Does Your Man Receive Too Much Facebook Love? (article)

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Does Your Man Receive Too Much Facebook Love?

Once upon a time you were happy and “In a Relationship” on Facebook. And then . . . Wait for it . . . There it is: you started to notice how much attention his profile was receiving. Whether a flirtatious wall post, a compromising tagged photo, or you being exposed to his personal account—forms of seething jealousy were onward bound. And, as the story goes, it ripple waved into a dramatic showdown between you two. Your relationship status and emotional sentiments were eventually updated to “It’s Complicated. You two will surely break up in the near future. The End.

You aren’t the only one irked by your partner’s Facebook reception. Over 50% of surveyors admit to growing jealous and insecure in their relationship due to activity on Facebook. Perhaps this is because the entire Facebook experience is a hatchery for relational jealousy, ignited by a number of scenarios:

The Picture. A classic “Having the time of our lives” shot is added to his recent pictures: a party atmosphere gleaming with Jack-o-lantern smiles, sweat studded foreheads, and toasts to the photographer. L’chayim. He has that stretched goofy grin painted on his face, the one you know from personal experience, the one that only creeps out during the best of times. He’s happy, his boys are happy, but that chick—the one clutched to him in partial embrace—she’s extra happy and you sense something in her smile and eyes begging for full coverage.
Common Response: A lingering stare followed by a customary inquiry, “Who the F*@! Is she?” A neurotic brainstorm ensues as you scan through his pictures, rampage his friend list, and attempt to solve the mystery of the friendly female friend.

The Wall. A female you don’t recognize leaves “Thank you!” on his wall. Slightly invasive, but you can’t help but wonder what her thankfulness stems from. You don’t have access to her profile to pry as freely as you’d wish so you’re left idle, sitting behind your computer with nothing but pushy presumptuous thoughts. It could be innocent—maybe he wished her well on her birthday and she was thankful. Or maybe not so innocent—he complimented a picture of her clad in a little bit more than a birthday suit and, yes, she was thankful.
Common Response: You’re going to ask him about it or silently obsess about it. Either way, it has formed an impressionable wrinkle in your brain.

The Status. It’s a day when he’s clearly feeling himself, and his FB status proclaims it with ringing bells. His self-boast cries for attention: his 6 pack is upgrading to an 8; his promo at work is signed, sealed, and delivered; or he identifies with a particular Jay-Z quote that beats its chest with bravado. On cue, a stream of applause follows his update with congratulatory praise and a slew of “Like” clicks. Traditionally, some girl goes IN and leaves a comment that is the real world equivalent of a set of shimmying pom-poms and a high kick. He responds coyly and she serves again, this time with greater force. The volley continues, and, sure enough, a “wink” emoticon or inside joke is sure to surface any moment now . . . Wait for it . . . There it is.
Common Response: Disgust, lathered in suds of annoyance that will surely manifest indirectly in your future correspondence with him, a.k.a. “You will act the F*@! Up!”

The Poke List. It was accidental (or a keenly executed maneuver), but you snagged a glimpse of his poke list. A long list of blue highlighted names exposes a network of flirtatious admirers who wouldn’t mind a poke or prod from yours truly. While there is no obvious rationale behind your feelings of betrayal—they still stir.
Common Response: Irrationalized drama milli-steps away from BEEF.

Relationship Status. It’s no secret—in the real world you guys are an item. However, in the online sphere you’re unattached because he doesn’t want to write who he’s in a relationship with, or he chooses to exclude the relationship tab all together. It’s not that you necessarily need the online community to know that you two are chain-linked together; however, his opposition is undeniably sketchy.
Common Response: Drama.

Why Does Facebook Summon So Many Jealous Feelings?

Facebook is helium to the relationships on it; they’re susceptible to being gassed up and burst. By design, it’s voyeuristically invasive and encourages its participants to believe that their minor activities are monumental. Where else does declaring a night out with the girls solicit public commentary and is worthy of publication in a News Feed accessible to a 3rd of the world’s population? A matter of fact: Facebook does such an awesome job at mustering up sensationalism that people begin to view themselves and other people by their profile; our real life selves seem to fall short when measured up against the height of approval received by our online selves.

It is no wonder that all of the “love” that his profile lassos strikes so many nerves in you: it is marketed as big packages, and, naturally, you regard these packages as big deliveries. However, know better. Just because Facebook wants to act like the anti-Cupid, doesn’t mean you two have to be casualties of love. Successfully step above the neurotic jealousy trip that Facebook specializes in provoking.

Unless, that is, you’re just a jealous person. In which case, you should disregard this entire article.
Facebook has created a whole new dimension to relationships and building them and unfortunately not always for the better.
I haven't had any problems with facebook. But then again I didn't update my status until we were engaged and we decided to do it together....
but I can see how facebook could cause problems for people possibly...and/or magnify issues that are already there (and not just for you and your so,but others who are trying to "start" something. And also in reference to how your SO reacts to such situations, etc). But I guess it would just reveal (bring to light) the truth about the relationship. Meaning if your SO reacts in a negative manner, or is too flirtatious with someone...then you'll have to deal with it. If you are so paranoid about "winks,etc" then it will reveal your insecurites. A strong relationship should not have a problem even if others "try" to ignite a fire. Because it just wouldn't happen , to a healthy relationship based on love and mutual respect (where you have each other's back) no matter what they do.
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LOL This made me laugh because I've had all of those common responses and most of that stuff has happened between me and my ex boyfriend. In the end I figured I cared way too much and if I had any trust in him and confident/security in our relationship I wouldn't give a crap. He started labeling me as the crazy hulk girlfriend.
This is one of the reasons why I strongly believe you shouldn't be friends with your S.O. on Facebook. Just creates too much potential for relationship landmines.
I don't have an issue with DH's page...he's friends with my siblings, cousins, and my mother. I do notice that when he writes a status about me, how proud he is, etc......not a single person comments. I've no clue what that is about.
I don't have an issue with DH's page...he's friends with my siblings, cousins, and my mother. I do notice that when he writes a status about me, how proud he is, etc......not a single person comments. I've no clue what that is about.

He probably has the commenting feature turned off.
I don't really see Facebook causing problems, more like it can magnify or reveal issues that the relationship already had. Personally, we're open about everything...and I know my SO's passwords for everything, so I don't have to worry about any shady facebook dealings:sekret:
I don't have my status listed and my SO doesn't have his status listed, but I have seen it happen my guy friends who went from single to in a relationship\engaged\married. Women came out of the wood work to flirt with them all out in the open. While they were single not one woman was trying to hollar. I haven't see it happen with women though.

SO is a professor and some of his students are on his page, so he keeps it clean and not personal except for his work with the church. It is clear that he is a christian.
I laugh at anyone over 25 who looks to Facebook as an indication to the status or health of their relationship. :lol::lol:

Really?! It's FACEBOOK. I guess I just don't take Facebook that seriously...

ETA: I also laugh at anyone who uses "pokes", "sending drinks" and Farmville as a way of flirting online.
I laugh at anyone over 25 who looks to Facebook as an indication to the status or health of their relationship. :lol::lol:

Really?! It's FACEBOOK. I guess I just don't take Facebook that seriously...

ETA: I also laugh at anyone who uses "pokes", "sending drinks" and Farmville as a way of flirting online.
We're soooo there!
My friend has been with her SO for about 6 weeks and so much has happened in their relationship in regards to facebook it's unbelieveable. One of the first things is when her SO changed his status to "in a relationship" his friends were angry at him for making it public as they were going to Crete-Malia in the next couple weeks and were posting proper disgusting comments to piss of my girl. And she would call me upset talking about all the drama on facebook. That was just one issue.

In my opinion people wanting their significant other to update their relation staus is a sign of insercurity.
Another story that has happened to me is the past couple weeks. I went to Crete and fooled around with a guy on the beach in Crete and ended up going home back to London with his t-shirt. About a week later I went to return it to him as I live in North London and he lives in East. I chilled out with him for the day and he was acting odd with his facebook, he basically wouldn't add me. But I didn't find it a big deal cos I'm not really on it.
My friend calls me a few days later and tells me his profile is public, I go on it and it turns out he lied about being 1, yes 1 year older. And he has his girls profile tagged in his relationship status. I let him know that I know, and he's totally stopped talking to me. A couple days later he's boasting how his girl is the best in the world. He's lucky I'm not one of those girls that would message her. As I have too much information to be lying.

