Does taking Biotin mean you will have a beard?

My Friend

New Member
I decided to give biotin a try to see what effects it would have on my hair:yep: Well, after just 3 weeks I'm not only starting to have adult acne but my sides burn are coming in strong:look: I guess the acne is a sign of not enough water intake and the beard/ sideburns means that biotin does make hair grow :spinning:

I've decided to get a peel, shave and step away from the biotin for now.
Yeah, biotin will make you hairy everywhere else too. I haven't been having problems with facial hair or acne (thank goodness) but I do need to shave more often.
I had to quit biotin when I started developing mutton chops (think wolverine from x-men) and had to get my face waxed.:lachen:
I had to quit biotin when I started developing mutton chops (think wolverine from x-men) and had to get my face waxed.:lachen:

Girl me too:lachen: I couldn't understand why my moisturizer was not absorbing into my face on the side, I got closer to the mirror and realized my new sideburns were blocking it:blush: I have baby hair all the way down to my chin, lookout Latoya Jackson:lachen:
My initial reaction: :lachen::lachen::lachen:

But in all seriousness, how much are you taking? What are you taking it with? I have been taking 1000 mcg daily for 2 months and have not noticed an increase in hair growth anywhere except my head. I take mine with meals and soda but I will probably be switching to juice soon.
My initial reaction: :lachen::lachen::lachen:

But in all seriousness, how much are you taking? What are you taking it with? I have been taking 1000 mcg daily for 2 months and have not noticed an increase in hair growth anywhere except my head. I take mine with meals and soda but I will probably be switching to juice soon.

I originally was taking 5000 mcg but b/c of the increased facial hair, I lowered to 1000 mcg but didn't notice any hair growth (except for the facial). Then I increased to 3000 mcg and hair all over my body was growing (not cute) also I'm already have acne prone skin so, I decided biotin is not worth it.
I was taking 5000mg, developed really bad, painful bumps around my chin area (I suspect an allergy), and also grew a darker and coarser mustache...along with some hair growing on my chin. They still haven't gone away, might have to do electrolysis, tweezing just seems to make it worse.
My initial reaction: :lachen::lachen::lachen:

But in all seriousness, how much are you taking? What are you taking it with? I have been taking 1000 mcg daily for 2 months and have not noticed an increase in hair growth anywhere except my head. I take mine with meals and soda but I will probably be switching to juice soon.

5mg. I would take it with orange juice. I would take one every other day trying to avoid any side effects. Biotin ain't no joke. I also have increased arm, leg and va j jay hair:blush:
5mg. I would take it with orange juice. I would take one every other day trying to avoid any side effects. Biotin ain't no joke. I also have increased arm, leg and va j jay hair:blush:

Wow. A lot of people on various forums think that 5mg is too much. But since you are taking it every other day, I would imagine the side effects would balance out. So idk. Does it come as one 5mg or do you take two 2.5mg pills or something? Do you take any other medication/pills? Because I also take a daily multivitamin and BC (today was my last day though) so maybe that is putting off some side effects for me too. :perplexed

I was prescribed biotin by my physician and was told to start at 1000 mcg and it's worked out fine. But I also am not an overall hair growing person. The only time a medication made my body hair grow more was when I got the depo shot.
Wow. A lot of people on various forums think that 5mg is too much. But since you are taking it every other day, I would imagine the side effects would balance out. So idk. Does it come as one 5mg or do you take two 2.5mg pills or something? Do you take any other medication/pills? Because I also take a daily multivitamin and BC (today was my last day though) so maybe that is putting off some side effects for me too. :perplexed

I was prescribed biotin by my physician and was told to start at 1000 mcg and it's worked out fine. But I also am not an overall hair growing person. The only time a medication made my body hair grow more was when I got the depo shot.

It's one small pill. I know the acne is due to my low water intake. The increased hair growth is what biotin is meant to do.
I've been taking 5mg daily for about four months. I had to up my water intake and that got rid of the pimples. I also take it with B-Complex and MSM. I've been getting my mustache waxed more often... but no beard so far.
I was using biotin for 2 months and yes it made the hair on my hair grow long and strong but damn.............. i started noticing these dark black hairs on my chin and upper lip, then i noticed the dark hairs on my upper arms and i found 1 strand of hair on my nipple i thought :blush: :nono: ..." hell no" i had to go and get my sides, chin and upper lip waxed... then i threw the pills away.:yep:

i'd rather have short hair on my head than long hair all over my body like cousin IT
I was using biotin for 2 months and yes it made the hair on my hair grow long and strong but damn.............. i started noticing these dark black hairs on my chin and upper lip, then i noticed the dark hairs on my upper arms and i found 1 strand of hair on my nipple i thought :blush: :nono: ..." hell no" i had to go and get my sides, chin and upper lip waxed... then i threw the pills away.:yep:

i'd rather have short hair on my head than long hair all over my body like cousin IT

