Does your hair affect your mood?


Active Member
Is it just me or does your hair affect your mood. When my hair is down healthy and straight I feel on top of the world but when I have to wear it up / have dry split ends I never feel quite the same.

I HATE wearing my hair up but I know I have to (am currently wearing protective styles) to grow my hair. I have been protective styling for about 3 months now and airdrying for the last two weeks.

I just can't wait to reach my goal and enjoy long bra-strap, healthy hair...

Anyone else feel the same?
Heck yeah it does! Whenever I get that once-in-a-blue-moon good hair day, you can't tell me nuthing. I swear the whole day feels like I'm in a shampoo commercial or something. Now if I can just get that to happen more than once a month, I'll be good to go :lol:
YES! I've been daling with jacked up hair for a week and thanks to the foot of snow outside, I will have to deal with it for another week. I am MISERABLE! :mad:
My hair does affect my mood. Right now I have like two inches of new growth and my hair puffs out in the back because I need a touchup so bad so I will be in a bad mood until I get my touchup.
Cxshortie said:
My hair does affect my mood. Right now I have like two inches of new growth and my hair puffs out in the back because I need a touchup so bad so I will be in a bad mood until I get my touchup.

I can relate to this. I find it annoying when my hair won't do what I want. This happens mainly at touch-up time and it's probably because of the two different textures I have to deal with. Different textures in terms of my hair types and different textures in terms of chemically processed and 8-9 weeks of natural hair.
It most definately affects my mood. When my hair is jacked up, I feel invisible.
I also HATE having to wear my hair up or in ponytail and try to avoid it as much as possible.
It soooo does. When my hair is curly and wild I am more relaxed and chill, almost lazy. When it's up I feel a little boring and not as cute. That's usually my "I'm in the house all day hair." When it's flat ironed (bone straight) I feel sexy, sexy. :p
OT: Slyver2, ump, ump, ump! I checked your fotki account and I am sitting here salivating over your hair! My goodness it is beautiful :)
AudraChanell said:
OT: Slyver2, ump, ump, ump! I checked your fotki account and I am sitting here salivating over your hair! My goodness it is beautiful :) 13 weeks post relaxer your hair is looking great...and it looks like you and your girl had a ball!
I think it does, when I am having a good hair day I feel like I just stepped off a runway and I am in the best mood. When my hair is not doing what I want it to do I feel down and ugly. I know that's silly but it's true.
AudraChanell said:
OT: Slyver2, ump, ump, ump! I checked your fotki account and I am sitting here salivating over your hair! My goodness it is beautiful :)

AudraChanell & Lorraine Thank You:kiss:

We did have a ball out that night. Hair made it through dancing good. I don't get out much, so when it happens, try to close the place down:cheers::yay:
Definitely. Straightness isn't a factor for me as my hair looks better curly these days....but having it look right definitely affects my mood. Without question!

I'm a mean sommoma....when it's not looking right! :lol:
I think it affects my mood as well.

I feel ya' about the protective styling to grow out your hair. Wearing buns can get so boring. I also look like a little teenage girl wearing buns as well.

I'm thinking about going back to rollersets once a week after I take this weave out of my hair.
I'm not great at styling my hair so I feel good when it's neat! I feel so ugly when my hair flattens out from humidity or I have lumps all up and through my bun from too much new growth...etc

My hair is super coarse getting it straight and flowing is not an option w/o serious heat...I accept that. I just want it to look neat especially when I am at work. I can't stand that one of the sister's at my job always looks a mess. Her hair looks horrendous every single day...brassy peroxide blond streaks...breakage..dried out...I shiver thinking about it.

When my hair looks sloppy I feel like less of a woman for some reason. :confused:
I don't want my hair to affect my mood.

Since I came to LHCF and learned about protective styling, airdrying, etc., I've been looking for ways to have good hair days as much as possible, whether my hair is worn up or down. I don't know many styles but I do have backup hairstyles just in case my hair looks a hot mess. Usually, that works very well and I feel great.
In the worst case scenario (which hardly happens anymore), I'l throw on my pretty snood. Can't have a bad hair day with that.
My hair is affecting my mood, I remember a few months back that would always be down, shiney and bone straight with a cute fringe (You USA ladies call it a bang)
I was more confident about my hair and the way I looked then,
However the only reason it was like this was because it was over processed by relaxers, blown by hair dryers, then flatten to death by thermo straigthners, and that shine that I had was actually the fact that my hair was burnt!!!. It never grew a inch
I have jst had a big cut that I needed, I dont wear my hair down, and with 6 weeks of regrowth( Not relaxing for another 6 weeks) The only style I can have is a bun. My bun has about 3 cm of hair coming out of it LOL
Which is a bit boring. I think that people now look at me and think what the hell is she doing to her hair.
Looking around this board at before and after shots has kept me motivated. Hopefully in a few months I will have that smile put back on my face !!!
missbobbie said:
I think it does, when I am having a good hair day I feel like I just stepped off a runway and I am in the best mood. When my hair is not doing what I want it to do I feel down and ugly. I know that's silly but it's true.

I feel the exact same way.
I was doing a search for something else and this thread pooped up.

This is how I'm feeling today. Got my hair done Saturday and was rushed when I left the salon. Didn't quite care for it, but figured I'd go home and play in it. Didn't get the chance. I am not feeling my hair and my mood is real salty.
It's the reverse for me. If I'm in a good mood I make an effort w/my hair. If not, or if I'm tired, then my hair gets slapped up in a crappy updo and I make no effort.
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If I dont like how my hair looks then Im in a bad mood and wont want to leave the house. I dont wear ponytails so I just cant slick my hair back and keep it moving; it has to be in some state of decency.
Hell yeah. Especially if you have to make an impression that day or if you are going to be out for a while and seeing people including attractive men.

If I don't feel my whole look is on point, including my hair I am not very confident and a lot more self conscious.
Yes! This has summed it up for me. I felt ugly because I have not found a way to make my hair look good. I am trying to cure that feeling, though.
When I can't get to my hair and nourish it with a wash to refresh it, I feel it then. I think our mood swing and how our hair looks all inter twine.
Definitely! I tried a new combo and my hair was moisurized, shiney and full of body with minimal effort. I was sexy and I knew it, lol!! I was in a good mood all day!!
It most definately affects my mood. When my hair is jacked up, I feel invisible.
I also HATE having to wear my hair up or in ponytail and try to avoid it as much as possible.

OMG me too. But not only hair. When i don't look cute my mood goes down hill.
Sure, but what I usually realize is that my hair is looking just fine and I will perceive it as being bad looking. I will proceed to feel awful until someone tells me how awesome my hair looks, onto which I will start to feel pretty darn good.