Anyway, if I'm in a relationship I wouldn't even have my man as a friend on facebook. If he was my friend prior to our relationship I would straight up delete him. I already know I'm a slightly in secure so I'd be looking at his profile a 100 times a day and I would be looking a the smallest comments and dwelling on them so I'd just save my self the hassle.
ETA: I also laugh at anyone who uses "pokes", "sending drinks" and Farmville as a way of flirting online.


I've never been poked on Facebook...LOL

Interesting article, it really accents the insecurities in a persons relationship if they read that much into it.
Does Your Man Receive Too Much Facebook Love?

Once upon a time you were happy and “In a Relationship” on Facebook. And then . . . Wait for it . . . There it is: you started to notice how much attention his profile was receiving. Whether a flirtatious wall post, a compromising tagged photo, or you being exposed to his personal account—forms of seething jealousy were onward bound. And, as the story goes, it ripple waved into a dramatic showdown between you two. Your relationship status and emotional sentiments were eventually updated to “It’s Complicated. You two will surely break up in the near future. The End.

You aren’t the only one irked by your partner’s Facebook reception. Over 50% of surveyors admit to growing jealous and insecure in their relationship due to activity on Facebook. Perhaps this is because the entire Facebook experience is a hatchery for relational jealousy, ignited by a number of scenarios:

The Picture. A classic “Having the time of our lives” shot is added to his recent pictures: a party atmosphere gleaming with Jack-o-lantern smiles, sweat studded foreheads, and toasts to the photographer. L’chayim. He has that stretched goofy grin painted on his face, the one you know from personal experience, the one that only creeps out during the best of times. He’s happy, his boys are happy, but that chick—the one clutched to him in partial embrace—she’s extra happy and you sense something in her smile and eyes begging for full coverage.
Common Response: A lingering stare followed by a customary inquiry, “Who the F*@! Is she?” A neurotic brainstorm ensues as you scan through his pictures, rampage his friend list, and attempt to solve the mystery of the friendly female friend.

The Wall. A female you don’t recognize leaves “Thank you!” on his wall. Slightly invasive, but you can’t help but wonder what her thankfulness stems from. You don’t have access to her profile to pry as freely as you’d wish so you’re left idle, sitting behind your computer with nothing but pushy presumptuous thoughts. It could be innocent—maybe he wished her well on her birthday and she was thankful. Or maybe not so innocent—he complimented a picture of her clad in a little bit more than a birthday suit and, yes, she was thankful.
Common Response: You’re going to ask him about it or silently obsess about it. Either way, it has formed an impressionable wrinkle in your brain.

The Status. It’s a day when he’s clearly feeling himself, and his FB status proclaims it with ringing bells. His self-boast cries for attention: his 6 pack is upgrading to an 8; his promo at work is signed, sealed, and delivered; or he identifies with a particular Jay-Z quote that beats its chest with bravado. On cue, a stream of applause follows his update with congratulatory praise and a slew of “Like” clicks. Traditionally, some girl goes IN and leaves a comment that is the real world equivalent of a set of shimmying pom-poms and a high kick. He responds coyly and she serves again, this time with greater force. The volley continues, and, sure enough, a “wink” emoticon or inside joke is sure to surface any moment now . . . Wait for it . . . There it is.
Common Response: Disgust, lathered in suds of annoyance that will surely manifest indirectly in your future correspondence with him, a.k.a. “You will act the F*@! Up!”

The Poke List. It was accidental (or a keenly executed maneuver), but you snagged a glimpse of his poke list. A long list of blue highlighted names exposes a network of flirtatious admirers who wouldn’t mind a poke or prod from yours truly. While there is no obvious rationale behind your feelings of betrayal—they still stir.
Common Response: Irrationalized drama milli-steps away from BEEF.

Relationship Status. It’s no secret—in the real world you guys are an item. However, in the online sphere you’re unattached because he doesn’t want to write who he’s in a relationship with, or he chooses to exclude the relationship tab all together. It’s not that you necessarily need the online community to know that you two are chain-linked together; however, his opposition is undeniably sketchy.
Common Response: Drama.

OMG I totally LMBAO at this post:lachen:
But it does happen and not only on facebook. It happens on more profile sites. And it happens indeed because the online world is becoming part of the real world. Here in the Netherlands you also see, more and more, that couples didn't first meet in the real world, but they met online through some profile site.