Don't Ask Me If You Don't Want to Know! (Vent)


Well-Known Member
OK... everyone knows that my busy schedule deprives me of organic friends, so I use this board as my "Martini Meeting"

So, my cousin calls me last night in tears about another one of her botched relationships, then gets mad at me for telling her the truth.

The abbreviated version: She decided to get involved with a guy that she knew from high school (she is now in her 30's). First, the man has 4 children, the youngest of which is 10 months old (a little tidbit of info he conveniently ommitted when they first started dating). Despite that, she goes out with him, colors with him, then starts committing the cardinal sin: getting clingy. She starts texting him and calling him incessantly and throwing a tantrum when he doesn't respond within her timeframe. She even showed up at his home a couple of times. Naturally, he starts pulling away.

So, she decides that he isn't paying her enough attention, and devises a payback scheme. They spend Valentine's Day together and according to her, she made him climb the walls that night. The nest morning, she tells him "This isn't working for me. I can't do this anymore" and walks out leaving the V day gifts and anything else he gave her on the table. Well, after the blood rushed back to her brain, she decided that she shouldn't have done that and calls him begging him to forgive her. Naturally, he won't answer her calls or texts.

This was Valentine's Day. Since then, she calls the man multiple times a day or sends him these corny "Food for Thought" texts and wonders why he won't respond:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:!!!!

OK.... If we were in our 20's I would get it, but COME ON! I told her to leave him alone and that she looks pretty PSYCHO for chasing this man down. She yells at me that I am never on her side and she needs my support. I'm sorry I can't support foolishness. Am I wrong? If it were up to me, I would prefer not to be involved at all!!! GRRRRRRRRR!
Your cuz is D-U-M-B

That man has moved on, she should to. And you were on her side by telling her the truth as you saw it. When I'm asked a question by friends and family, sometimes I ask them if they want to know what I really think, or do they want me to lie about it.:lachen:

WOW! I was speechless for a minute...

She is very childish and bordering on PSYCHO as you stated. Um, I'm in my 20s and I've never done nor will I ever do something that immature. There really was no need for the antics. In the end, the joke was on her.

:roadrunner: away. Ignore her calls too. :lachen:

Some people want the truth as they WISH it were. :/ Don't even worry about it, if she asked your opinion, you gave it and I'm sure in love as she is your cousin.
She's just going through now, I'm sure if she said anything hurtful, she didn't mean it. But she shole is stupid.
And then some women wonder why men think they are needy psychos and start to pull away. We do it to ourselves.
I think she's more mad at herself than she is with you. You were just the closest person to vent to.....I think she handled herself badly but I do know how love makes you do cringeworthy things:yep:. When i look back.....LAWDY!:blush: