Does it seem like everyone is going Natural?

Misseyl My WHOLE post agreed with you. :look:

@sunnieb @Nonie @Cherrypie - A forum just for relaxed hair should be included here, after-all this is a hair-site. Learning how to take care of hair is what this is about and you use different techniques to handle relaxed or natural hair, so it is only fitting that a forum for each is separate so that you can quickly find information you are looking for -- whether it be for natural or relaxed hair. Why should I be searching all over the place to find out the latest information on protein treatments, relaxers, or the newest conditioner for relaxed hair? Too much work. Like I said earlier Youtube is beginning to look very good to me because I can actually hear what the person is saying and the demonstrations are very good too.
Why should I be searching all over the place to find out the latest information on protein treatments, relaxers, or the newest conditioner for relaxed hair?

@Misseyl, as @Nix08 stated, you limit yourself if you think only relaxed threads can give you those answers. I have never heard of such thing as a conditioner for relaxed hair and I fancy myself quite knowledgeable on hair. I mean, I've been in the LHCF college for 8 years so I would have come across that if it were truly a factual thing.

Hmm...I wonder :think: Your question makes me think that some of you don't really understand that hair is hair is hair. Or realize that understanding hair science is more important than knowing what others with your hair state are doing. Considering hair comes in different textures...and we also have different health needs, knowing what hair needs GENERALLY is more important than trying to copy what Jennifer does to grow her hair to waist when Jen happens to have coarse hair and to have led a healthy lifestyle all her life (thanks to a health conscious mom) and to come from a family of healthy folks and been lucky not to have been made ill by the environment so she's always been well and her metabolism is so good she doesn't need supplements as she gets all her nutrients from food. While Mary on the other hand had parents who were crackheads so started life as a sickly child; her hair is fine because it's genetically so. She is a junk food eater and gets ill often and so is usually on medication that adds toxins to her body slowing her metabolism down.

If Mary were to copy Jen's regimen, she'd not see the results Jen has because regimen isn't where it's at. It's KNOWING what hair in general needs so you can mold your regimen in the way that works for you. Instead of looking for a thread where Jen shares how she grew her hair long, a thread where someone shares how her hair never grows (whether relaxed or natural) would be more useful to Mary. Why? She could see the shortcomings pointed out in that thread and she may see similarities in things she does that can help her. Also because chemicals can damage hair if improperly used, if Mary just read relaxed threads of people with damaged her, she may mistakenly think that's chemical misuse is what happened to her hair, when really she's just lacking in iron or omega oils--something not unique to relaxed folks--and her relaxer was very well done and isn't the culprit at all.

Oh and you know what, if you're relaxed and too shy to post a new thread with a question you think may have been asked ad nauseum, you can sneak it into the "Dumb Question" thread or the "Random Thoughts Thread". That way if you're shy, you can stay hidden but still get answers you want coz folks never tire of responding in those threads.
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I can understand wanting a sub forum for naturals and relaxed hair, because honestly I when I look on the first two pages the threads are mostly challenges and questions regarding products. This is a forum though; I'm not understanding why anyone that can't find what they are looking for wouldn't simply ask?

@Nayna, and it's too much work to go to the next page? :lol: I NEVER read product threads coz I'm a no-product regimen chick. Still THAT has never bothered me. I also hate typing thread and also can see trouble-brewing threads and so very smoothing go past them and only open those threads I am interested in or if I'm mentioned in one. Is it such a feat to just skip over topics you don't care for?

Y'all really must have easy lives if little things like these are such a biiiiig deeeeeaaal! :rolleyes:

In that case, can we have a product forum coz I hate to read about products, and can we have a hair challenges forum coz I don't like to participate and have to scroll past them all the darn time! How about can we also have a section for typing threads? Oh wait, how about one where newbies can ask questions so we don't have to keep reading the same topics over and over again... :look: :ill:
I can understand the frustration some may have, but when i first joined a majority on the board and the threads where about relaxed hair. I joined this site and not a natural site because I realized that a lot could be learned from both, and I wanted the opportunity to learn about growing healthy hair.
I don't want the boards to be split. I agree with Nonie, maybe if there was more activity, or more questions asked about relaxed hair, or maybe more threads started some of the old information maybe recycled in new threads.
I can understand wanting a sub forum for naturals and relaxed hair, because honestly I when I look on the first two pages the threads are mostly challenges and questions regarding products. This is a forum though; I'm not understanding why anyone that can't find what they are looking for wouldn't simply ask?

Now I really wish we had a separate forum for challenges. :yep: We could even have a separate one for product reviews like Curltalk does...
I read both relaxed and natural threads. I have learned from both and I share information with my relaxed friends. I do remember threads with inappropriate comments that were offensive to relaxed. At the very least, there were condescending statements that seemed to suggest that relaxed people were clueless sellouts and were slaves to harmful chemicals. I have seen negative statements toward natural members as well. Thankfully all of these incidents were scattered but they were discouraging none the less.I remember being put off as a relaxed member who was still trying to make up my mind about going natural. That being said, there is evidence of intolerance throughout the forum, not just hair related.

I don't understand why there can't be separate forums for naturals and relaxed. However, I am not sure the separation will curb the occasional poster, who is hell bent on drama, from jumping in either forum and starting nonsense.

When I came to the forum it was mostly relaxed members. I was natural already but still learning. But I also was wanting Classic length hair. Well I tell you that was met with all kinds of comments. But since the rest of the world had no help for us ladies of color I weeded out the negative, learned alot and just discussed options and stayed for the companionship of wanting beautiful hair in what ever form or length. This forum is unlike all the others. The ability to post a question and it gets plenty of good responses has continued. I left the internet for personal reasons for a few years but when I returned this was one of the first sites I came back to. There is still only a very small handful of ladies who are on a journey to Classic. And yes once you past BSL and WL things start to change. Though I am also a member of the LHC I don't miss a day to check in and see if I can offer some help or if I need some help TO ASK, or just to give and receive support.

All are welcome here and always have been. So to the OP. Stay and read and ask. If you cut your self off from naturals you will miss out on good hair
and product information. Utilize the youtube, you may find a hair twin and all the info you need. But many have lurked here and learned what they know. :yep:
Nayna said:
I can understand wanting a sub forum for naturals and relaxed hair, because honestly I when I look on the first two pages the threads are mostly challenges and questions regarding products. This is a forum though; I'm not understanding why anyone that can't find what they are looking for wouldn't simply ask?

I think a sub for challenges is better
niqu92 said:
Some people's hair just cant take too much manipulation. i dont even remmber how i found this forum but when i did my hair was perfectly fine its not like i was on google searching for ways to grow my hair or anything. [my sig pic is actually from when i joined the forum]so then when i joined, i read all this stuff about co-washing and i got super excited so i started cowashing all the time and then i realized that my hair couldnt take all the manipulation-it was breaking and thinning like crazy. so now i just keep it simple- wash,DC,&rollerset once a week. every now and then i'll do a braidout when i want to do something new.

but i agree there should be a relaxed forum on here, i BARELY come to the hair forum anymore because most of the posts are about natural hair and since im relaxed that doesnt really help me much:perplexed and the relaxed thread is like 1401419414 pages and i aint got time to read all that:lol: so yeah as i said im barely in this part of the forum anymore
but you can always catch me in ET or OT im in duur like clockwork lol

Omg your my twin! Lol idk how I found it either I think I might have been looking for a new relaxer not sure but my hair wasn't damaged or anything and always been in pretty good shape. I cant aee your Siggy because im on my phone. That's exactly what I said about it lol that relaxed thread got too long to even read now
Wthhh :confused okayy it just got pretty weird in here. It would be nice what someone suggested earlier that it says your hair type next to your name like jazzybklyn - 4a relaxed
If not that's okay too everything can stay how it is.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch......

Ladies, just post! That's it. We have a relaxed sticky and there are still relaxed heads around these parts! :yep:

Sent from my Comet using LHCF
Nonie, you make a great point. When a person has a problem with hair, relaxed and naturals respond. Heck majority of the naturals were relaxed at some point and therefore can be very helpful. We really aren't separate because we all want healthy hair.
I'm a relaxed head and I think its fine here. LHFC is my main hair forum because of that. I don't think we should be separated because that would actually harm relaxed heads as a lot of things naturals do, we do. But it doesn't really work the other way. plus there are more of them. Split it and youll see relaxed heads popping up in the natural sides.

Plus the reason I stay here is because of the mix stops anti-relaxer sentiment growing to strong. I've seen some boards/blogs that are very anti-relaxer and it is so off putting. Yes, you can have healthy relaxed, no, being relaxed doesn't mean I want to be white or i have naps-phobia.

The only thing that saddens me in the growing natural community is when I lose a Blogger because of it. That is all.
I'm relaxed...after 30 years of being natural and I am loving it! LHCF has helped me in so many ways to care for my hair.

I don't mind the way things are right now. If I need help, I use the search function. If that fails, I ask the question and I have always been helped by both natural and relaxed ladies.

I have learnt to be comfortable in my own skin and with my own hair. I enjoyed being natural and now I am enjoying being relaxed. I am doing ME!
THe main thing that I can say about this forum is that I found it doing a Google search and I am on it EVERYDAY! I've gone from using "Olive oil products" to asking WTHeck ORS was and realized that I was using ORS but was calling the brand Olive Oil. I've learned so much from both natural, texlaxed and relaxed threads that I have a notebook full of valuable information that I pass on to my family. I've learned how to make mixes from primarily naturals, gotten the most advice from naturals and have implemented mostly natural practices into my regimen yet I am texlaxed. I think some relaxed ladies, take more of a back seat approach. One thing that I will do with the quickness is start a thread! Whether or not I get lots of feedback from natural or relaxed does not matter to me like getting that one piece of advice that WORKS. The last thing that I look at is whether or not the person is relaxed or natural because practices from both work fine for me.

Like @FoxxyLocs stated, I think that adding your hair state to your avi is not a bad idea (as I just did), however it is not what drives me. The one thing that I have noticed is that there are some that will lurk yet there are many that will offer support. All it takes is to ask.

I'm relaxed and I LOVE my relaxed hair. I experiment with all the conditioners and I write reviews. I color and bleach my hair when I feel like it. I have damaged it and recovered. I've cut it and regrown. Please feel free to ask me anything. I'm more than happy to share my good and bad experiences.

I'm transitioning now, but I don't intend to cut or go natural, so I guess that would be a long stretch, lol. I just want to see what my natural texture looks like and then I'm back to relaxing. For me relaxing is easier and I don't want to spend a lot of time on my hair or I will get fed up with it.
I like that this forum is not split. That's one of the reasons why it has become my favorite forum. When I first found hair forums online, I was searching for a new relaxer to use. I already had a basic understanding of moisture, protein, and oils; I also knew the importance of trimming and had been self-relaxing for about two years prior to joining any forum.

That being said, LHCF was not the first forum I participated in. I started participating in another forum that was split up. Prior to joining LHCF, I liked the look of natural hair, but never thought about going natural, because the only information I had ever exposed myself to was relaxed hair information. Even with all the information I knew prior to coming to the forums, coupled with the new information I was getting, natural hair was never an option.

LHCF was the first unbiased database that helped me decide to go natural. Admittedly, it is a bit overwhelming at first; I read for months without posting anything. However, being able to compare relaxed/natural/transitioning/colored/whatever all at once empowered me to make the right choice FOR ME. LHCF opened a whole new world that I hadn't even been interested in before. And still, with no desire to go back to relaxers, I enjoy seeing relaxed and natural ladies all in the mix together because I know who to talk to and what to look out for should I ever go back to relaxing.
Yes from what I see here at home and when I travel- natural hair is everywhere. It makes me feel proud too that others are sporting hair like my hair.
I think it's great that a lot of people are going natural, but I also appreciate the relaxed ladies. For one, keeping relaxed hair is a challenge (at least it was for me) and the ladies here have beautiful hair further showing how versatile our race really is :)
@Misseyl, I still disagree. Like I said when I joined the forum, we naturals were the minority. I still searched for info and actually I've become quite good at it and it was never a problem. I don't know why y'all acting like searching is such a tall order. Also when I joined the forum, there were only like 5 type 4 naturals. If I wanted a regimen or had questions about my hair type, I had to look for those folks to get direction, or I PMed them.

I am not a member of other hair forums and it is because I have loved how LHCF has had us all in one place. I have learned a lot from relaxed ladies and would have missed out on that if they were in some "exclusive forum". I would have had no reason to go there, and I'd have miss out.

Also as the links I posted yesterday of topics on relaxed showed that when relaxed ladies ask questions, naturals jump in to help. I don't see many of you whining relaxed ladies helping out. Like the first link which was of someone whose relaxed hair appeared damaged, naturals chimed in with info that pertains to all hair. Had that thread been in a relaxed forum, she would have missed out on that contribution.

As someone else said, what next? Type 4 sub-forum? Then 4A vs 4B? Then 4B vs CNapp since there are people who swear there's a difference? C'mon nah! Let's stop the madness. This forum has done well in the 8 years I've been here just having the hair forum as it is. I have not seen any of the lunacy I see in other forums where there is an "us against them" mentality. I also do find it rather interesting that people who were once against the separation have jumped ship. You all joined this forum when it was like this and stuck around because you found the forum helpful just as it was. So why not let others benefit just as you have from having all the info in one place? Sounds to me rather selfish that when you were wet behind the ears and in need of growth and info, the forum was OK as it is and BTW these are some of the people I looked up to coz they were so knowledgeable and I learned so much from them. So clearly the forum being one-stop-shop served them well. So is there a whole new breed of lazy bums who can't be bothered to do a search since y'all using "hate to search" as the main reason why there should be a separate forum? Hair info has not changed much in the last ten years, so you can bet your bottom dollar, whatever it is you want to know is already posted here. Y'all are sounding like spoiled li'l brats who can't stand it that it's not your birthday so you're not "in the lights". :lol:

@Misseyl, if you have a question and can't be bothered to search, why not ask it in the HAIR FORUM so your fellow relaxed ladies can help you out? What bloody secrets are you guys afraid to expose? Damaged hair? We've been there. We could also learn a few tips from the advice you get. Hate your relaxed hair? So? No one's going to be like "Hahahaha...that'll teach you to leave your hair the way God made it." Sometimes folks post about being ill from relaxers or losing all their hair and someone will suggest that maybe relaxers aren't for them. OK, maybe that can be annoying if you are stuck on relaxers, but hey the truth does hurt and the truth will set you free and heal if you heed it. Apart from these examples I've given, I honestly cannot see any other reason relaxed folks are shy about posting questions on a forum that is open to discuss all hair.How many times have naturals posted about folks insulting their hair? And how many times have relaxed ladies done the same? :confused: No need to keep score coz I can't even think of one time I've seen a negative thread on relaxed hair. I'm sorry but y'all are acting like some spoiled, whiny chirren.

So yeah, if you don't wanna search for relaxed thread topics, then bloody don't. Post the darn question you need an answer to dammit! And just to show you what a lame excuse "I hate to have to search" is: even when every thread used to be on relaxed hair and no one talked about natural hair, or even 4B hair, folks with relaxed hair still had to do a search for specific issues. Heck, *I* have to do a search for specific natural hair topics when someone asks a question I know was discussed before. So c'mon y'all, GTFOOH with the excuses and stop being party poopers.

But I shouldn't be surprised. Y'all keep messing with a good thing so why should this be any different? You have a good hair can't leave it well alone. Gotta try the next thing that someone else is doing. :rolleyes: And you wonder why you are always looking for solutions to problems you created yourselves. *sucks teef*

Damn u really went in!

But I agree with what your saying. I'm natural and still do as much searching as I did when I was relaxed.

:wave: relaxed head here. We're around more than you know. Most of us have found our lane and stay there but we're always willing to help each other. I'm a stickler for responding to everyone that presents a question as I've been there and occasionally I go back there.

We now have active threads geared toward relaxed heads unlike when I first joined. It was during that time when you had to start a new thread and hoped some caring soul would come along and help you out.

I know sunnieb bumped one or more threads for your benefit. You should come over and join in on the fun. We keep each other motivated and encouraged.

Ok so now that we have threads dedicated to relaxed hair it's on us to keep them active. However, majority of what I've learned and adopted was gained through naturals since my hair is low porosity and thirsty for moisture. Nonie does an excellent job at calling me out when a fellow relaxed needs help and I do my best to assist.

Just in case you don't have these....check 'em out.
Relaxer Reveal
Relaxed Buddy
Weeks Post
Relaxed Hair

There are more but this will get you started. Cya in the relaxed thread. :grin:
@Misseyl @jazzybklyn

I'm Relaxed. I look at it this way: Everyone can:

Deep Condition
Protective Style
Steam/Dry/Blow Dry
Deal with Breakage, SSKs, Porosity Issues

So I don't look at Natural/Relaxed I look at: Overall Healthy Hair Practices period.

If there is something specifically that only relates to "Relaxed" Hair, then I do a search and go there.

I think there are plenty of Relaxed Heads and just personally don't see it that way.

I tend to look at Overall Hair Care. *tis all*

I'm natural and I feel the same way.

I know many relaxed women here want a separate forum, but I think a lot of valuable information will be taken away. (Being selfish) I'm a lifelong natural and have no hangups regarding relaxed, texlaxed, heat trained, etc hair. To me if your hair is beautiful and healthy, I'm sure I can learn something from you.

When I first started lurking in 2002(?) I felt I couldn't learn anything here, but things have changed over the past several years the the wide variety of hair. With that said, before I post a thread, I search - it only takes a minute.
^^^I started lurking in 2002 as well and it is interesting to see how the board has changed. But even though i'm natural i read through all kinds of threads and i dont want separate boards. I'm used to everything being together like it's always been. I get a lot of great info to give to my relaxed family/friends so i appreciate everyone. I think there may be slightly more naturals now but i think there are still a good number of relaxed ladies. You relaxed ladies dont be shy we are one big happy family (with a few special relatives in the mix of course lol)
uhm... i'm guessing OP is getting more 'input' from naturals than she probably wants here's another one :p !

except for some small details healthy hair is the same natural or relaxed. i've heard a lot of relaxed ladies say they thought they could only improve their hair if they were natural, so they transitioned but once they got the hang of things they knew they could use the same techniques on their relaxed hair as well so they went back to relaxing. i haven't personally heard of a real conditioner for relaxed hair either :look: so i don't think you're missing much by not having relaxed hair based product reviews.

AAAAND to be frank so many people's avi's or siggie's are of straight hair (cuz many people show length checks with straightened hair) that i don't even wonder who is relaxed or natural and straightening just for the photo or straight naturals or long-term stretchers or transitioners or what. i don't even look at curl pattern anymore.

i respect your right to your opinion but i don't think you're being fair to yourself or the forum IMO.

good luck w/ youtube tho if you decide to spend more of your time there.
I noticed that too. When I'm looking for relaxed hair blogs a lot of the girls are transitioning. I think that being natural is new and exciting so more people talk about it. I think that having healthy relaxed hair is new and exciting so I want to hear more about it.
Well I live I NYC and I see more weaves or relaxed hair. My friend started transitioning and now her hair is long thick and curly. When we get on the train everyone just stares at her like Wow. I've seen people jaw drop and I'm So now I'm transitioning. Natural hair seems to be still new because most women have been relaxing and weaving for so long that it's a common look for most
..when i come on this board I look for relax hair care forums. It would be nice to see a separate forum for relaxed hair only to make it a lot easier for all who have relaxed hair.

If the other hair board can have an locs only hair forum so why Not a separate one for relaxed hair.

But I don't see a lot of naturals now. I guess because I live in NYC so seeing a natural is nothing new, and exciting to me anymore. Plus i was natural for 7 years anyway.
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