does MTG really work?????


New Member
Hey ladies

I am thinking about getting some MTG ;)

I am on a tiiiggghhht budget. Trying to get my son thru college. I don't have money to waste:(

So I want to be sure it really is working for people or is this just another fad.

I am a natural in pinch braids. Do you think I can use it or do you think the smell would be over whelming, because I can't wash my hair that often. I put a little sulfer on my scalp 4 days ago and you can still smell it a little. all though I don't mind the smell of sulfer myself.

does any one have current progress pics that I can see?

Please only respond if you are sure it works. Cause I might have to put his education on hold to get me some MTG.:lol:

yea, I now I'm going to H--- for that one:lachen:

Thanks ladies for all the great advice on this board.
I am positive it works. I purchased some a couple of weeks ago and I have only used it about three times and already I see new growth. I had my hair relaxed straight the week before I started to using it. I would advise that you do what I did to be on the safe side. I ordered the sample bottle, which with shipping and handling came out to be about 10 dollars and some change. For me the smell wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but everyone nose is different. But I can tell you that it does smell like bacon grease. Hope this was helpful, if it wasn't I am sorry.
Yes I am positive that it works!!!!! I put mine in a spray bottle (easier to control it from running on my neck) and only apply after every wash/cowash. Sometimes I use a little lavender oil to coat the scent but it does not bother me that much anymore. I am 8 weeks post relaxer and I have crazy newgrowth and I'm loving it. One time for MTG!!!!!!!:D
ABSOLUTELY! Its the truth.
But it does have some downsides that be making me want to find an alternative but I keep coming back.

*The smell! People said WGO stanked but when I received it it wasn't that bad. People said MTG stanked and girl they weren't lying. My bf will not visit when this is on my head. Think of gasoline mixed with bacon fat. But thats just my opinion. I mix mine in a 8oz applicator bottle with 7 drops of Ylang Ylang oil to combat the smell.
*Very oily, a lil goes a long way
* Your jewlery will become tarnished but don't throw it away. silver polish will help fix that. (not sure about gold)
*Be sure to mix it well before applying. The sulfur sits at the bottom of the oil when it has rested for awhile.

Since you have braids application should be simple and fast. I use it 3x a week and I'm in braids but on the C&G method so its not too bad.
~Happy growing~
I don't know yet, I have been using it for about a week. I use it daily and apply with a bottle that has a nozzle tip. I hope it works well...I will try to be patient and enjoy the journey.
I had to cut back on the daily use until I could better manage the rate of growth. I now use it 2 -3 times a week.
It DEFINITELY works. You can check out the progress pics in my album to see the growth, which i attribute primarily to the mtg.

I actually would NOT recommend getting the sample bottle. The large size comes to about $20, including S/H, but it will last for a while. In order to see growth you must, must, must use it consistently (ie, 2-3x a week) and it needs to sit in your hair for a few days before washing out. You will definitely see a difference in your hair within a couple of months, be it thickness or length. Some ladies get either or, and some get both (like myself).

Yes, the smell is unpleasant, and it is strong.... but i personally think that the negatives outweight the positives, because the growth is just that substantial.

Also, just a warning, you will want to sleep with a plastic shower cap underneath your scarf, so as not to stain/ruin your pillow cases. It is very oily, so keep in mind that less is more with this. You dont want to over-do it, because you'll find yourself wiping your dripping neck during the day, which is a bother. Also, be certain to wipe any dripping oil from your neck asap, because some of the ladies (including myself) have gotten a little rash, dry, or irritated skin from it. This will go away though.
Yes it does. The ladies gave some good tips. I mix mine with castor oil, and lemongrass. I put some on the counter and dip my fingertips in and apply it by rubbing and massaging it in.
Yes it does. I dont use it anymore because it tarnished my silver jewelry. BUT (and thats huge but) my boyffriend had a quarter sized bald spot in his head, after using MTG for a month it had COMPLETELY filled in AND his hair (which normally grows about 1/4 inch a month) had grown to nearly an inch. Helped me out a bit too but Id rather grow slower than deal with the runny-ness. The smell didnt bother me as much after I cut it with peppermint oil.
Work well for me I use Surge and MTG and I had so much newgrowth that my hair did not want to relax and my stylist was confused.
I had some underprocessed areas my roots were so thick.
Heck Yes! Filled in bald spots and made my hair thicker. I stopped using it temporarily b/c of the negatives which some have posted, plus I'm trying some other things with my hair. However, if you need thickness and bald spots/thin areas filled in, I would definately recommend it.
I think it works, i used it 1x a week for about 4 months. I dont really "stalk" my hair lol, so it was nice to see how much progress i made in such a short time. People who had not seen me in a while were amazed at my length from one touch up to the next. I didn't see a difference in thickness though. I'm currently using black castor oil on my scalp now 1 or 2x a week, i want to compare my growth with both methods separately.
MTG was all hype for me. Although I only slept in it and didn't wear it during the day (I'm a daily CW and I hate the smell).

Did my hair grow? Absolutely ...but hair grows and it just think it would have grown anyway. Do I have more length now? Yes, but I credit that to protein treatments and moisturizing.

