my hair. I haven't had any adverse effects from either one. I just love Mizani all the way around. My reason for sticking with the no-lye is the price difference and the availability difference. I have to order the lye Mizani online for a higher price. They still don't even keep the no-lye on the shelves at the beauty supplies I've been to--- I've always had to request the Mizani from the back or from behind the counter. It is just a good brand hands down in my opinion- they make quality relaxers lye or no lye!:love: Sure, its a little more pricey than typical no-lyes but it is so worth the extra money. It costs me about $12.99 for the small tub alone, but the results are amazing. I could never get the same with a $5.99 "box perm kit"--- so brand makes a big difference for me.:yep: I'd use the lye or no lye Mizani in a heartbeat.

my sis has been looking to switch relaxer brands....will shoot this to her tonight....thanks sista
I can't use lye so for me no lye is the only way to go. I used to use at one box relaxer all the time because it was the only one that didn't give me sores. I did get some breakage though but I also had to learn how to take better care of my hair. Had I been able to find it i would have probably stayed with it. That one is so hard to find up here, its the reason why I went ahead with phyto.

Phyto is expensive though its really good. Between better hair care and that relaxer my hair is the strongest its ever been, which is saying a lot.

Honi said:
I think it's the brand. I gave up on no lye relaxers until I tried Phyto. I haven't had a problem with it since.

Very true. The Elasta QP no-lye mild seems to "act" like a lye relaxer as in it keeps the strength (natural resiliency of the natural hair) and is very moist. my ends r fine
My stylist used Optimum no lye on my hair and for the first few days, it was very dry, but after some giovanni direct leave-in and coconut oil, it softened and retained moisture quickly and easily. I'm glad I finally figured out how to care for my hair without the searing pain of using a lye relaxer!:D My hair actually feels stronger with the no lye relaxer instead of fragile and breaking like before!:grin: Even when I comb my hair and get tangles (VERY FEW now!), they are much tougher to get out because my hair doesn't break as easily. I love my optimum no lye!!!:grin:
I am definitely not giving up on no-lye relaxers.
My favorite is Dark n Lovely no lye moisturizing
relaxer. It works wonders on my hair.
I've always used Optimum No-Lye, a few weeks after I switched to Dudley Lye (with great results) and vowed to forever get touch-ups at the salon I see this..


Bodifying Relaxer – Mild

Our biggest Relaxer breakthrough in 20 years! Optimum Care Bodifying Relaxer was created exclusively for women with fine hair.
Our new patented Citrate formula blocks the action of mineral build-up on fine hair and preserves the hair’s elasticity for long-lasting body and shine. Fine hair has body like never before and never looks dull, flat or lifeless.

Quenches hair without weighing it down for straight, healthy-looking hair with volume.

They turned it into everything I needed it to be, (moisturizing and less mineral build-up) right after switching. My hair did very well with lye though and I'm in the midst of an 18-20 week stretch..IF I were to ever put my own relaxer in again, I would just have to try this one. I'm anxious to hear results from it, especially from women who've used the other formula relaxer and can really determine the difference.