Does your family think you're crazy??


New Member
So, since deciding that my hair needed more attention than it was getting in order for it to become as thick and healthy as it can possibly be and that I wanted to find a natural remedy for my thin temple area and nape, I've joined the forum, and I have spend a considerable amount of time researching various growth aids, hair care regimens, vitamin supplements, etc. Some of the information I've shared with my mother (who is also natural, but doesn't have my problem with thin edges). Mom seemed to be relatively supportive of my goal for thicker, healthier hair using alternative means.

However, today, I was sitting at my computer and my mom came in. I said "Hi", she said "hi" and then she starts patting me on my back. All of a sudden, she asked me, "Are you putting bleach in your hair?" (i.e to grow it out) I'm like "Huh?" And then it dawned on me that, after cleaning the toilet, I had left the bleach on the bathroom sink, coincidentally right next to the spray bottle of distilled water and rosemary/lavender oil I had just made. I guess she thought that I had read about some hair remedy on the Internet that required bleach. LOL

After assuring my mom that I wouldn't be using any caustic chemicals to grow my hair out, she said, "well just don't start obsessing over your hair" to which I replied, "don't start obsessing that I might be obsessing over my hair." So, we had a good laugh over that one.

I was wondering, for those of you whose family knows about your hair journey, do you have any family members that suspect you of doing really off the wall, CRAZY things to grow out your hair? I'm not talking about MTG or Monistat, because as far as I know, both of those products have ingredients that might be beneficial to hair based on research. I'm referring to them asking you things such as, "Are you putting bleach in your hair?"
However, today, I was sitting at my computer and my mom came in. I said "Hi", she said "hi" and then she starts patting me on my back. All of a sudden, she asked me, "Are you putting bleach in your hair?" (i.e to grow it out) I'm like "Huh?" And then it dawned on me that, after cleaning the toilet, I had left the bleach on the bathroom sink, coincidentally right next to the spray bottle of distilled water and rosemary/lavender oil I had just made. I guess she thought that I had read about some hair remedy on the Internet that required bleach. LOL

Ok, so I bust out laughing at this.

Yes, they thought I was crazy :spinning:, but after seeing the results not any more :eyebrows2
if they knew half of the things i do they'd probably think i was obsessing, my mom did find some hair products that came to the house for me, but if she knew about the hair photos for my fotki, the mtg for horses that i used to use. the massages. one time i was lounging watching tv with my full head baggy on under my scarf and my guy friend patted me on the head and i heard the crunching of the plastic. i dont know if he heard it or not. it was crazy. i was sweating bullets. dont know if he heard it, but i was pretty embarassed.
My boyfriend and my mother think I am insane so I don't even talk to them about it anymore. So, now, when they ask what have I been doing to my hair, I tell them where to go :rolleyes:
I still haven't shared my fotki with my closest friend or sisters:perplexed..Somethings are just best kept to our selves. Now I have shared all my tips , learned information and products...but beyond that , I think they would question my sanity:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Well some of my extended family MAY- I keep making everyone coming from America to buy me Monistat:spinning: or dom products and now curlformers- its beginning to get to "so what hair product should I buy you?" problem is, my birthday's coming round and I would NOT be amused to get 14 tubs of conditioner:ohwell: However a good standing dryer would work
Today 07:36 PMdrasgrlNo because no one knows. I keep my hair obsession on the DL :sekret:

I agree drasgrl~ Don't feel like explaining. Although my SO thought when i was Fotki stalking, i was looking at porn :lachen::lachen:. And everytime i buy something new he says my hair is gonna fall out. I just chuckle cause once i relax/straighten my hair he'll be all over it. Right now he thinks i got it cut because of the shrinkage from stretching and I've been wearing it curly. :lachen:
For Real????

