Does Your Hair Type Determine Your Growth Rate?


New Member
I was wondering, I notice that someone can get very good growth in 6 months and someone else will get the same amount of growth but it took them 1 year or so.

With that said, do yu think that your hair type determine your growth rate. Why or Why not?
I really believe that people of all races, hair types and textures get around the same amount of growth a year

But i do think that it may be easier to retain the hair you are growing and already have on your hair the less curly, or less dry your hair is.
And i also think people who have no chemicals on their hair can retain hair easier.
IMO, No. I dont have any evidence to prove it but logically it doesnt make sense to me that one hair type grows faster than other. now it may seem that way becayuse the looser the curl the less dry the hair is and it is easier for it to retain length because it is not as dry as someone who has a tighter curl pattern.
I really believe that people of all races, hair types and textures get around the same amount of growth a year

But i do think that it may be easier to retain the hair you are growing and already have on your hair the less curly, or less dry your hair is.
And i also think people who have no chemicals on their hair can retain hair easier.[/quote]

I absoultely agree with the bold. I underlined part i have heard sometimes when ladies are transitioning for the first time.
No. One of my white co-workers started growing her Anita Baker style haircut out in June and her hair is currently longer than mine :perplexed I have 4a fine hair

another lady with a different texture hair (1c?) has a slower rate of growth. We cut our hair at the same time and mine is currently THICKER than hers, however hers is slightly longer.
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No. I do think that everyone's growth rate is different, and that has to do with genetics, diet and overall health. There are people on this forum whose hair grows much faster than mine, and we all have about the same hair type.
From time to time, this question arises and for me, I think it definitely depends on the individual. Speaking for myself, I've noticed that contrary to the belief that Types 1, 2 and 3 grow faster than Type 4, I've noticed that:

My Type 4 areas, which are the crown and the back, grow at a much faster rate than my Type 3 areas, namely the front and sides.
IMO, some textures may show length better and may be able to retain length easier, but I don't think texture determines how fast hair grows.

I think hair growth is related more to an individual person's metabolism, genetics, internal health, etc.
I don't think it does...I could be wrong but the women in my family all have long hair and that's the only thing we have in common. We all have very, very different hair types.
I don't think hair type affects gorwth, however, I do think the looser the hair type, the easier to retain, (oily vs. dry, pen spring curl vs.looser waves)
No. I do think that everyone's growth rate is different, and that has to do with genetics, diet and overall health. There are people on this forum whose hair grows much faster than mine, and we all have about the same hair type.

I agree with Cheleigh, there is more than one factor that determines your hair growth rate. There is no set standard or timeline.
I think that growth rate depends on the person and NOT the texture.

BUT, growth may be more easily detected on looser textures, because the kinkier textures grow out, instead of down.
sorry, it seemed like I abandoned this thread, life's a little hectic.

I want to thank you all for clearing this up for me. I must say that I didn't know that your curl pattern or lack there of determines your moisture retention.

Thank you all for clearing this up for me.
I was wondering, I notice that someone can get very good growth in 6 months and someone else will get the same amount of growth but it took them 1 year or so.

With that said, do yu think that your hair type determine your growth rate. Why or Why not?

I think it possibly can because my 4a sections seem to grow much faster than the 3c and on top of all this, 3c curls are the hardest to tame with a relaxer.:ohwell:
I really believe that people of all races, hair types and textures get around the same amount of growth a year

But i do think that it may be easier to retain the hair you are growing and already have on your hair the less curly, or less dry your hair is.
And i also think people who have no chemicals on their hair can retain hair easier.

I disagree. I think that some of us with Natural hair have a harder time retaining length because natural hair is more delicate. I know with me, my hair never gets below my neck, regardless of what texture it is.
I think that growth rate depends on the person and NOT the texture.

BUT, growth may be more easily detected on looser textures, because the kinkier textures grow out, instead of down.

I so agree with this. And that's another mistake that we keep doing to our hair. Pulling it in a direction that it naturally does not grow in.

It's easier to not notice this on relaxed hair, but I see so many people on various websites, including this one that like 4b and say they want MBL or WSL, unstretched. I'm like, do these people know how much hair that actually would be? To hang down like that?
I disagree. I think that some of us with Natural hair have a harder time retaining length because natural hair is more delicate. I know with me, my hair never gets below my neck, regardless of what texture it is.

