Doing The Most For Growth


Well-Known Member
What does a healthy long hair enthusiast do when she has done it all…She finds new things to do!!! This is where I am finding myself. I have been on this journey for over 10 years, started off with damaged choppy relaxed hair, had a failed transition, grew relaxed hair to BSL, chopped it off to a Bob, did a half BIG chop, did a full BIG chop, grew natural hair to BSL + and now…. while totally exhausted (not really), I still find myself doing the most to my hair to speed up the growth!

While my regimen and products have changed throughout the years one thing has stayed the same…the desire to find the best growth aid or method to grow my hair faster. Regardless if I’m trying to be a minimalist or find the latest growth aid trend I always get caught up!!

I’m naturally a slow grower and while I have accepted that fact, I haven’t accepted that there is nothing I can do about it. I tell myself to be thankful that I have healthy follicles, that have the capability to grow hair…but then I’ll log onto LHCF and read a post about some AMAZING growth method and all positive affirmations go out the window!!!

To get an idea of what I’m talking about here is a list of growth aids that I’m currently using…
  • Netwurks 21
  • Minoval
  • Hair Pouss Plus or Ketty Hair Care Growth Lotion
  • Hair Pouss Plus or Ketty Hair Care beef pomade
  • Nzuri Vitamin Growth Elixir
  • Nzuri Moringa Growth Oil
And that’s not to mention the vitamins….
  • Phyto Cap N’ergy
  • Nzuri Liquid Hair Growth Vitamins
  • Ginseng Hair Growth Vitamin (can’t remember the exact name)
And Methods…
  • Egg Pre-poo
  • Tea rinses
  • Baggie/GHE
Now, after all of this I’m trying to figure out how I can squeeze in exfoliating my scalp, rice water and I might give the inversion method another try!

So I won’t feel alone in this, tell me…

  1. At times do you feel like you are doing the most for growth?
  2. How many growth aids/methods do you use?
  3. What growth aids/methods do you use?
  4. Do you think growth aids/methods work or do you think they are just a waste of time?
Is the Nzuri for your break month with the Phyto? Or, are you taking them both daily?

Good thread @charmtreese!

Currently, I'm using the X21 spray, but only while in Snoop Dogg braids.

I don't think of pre-pooing, tea rinses, and baggying as growth accelerants. Just hair care practices. Therefore, you're not doing the most.

Off to look up Nzuri products.
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Is the Nzuri for your break month with the Phyto? Or, are you taking them both daily?

Good thread @charmtreese!

Currently, I'm using the X21 spray, but only while in Snoop Dogg braids.

I don't think of pre-pooing, tea rinses, and baggying as growth accelerants. Just hair care practices. Therefore, you're not doing the most.

Off to look up Nzuri products.

Yes, I originally bought the Nzuri to use during my month off (which doesn't start until Sunday), however I couldn't wait and started using it a little early. It's taste horrible, not sure my gag reflexes can do another bottle. The owner of the company is a Trichologist and she states that you should take the liquid vitamins for at least 90 days to see results.

" I don't think of pre-pooing, tea rinses, and baggying as growth accelerants. Just hair care practices. Therefore, you're not doing the most."

Ok, well that's good to know. Because I was really feeling like I was going overboard.
My attention span is the worst.

I’m on the xcel bandwagon because I’ve seen it work for myself. I just had a newborn at the time and really thank God I have any hair because that shedding was the worst.

I’ve been caught up with the vitamins but again, there goes my attention span.

Right now I’m faithfully using Xcel and oils for my scalp.

“Right now”..... lolll
  1. At times do you feel like you are doing the most for growth? Absolutely. There was a time I was taking so many vitamins... sooo many it was just ridiculous and probably unhealthy. And the oils that had me walking around smelling like fried chicken + curry? :barf:
  2. How many growth aids/methods do you use? Currently I use one hair skin and nails vitamin. I do oil massages on my scalp as well so I believe that counts as a growth method, so that's 2.
  3. What growth aids/methods do you use? See answer 2.
  4. Do you think growth aids/methods work or do you think they are just a waste of time? I do not think they work. I think they have negligible results. Vitamins help my nails more than anything, which is the main reason I continue taking them, plus they have nutrients that I would seek to have in a multi-vitamin anyways. I'll rotate between a beauty or women's vitamin to get the nutrient combination that I know I should be taking for my health. My best hair growth consistently happens when I am physically active. Most of the time I'm not even eating that great, which is another time that the vitamins come in, but when I was running for half an hour every morning my hair grew to it's longest length. That was combined with cowashing to clean the sweat from my scalp every morning, and the occasional protective style. I have almost zero belief in topical growth aids. I do know that scalp oiling paired with massage can stimulate growth and this has always been a good habit for me, but I don't believe any chemical or nonorganic serum added to the scalp can truly do this. These products with DHT inhibitors are targetted more to wake up dead follicles - I'm unsure they actually effect a healthy head of hair.
I've tried the inversion method multiple times with zero results.

MTG and F.A.S.T are two of the only products that I *think* may have really made a difference, but one stinks to high heaven and the other has cones, which I will no longer use in my hair.

Lastly, my fear of losing hair after stopping (which is often encountered with DHT blockers) prevents me from using these types. Now, if you adjust this question for health and retention, yes, I go above and beyond to keep my ends alive. I'm aware that my hair grows rather average, and unlike most people it grows fastest in the winter. I have no problem getting my hair to grow, but keeping those ends is a STRUGGLE because I like cutting things :look:
I have tried many things since being on this board to get more growth. I haven't had any positive results from any of them that I can tell. Every now and then I notice some amazing growth in a month but nothing that last and nothing I can point to.

I have felt like I was doing the most for growth and not getting anywhere. However, I have been unwilling to try anything that I felt might have any type of side effects. I had terrible side effects from both biotin and sulfur and so that was the last time I did anything risky.
  1. At times do you feel like you are doing the most for growth? I have
  2. How many growth aids/methods do you use? None now
  3. What growth aids/methods do you use? None
  4. Do you think growth aids/methods work or do you think they are just a waste of time? I think growth aids and methods work for a minority of people. If growth aids worked well, people wouldn't try 4, 8, 20 different methods. With that said, I think people should still try some of them which they find reasonable. You never know what might work.