Well.... Ummm... Yes... My Mom lives with me now and once my stockpile of products began to appear, she expressed her concern. That maybe mixing so many things wasn't a good idea. I don't know what she's going to say when my PIBBS arrives !!! LOL

I personally have never let what others think or say stop me from doing what I feel I should be doing.(Especially if it's been prayerfully considered)
Entering into LHCF has taught me so many things!!! I've learned what I been doing wrong and what I've doing right for my hair. I'm inspired for great, healthy hair.
IT'S ON!!!
My man thinks that I am nuts because I met this girl with BEAUTIFUL hair-she told me that 2 years ago she started eating foods with sulfur in them mainly garlic and onions and thats how her hair got so shiny and long....
O.K so I started eating PLENTY of onions and my man keeps on telling me that I smell and that I'm crazy....The onion smell is coming out of EVERY part of my body and my honey is NOT diggin that.
What's a girl to do?:lachen:
noone knoes about me and my hair obsession...
i love keeping it a secret and every one staring in amazement as my hair grows:grin:
No, because I don't talk about my haircare with them. My mom looks at me in amazement when I wear my hair down because she knows as a kid my hair never got past scraggly neck length. Most of the women in my family have jacked up hair, so I am waiting for the day when someone asks me what I am doing so I can help them with their haircare. As of right now, I am using the "don't ask, don't tell" method.:ohwell:
My family and all my friends know!!! Some think Im crazy, some support me and some are still very confused by it all. When Im really into something it's hard for me to keep in quiet!!!! My mom use to pick at me ALL the time (well...she still does), however now Im washing her hair on the weekly basis and she's always asking for advice on the sneak tip. My dad is even wanting to know how to thicken is slooowly thinning hair! :lachen:

My mom calls all my products "oils" even if its a conditioner or a's always..."she's putting her "oils" in her head" or "you buying more "oils", that's why you never have any money!". Plus whenever I spend the night at her house she always peeping around the bathroom corner to see what Im doing to my hair, so that she can pick on me later about it!!:rolleyes: I think it's cute and use to annoy me, but Im okay with it now!!
For Real????

Well.... Ummm... Yes... My Mom lives with me now and once my stockpile of products began to appear, she expressed her concern. That maybe mixing so many things wasn't a good idea. I don't know what she's going to say when my PIBBS arrives !!! LOL

I personally have never let what others think or say stop me from doing what I feel I should be doing.(Especially if it's been prayerfully considered)
Entering into LHCF has taught me so many things!!! I've learned what I been doing wrong and what I've doing right for my hair. I'm inspired for great, healthy hair.
IT'S ON!!!

LOL! Yes, my mom lives with me, too. She's often here when the mail arrives, so she's seen the numerous boxes that have been arriving lately. I think, in the future, I'm just going to try to keep my hair care regimen/products to myself. The only person who seems to really understand, without freaking out, is my grandmother.

However, when my hair starts sprouting like a weed, and my family starts to inquire as to how my hair got so thick and healthy, perhaps, then I'll explain.

Sometimes...sometimes, it's easier to persuade people that baggying, co washes, washing at least once a week, spraying with water and sealing with natural oils, etc. aren't really such crazy/terrible things, but designed to enhance the natural shine, texture, moisture of black hair. I'd say that, in a lot of cases, family members get caught up in hair "myths", such as black people shouldn't wash their hair more than once a month, should "grease" their scalps, etc., which makes them less receptive to alternate methods.

As well as obtaining a healthy, thick head of hair, I'm hoping that I'll lead by example, and encourage my female family members to make healthier, smarter choices regarding their hair care.
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they definitely think im nutty. my mom swears my hair is gonna fall out b/c i wash it more than once every other week and my cousin and sister rolls their eyes and always have to make a stank comment when i mention the forum. (they think u guys are a bunch of lesbians) so now i dont say anything at all.
LOL! Yes, my mom lives with me, too. She's often here when the mail arrives, so she's seen the numerous boxes that have been arriving lately. I think, in the future, I'm just going to try to keep my hair care regimen/products to myself. The only person who seems to really understand, without freaking out, is my grandmother.

However, when my hair starts sprouting like a weed, and my family starts to inquire as to how my hair got so thick and healthy, perhaps, then I'll explain.

Sometimes...sometimes, it's easier to persuade people that baggying, co washes, washing at least once a week, spraying with water and sealing with natural oils, etc. aren't really such crazy/terrible things, but designed to enhance the natural shine, texture, moisture of black hair. I'd say that, in a lot of cases, family members get caught up in hair "myths", such as black people shouldn't wash their hair more than once a month, should "grease" their scalps, etc., which makes them less receptive to alternate methods.

As well as obtaining a healthy, thick head of hair, I'm hoping that I'll lead by example, and encourage my female family members to make healthier, smarter choices regarding their hair care.