You disagree with the part that someone who has natural hair may be able to retain length faster than someone who has chemicals?

Natural hair is always going to be healthier than someone who has a relaxer or any chemical on their head. So if you have delicate hair, its going to be even worse if you have a relaxer, a relaxer isnt going to make delicate hair stronger.......
Black hair is naturally more delicate most of the time than other races because of the fact that it is more dry and because of the curl pattern.

Natural hair might tangle up more than relaxed hair, and you cant treat it the same as relaxed hair as far as combing and brushing it if it has a tight curl pattern and isnt straightened at the time, but most of the time relaxed hair needs way more protein, moisture, overall attention, and breaks easier.

If your hair cant get below neck regardless of what texture it is in, it might be genetic, but most people can grow their hair at least 18" long. Maybe you just havent found the right routine, products, and figured out the way your hair likes to be handeled what it can and cannot take.
Some people have really delicate hair regardless and only comb it 1x a week and leave it alone as much as possible because of that.
I was wondering, I notice that someone can get very good growth in 6 months and someone else will get the same amount of growth but it took them 1 year or so.

With that said, do yu think that your hair type determine your growth rate. Why or Why not?

I can't believe that hair type determines growth rate. My SO has 4zzzzz hair and it grows like a weed, and so do some I know with type 2 and 3 hair, so it has to depend on other factors, not hair type.
You disagree with the part that someone who has natural hair may be able to retain length faster than someone who has chemicals?

Natural hair is always going to be healthier than someone who has a relaxer or any chemical on their head. So if you have delicate hair, its going to be even worse if you have a relaxer, a relaxer isnt going to make delicate hair stronger.......
Black hair is naturally more delicate most of the time than other races because of the fact that it is more dry and because of the curl pattern.

Natural hair might tangle up more than relaxed hair, and you cant treat it the same as relaxed hair as far as combing and brushing it if it has a tight curl pattern and isnt straightened at the time, but most of the time relaxed hair needs way more protein, moisture, overall attention, and breaks easier.

If your hair cant get below neck regardless of what texture it is in, it might be genetic, but most people can grow their hair at least 18" long. Maybe you just havent found the right routine, products, and figured out the way your hair likes to be handeled what it can and cannot take.
Some people have really delicate hair regardless and only comb it 1x a week and leave it alone as much as possible because of that.

Yes I agree with what I said. That's a misconception that Natural hair is "stronger" than hair that is not natural. Natural hair is very delicate, especially Type 4 textures. That's why lots of women with natural hair, (not on this board) for years stay at the same short length because they are still mishandling their hair. Just because your hair is natural does not mean that it will automatically retain length faster.

As far as genetics, all the women in my family on my mother's side have long hair. And I know NOW why my hair hasn't been retaining length. Sometimes, regardless of genetics, there are other factors that will influence the growth or retention of your hair.
Yes I agree with what I said. That's a misconception that Natural hair is "stronger" than hair that is not natural. Natural hair is very delicate, especially Type 4 textures. That's why lots of women with natural hair, (not on this board) for years stay at the same short length because they are still mishandling their hair. Just because your hair is natural does not mean that it will automatically retain length faster.

As far as genetics, all the women in my family on my mother's side have long hair. And I know NOW why my hair hasn't been retaining length. Sometimes, regardless of genetics, there are other factors that will influence the growth or retention of your hair.

No---i wasnt saying natural hair is stronger or that it would retain length faster because of that....natural hair is healthier than hair that has chemicals on it, it has more protien, more moisture---thats what makse it stronger than someone with a relaxer.
Women on this board natural, and non-natural grow their hair long in about the same amount of time.
Women on the street, natural, and non-natural stay at the same length for years. It has nothing at all to do with if you are natural or relaxed. Those women dont know how to take care of their hair. Them not growin their hair has nothing to do with them being natural, and their hair being more delicate than someone with a relaxer.

You have to learn how to handle your hair whether it is relaxed or natural---they both require different things. But healthier hair is going to be easier to retain once you have the proper techniques down for your hair texture, type ect.

The reason i said that maybe the reason your hair has been Neck Length for so long was because of genticts, is because you said your hair has remained neck length no matter what texture it was in.....and i took that to mean natural or relaxed. If you were taking care of your hair, like it appeared that you were emplying, and it still wasnt growing, and there werent any other problems that would affect your growth or rention---than i suggest maybe it was genetic because the average person can grow their hair long.