I had to get my sides, chin and upper lip waxed along with my eyebrows and ish hurt so bad that I had to stop the biotin.
I wish this thread had been created before I started taking biotin. Oh well I'm gonna ride with it for now but the first sign of a beard, I'm done. :ohwell:
I have been taking biotin for a couple years on and off and my hair growth has increased everywhere. I've definitely had to increase how often I wax/shave. At one point I did seem to notice a mustache forming and I stopped taking it for a couple months but then started back taking it about 3 months ago. I take 5000mcg at night with with whatever I have to drink. I haven't had any problems with acne but that could be being combated with the Vitamin E I take as well.
I've been taking 5mg's for a little over a month now, and I have'nt noticed extra hair on areas other then my head, which is good! But my take on it is, If it does start to grow in other places, for some reason I don't think that it will get that obvious, Once I'm to my goal length, I'll just get rid of the unwanteds and stop the pills,Thats all! Not that big a deal, unless of course I start looking like my Great Grandfather! :nono:
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The same thing happened to me when I took biotin so instead of letting it go to waste, I mixed it with Megatek and applied it to my scalp until I ran out of capsules. I seemed to have gotten a little increased growth without looking like a monster. I didn't end up repurchasing the biotin but it was the only way for me to use it up at the time.
I take 2mgs a day and have seen an increase in facial hair but I've noticed hair around my chin since the 8th grade so ain't no thang but a chicken wanggg just as long as my hair keeps growing thick like it is now.
My sister has hairs on her chin and she has told me that biotin has made her chin hairs grow out of control.. :sad: and i believe she was only taking 1000mcg's daily...

My niece and I were taking 5000mcg's 2x's a day (morning n night)... My nieces edges seem like they are traveling closer to her eyebrows, she thought it was due to the mtg dripping down the side of her face, mmmm... perhaps it is the biotin... as for myself... i'm not a very hairy person altogether, and I haven't experience thicker longer hair anywhere other than the head... I do have a lil face fuzz down the side of my face, and im tuggin now... STILL FUZZ LOL... I did however have a few bumps/pimples... guess i will increase my water intake...
Biotin gave me acne on my chin. I tried to up my water intake but it didn't help. My chin is finally clearing up now I'm trying to get rid of the dark spots!

The same thing happened to me when I took biotin so instead of letting it go to waste, I mixed it with Megatek and applied it to my scalp until I ran out of capsules. I seemed to have gotten a little increased growth without looking like a monster. I didn't end up repurchasing the biotin but it was the only way for me to use it up at the time.

Wow, I never thought to mix it with anything! Now I can't remember if mine were gel capsules or pills. I think mixing it would be better!
When I first started months ago there was acne but that's gone..but just yesterday I told my mom I'm turning into a man! There's several lonnngg hairs on my chin...I only just started takin 2000mcg less than a month ago before it was just 1000mcg for the last 6 months. I'm worried that this will get worse so I'm going to lower it back to the previous dosage.
I had real bad Acne as well, until another member told me to take Vitamin C and B-Complex
I decided to give biotin a try to see what effects it would have on my hair:yep: Well, after just 3 weeks I'm not only starting to have adult acne but my sides burn are coming in strong:look: I guess the acne is a sign of not enough water intake and the beard/ sideburns means that biotin does make hair grow :spinning:

I've decided to get a peel, shave and step away from the biotin for now.
I've been taking 1000mg for about 3 months now. I've noticed faster hair growth of my arms and legs but I haven't really paid attention about the hair growth on my head. It sucks because my body hair grew fast even before biotin. I don't even wanna think about the growth rate with biotin.
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I have been taking 5000mcg daily for about six months, now. I have always taken it with a muti-vitamin which was recommended by the health food store owner (very knowledgeable).

He actually recommended to pair it with B-Complex.

Positive Side effects:
1.Wonderful increase in hair growth (esp. on head, including nape and edges).
2.More manageable new growth (stretching has been a breeze)
3.Hair Dryness (has almost diminished) and I have had extremely dry hair for many, many years.
4.Skin has become oilier (more naturally moisturized)
5. Skin looks healthier.

Negative Side effects:
1. Slight increase in facial hair (wax and clip chin hairs more often)
2.Skin has become oilier (had to change skin care regimen from combination to oily, maintain water intake)

Overall, I feel that my positives have far outweighed my negatives, it also seems that some of my side effects have diminished.

I highly recommend giving it a try: Precautions:1. Plan a different skin cleansing regimen (skin type will probably change) 2. Watch for side effects and react immediately
3. Gradually increase dosage 4. Increase water intake at the start
I take 5 mg of biotin at night, and I drink plenty of water. I also take Evening Primrose and B complex also. I have not had any problems.