ITA.... I'll try to keep it more on the DL. But so far I haven't run and told anyone else. Not even a hint!
You are sooo blessed to have your Gram; mine passed a decade ago and she was my inspiration (as well as my first hair idol).
My mom is a hair grease rebel! lol She simple refuses to put anything thick or heavy on her hair. Because as a child she had no choice; she really didn't understand me desire to put sulphur in my hair!!
But she didn't object to me oiling her hair and massaging her scalp with my EVOO, Grapeseed, Jojoba, Emu, rosemary, lavender,& peppermint oil concoction now did she? Hmmmm
yeah, they :rolleyes: at me when i started transitioning and stopped using heat. they thought i was lying it when i said i was gonna cut off all my hair. :look: then when i did, they thought i'd lost my mind. they all told me i looked very cute with short hair but that i would regret it and it would probably never grow long again. and of course my mom hated my hair.

by the time i celebrated my 2nd BC anniversary, they didn't think i was so crazy. but still they thought that was the end of my journey. a year later my hair has grown even longer, i'm helping my sis transition and my family wants to see my Fotki (my SO told on me, he let them know i take pics all the time :lachen: ).

like i've always said... i can show you better than i can tell you. i can talk until i'm blue in the face about something... nobody cares. :yawn: i can keep it to myself and show you results... everyone and their mama wants the scoop on how i did it. :yep:

(they think u guys are a bunch of lesbians)

i'm curious to know, wth does our sexual orientation have to do with anything on a hairsite?
yeah, they :rolleyes: at me when i started transitioning and stopped using heat. they thought i was lying it when i said i was gonna cut off all my hair. :look: then when i did, they thought i'd lost my mind. they all told me i looked very cute with short hair but that i would regret it and it would probably never grow long again. and of course my mom hated my hair.

by the time i celebrated my 2nd BC anniversary, they didn't think i was so crazy. but still they thought that was the end of my journey. a year later my hair has grown even longer, i'm helping my sis transition and my family wants to see my Fotki (my SO told on me, he let them know i take pics all the time :lachen: ).

like i've always said... i can show you better than i can tell you. i can talk until i'm blue in the face about something... nobody cares. :yawn: i can keep it to myself and show you results... everyone and their mama wants the scoop on how i did it. :yep:


I agree. Actions and results speak much louder than words. I'll just continue doing what I'm doing.
Yes! The other night while I was cooking some shrimp curry with coconut milk, my DH asked me was I making dinner or was I making something else to put in my hair :ohwell:
Yes! The other night while I was cooking some shrimp curry with coconut milk, my DH asked me was I making dinner or was I making something else to put in my hair :ohwell:

LOL! Well, I can say that my boyfriend hasn't suspected/accused me of anything questionable regarding my hair...lately.

Shrimp curry sounds delicious. :lick:
mother keeps pressing me out to go to the salon and to get a relaxer. . . i need a way to POLITELY tell my mother "if YOU knew what u were during, i wouldn't be 22 and damn near bald. . .and &*^%$ your stylist!!!!!!! not giving her $60 for an $8 relaxer, $4 worth of rollers, and COUNTLESS split ends". like I seriously be ready to just lose my mind, like LEAVE ME ALONE!!! u didn't pay this much attention when i was slowly balding. :lachen:but she is always getting on me for buying so much stuff for my hair. . . had to tell her last week, "pink oil moisturizer and a fine tooth comb wasn't cutting it, that's why i went a bought all that stuff". and my friend is always asking me what new stuff did I buy. . . I want to say, your hair looks like, crap if u bought some stuff. . . then maybe, JUST MAYBE. . .