I gave up MTG and have not missed it. I never got the supergrowth that folks rave about. And truly, I wonder where are all the mid-back and waist lenghts if MTG is giving an inch and more each month. I don't really see the longest mane possessors promoting MTG.

I'd recommend that you use the money for some Emergencee or Aphogee and Paul Mitchells's supercharged moisturizer ..or even some Nioxin vitamins and salmon for growth, rather than MTG
YES!! i remember last sumemr i posted a thread about how my edges were soooo thin that it was embarassing. within a month of using MTG they were already filled in.
MTG, definitely works, it filled in my edges from my last pregnancy(I didn't take vits) it's making my hair grow, I had a relaxer in april and i have about 3/4 inch of new growth, i don't think I can stretch my relaxer this time, but i'm trying real hard.
yes, MTG does work!

but people often complain about the smell,

sulphur/sulfur powder will be cheaper, you can make your own sulphur oil mix ;)
for me mtg works i used it for 5 months total on and off and i m back on it since i think feb 21. so far so good. it s been 10 months i m growing my hair from scratch.
How do you guys know this is not just your hair regular growth being retained under good care and management? Why do you think it's MTG specifically. Since you're on this board, aren't you doing a lot of things differently. And come on even the most damaged hair still grows.
Synthia said:
How do you guys know this is not just your hair regular growth being retained under good care and management? Why do you think it's MTG specifically. Since you're on this board, aren't you doing a lot of things differently. And come on even the most damaged hair still grows.

Me personally i know cause while transitioning i only use vits and would get 1inch instead of 0.25in a mo and with the mtg twice in a row i got 2" and stop when i run out and did not use it for like 3 months after using it for 4 months i m back on it and normally if i take nothing at 1/4" per month i should get 4inches in a year right? wrong i already achieved 8inches from scratch:eek: and still have 2 more months to go before my first one year nappy anniversary end of june. so to me its gotta be the mtg combined with the vits cause there s no way you can go from 0.25" a month to 2" . And i agree not a lot of people have long hair with the mtg i know i only been growing my hair from bald head for only 10months to me 8inches is pretty good considered my regular growth. I havent checked the growth lately i m see at the end of the year how much i have retained. My hair has been under a baggy soaking with mtg for a week and i just took my vits. i guess i would have gotten more growth if for the 10 months i had faithfully used the mtg. while not on it i notice less growth. so the regimen plus the mtg and the vits it s what works for me.;)
Eight inches! Well, it must work for select people. Because I'd kill for two inches a month. But that never happened with me. The most I've ever gotten from anything is 1 inch a month -- and that's on a good month.
Synthia said:
Eight inches! Well, it must work for select people. Because I'd kill for two inches a month. But that never happened with me. The most I've ever gotten from anything is 1 inch a month -- and that's on a good month.

I think Synthia the problem why i did not get more and in general you know people have active lives so its really hard . I know i really got my 2inches when i would like live in that stuff with my cornrows full of mtg and baggie method the whole week and would go out with a scarf on top of it. The only problem is in fact be dedicated and go out all the time with a scarf or wig to cover it. And many times i had functions or appointments so i had to stop the mtg i really regret that but now i know i m back to it being covered for a week but i already know next week i have to go out so it s really hard to stay the hair covered but i m trying to keep the hair covered for 2 weeks the same way i had my growth spurt with all the heat and moisture caused by the baggie and i apply the mtg daily too. I think its ideal for stay at home people who dont mind staying in a scarf all day. right now i m trying to extend as much as i can and push all appointments next week lol:grin: :lol: :lachen: cause then when you remove your baggie and wash your hair :eek: you are really surprised with a crazy growth that s how i got the 2":eek: the only inconvenient you cant go out without a scarf
Well I can truly say that I am at 8 weeks post relaxer now and have more growth than I had at 12 weeks the last time I relaxed. The only thing I have done different is really MTG. Grant it I have have really started paying attention to my hair and take better care (cowashes, no heat)but along with that and MTG I have great growth!!!!!! I can imagine different things work differently for everyone but hey MTG works for me!!!!!!!!
measuring hair and experiment with different methods....
that is how one can tell what is working or what is not working!

since adding MTG to my routine my hair growth rate has increased greatly,
I used to have the same length hair for years...(coincidence?)

MTG helped me dramatically!

i have been using MTG for 6 months (already?) and my hair hasn't been this thick since childhood...

Ekomba and Den1 are living proof that MTG works....check out the fotki's...(although Den now uses her own lovely sulphur oil mix which is probably 10x better than MTG and odourless ;) )

I thought folks had enough proof by now that it works!!!
check out the horses on lol,they grow 3" a month, :lachen:

i think it works because it has anti fungal properties?

i still have 3 bottles to go.....grow hair :look: :grin:

the only set backs for me is the tarnishing jewellery and rash on my neck
(which as cleared up now)


Tail before M-T-G


Tail 1 month later after M-T-G
I use MTG and it works, I was stuck @ BSL stall but now I'm passed that thanks to MTG. I just mix it with some good smelling oils, you only need a little bit at a time and 2-3x/week works wonders. does it smell bad, yes but the scented oils and condish mask it. My hair is thicker down to the ends and growth is unbeweavable :grin: the horsetail don't lie. :lol:check my pic click regime
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