I had coconut milk & lime in the fridge and my mother asked if it was sour cream. I said i'm putting it in my hair. she says you are putting sour cream in your hair? I was like UGH no!!!! and walked off. and she yelled up the stairs, well what the hell is it then? i said coconut and lime. she says well can I eat it then.
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Yeah my mom & sis thought I was crazy in the beginning for cutting off my long relaxed hair(I'll be 3 yrs natural in a few weeks). Now, most product I buy my mom wants to try i.e. jbco and coconut oil and now aloe plant & gel. :grin: she even puts aloe on her feet to keep them moisturized between pedicures:grin: My sis makes like she can't be bothered to do my niece's hair (she wants me to do it lol). But, my sis hasn't totally jump on cuz she still uses that darn curling iron erryday (i'm working on her though).
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mother keeps pressing me out to go to the salon and to get a relaxer. . . i need a way to POLITELY tell my mother "if YOU knew what u were during, i wouldn't be 22 and damn near bald. . .and &*^%$ your stylist!!!!!!! not giving her $60 for an $8 relaxer, $4 worth of rollers, and COUNTLESS split ends". like I seriously be ready to just lose my mind, like LEAVE ME ALONE!!! u didn't pay this much attention when i was slowly balding. :lachen:but she is always getting on me for buying so much stuff for my hair. . . had to tell her last week, "pink oil moisturizer and a fine tooth comb wasn't cutting it, that's why i went a bought all that stuff". and my friend is always asking me what new stuff did I buy. . . I want to say, your hair looks like, crap if u bought some stuff. . . then maybe, JUST MAYBE. . .

I had coconut milk & lime in the fridge and my mother asked if it was sour cream. I said i'm putting it in my hair. she says you are putting sour cream in your hair? I was like UGH no!!!! and walked off. and she yelled up the stairs, well what the hell is it then? i said coconut and lime. she says well can I eat it then.

Stay strong, belle. I'm sure she thinks that she's helping you. That's what moms do. When your hair starts to rebound and becomes thicker and healthier, you'll probably find that as opposed to criticizing everything you did/do to keep it that way, she'll be asking you for hair advice. :yep:

Resist the nagging from your mom to get a relaxer, if you're serious about going natural. I hacked off all of my hair when I was 21, because I was sick of my hair looking thin and lifeless and I was sick of giving stylists my money to jack up my hair. Now, if I had found this forum a couple years ago, my hair would be a lot healthier now. But, better late than never. It's never to late to start a good, solid hair regimen.
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This is so funny because I just had an encounter last night. Last night I straightened my hair and ended up washing it because I didn't like it and I wanted my coils back. My mom was watching me throughout the evening and finally she said, "you and that hair of yours" and she gave me "the look." She thought that I spent too much time worrying and trying new things to my hair. After I assured her that I'm actually better than ever (because of my epiphany) she said "remember it's only hair."

I think that once my hair hits BSL she won't make comments anymore. And as for my other friends, they think I'm crazy too but again results will make them zip it I'm sure.
This is so funny because I just had an encounter last night. Last night I straightened my hair and ended up washing it because I didn't like it and I wanted my coils back. My mom was watching me throughout the evening and finally she said, "you and that hair of yours" and she gave me "the look." She thought that I spent too much time worrying and trying new things to my hair. After I assured her that I'm actually better than ever (because of my epiphany) she said "remember it's only hair."

I think that once my hair hits BSL she won't make comments anymore. And as for my other friends, they think I'm crazy too but again results will make them zip it I'm sure.

My mom said that, too! LOL
mother keeps pressing me out to go to the salon and to get a relaxer. . . i need a way to POLITELY tell my mother "if YOU knew what u were during, i wouldn't be 22 and damn near bald. . .and &*^%$ your stylist!!!!!!! not giving her $60 for an $8 relaxer, $4 worth of rollers, and COUNTLESS split ends". like I seriously be ready to just lose my mind, like LEAVE ME ALONE!!! u didn't pay this much attention when i was slowly balding. :lachen:but she is always getting on me for buying so much stuff for my hair. . . had to tell her last week, "pink oil moisturizer and a fine tooth comb wasn't cutting it, that's why i went a bought all that stuff". and my friend is always asking me what new stuff did I buy. . . I want to say, your hair looks like, crap if u bought some stuff. . . then maybe, JUST MAYBE. . .

I had coconut milk & lime in the fridge and my mother asked if it was sour cream. I said i'm putting it in my hair. she says you are putting sour cream in your hair? I was like UGH no!!!! and walked off. and she yelled up the stairs, well what the hell is it then? i said coconut and lime. she says well can I eat it then.

This is how I feel too belle, my mother doesn't pressure me about a relaxer, but she always makes comments about me obsessing with my hair. I feel that I wouldn't have this problem if she would've never given me a relaxer lol! Once our hair is floating down our backs our mothers will be silenced. :yep: