Does hubby/so communicate often with you while away on business?


New Member
Does he call everyday? Send e-mails?

What if he is overseas in Europe or Asia?

Basically is your level of communication the same, less, or no different?

barring technological failure, DH will call me everyday or talk to me on skype and send me an e-mail on top of that. Even in a 3rd world country.
Every day unless there is some extenuating circumstance. We don't do texts and he is not a big e-mailer, but he will if he can't phone.
DH just was on a business trip for a week. From the time I made it home from work, till the time my eyes closed we talked on yahoo IM. His cell phone is acting weird with the reception, and he could never find a good place in the hotel room to talk to me. So we just kept it on IM.
thanks ladies! just wonder what proper protocol was in such situations so as to set my expectations accordingly.
my husband travels every mon-fri and is home on the weekends. he communicates with me whenever he can - which is most often more than i can handle because i AM handling our four daughters - and never is not available or not take my call when i call. if he is in a meeting or working, he'll just say "i'll call you back" or text me and write it.

i can't wait until the last of my girls go away to school. then i'll travel with him.
thanks ladies! just wonder what proper protocol was in such situations so as to set my expectations accordingly.

I wouldn't say there is a "protocol" for this situation, and you could set yourself up for a disappointment if you try to apply others' standard behavior to your situation.

For example: there are times when I travel to conduct training. It's just me; I'm not engaging with any co-workers and my DH and I talk a few times during the day, via phone and/or text, and during the evening we call each other while watching TV and always before going to sleep. However, there are OTHER trips I take when I am working with a project team, when I am in a client's office and my team and I will work late, work through dinner and work until someone finally is falling asleep over a laptop. If we aren't working, we're probably dining/drinking together - that durn "team building" stuff... During those trips, my DH and I don't talk nearly as much; just a couple of quicky "i love you" calls, if that.

Either way the constants are: I call him to wake him up for work (he's alarm clock function challenged), and he'll call me to say good night and tell me to stop working because I should be asleep too. However, beyond these calls you have the two extremes above.
by protocol, i was just wondering, what if any, minimum about of communication seems reasonable. seems like most communicate about once a day on average. that's fair even if it is a quick 1 minute call or a quick email or something.

I think the 'protocol' depends on your relationship.

When I was out of the country for weeks at a time, I usually spoke to DH 2-3 times a week, short conversations at the end of my work day/just as he was waking up - and that worked, well, for both of us. I was in a 'safe' place, so there was never any worry about my personal safety - if I was in a more at-risk location, I suspect I would have been on the phone with him daily.
Other friends of mine would have a single hour long call with their SO once a week.
Others would be on the phone with their SO twice a day, or more.

The best protocol would be to sit down with him and decide how often is reasonable for ya'll... :yep:
you know what, envybeauty?
there are some days in which my husband and i don't communicate at all. it's okay, though.
sometimes all he'll get from me is a text or email. sometimes we'll be on the horn whenever possible. some nights i will call but it's rare given that our schedules are different and when he's gone he is working or out with co-workers.

i think the most important thing is that when you miss him, you can "reach out and touch him", lol! and the same for him.

oh, yeah...when he's overseas, we skype.
Yes, whenenver Hubby is away on business, like this week, he will call every evening and we often email during the day. I feel its necessary to check in "hey i am alive", "good me too." Our conversations ususally are not that long just short updates on the day and any necessary housekeeping items - like other phone calls, packages etc etc.
I think its normal to "check in", not to keep track of what you're (or he's) doing, but just to makes sure you are ok.
My SO (bf) will email if he doesn't call and not ask me what I'm up to but just say "Drink some tea before bed" or "Don't forget our date, when I get back", little things like that make me realize he is thinking of me. Even if he is far away on a business meeting.
It's also nice if you do the same. I think the camera phone is a great way to keep in contact. I will send a sexy pic, a cute pic, or a pic of what I made for dinner, saying "wish you were here":look:
I think its normal to "check in", not to keep track of what you're (or he's) doing, but just to makes sure you are ok.
My SO (bf) will email if he doesn't call and not ask me what I'm up to but just say "Drink some tea before bed" or "Don't forget our date, when I get back", little things like that make me realize he is thinking of me. Even if he is far away on a business meeting.
It's also nice if you do the same. I think the camera phone is a great way to keep in contact. I will send a sexy pic, a cute pic, or a pic of what I made for dinner, saying "wish you were here":look:

great ideas!!!
Yes. Every day, 4-6 times a day. If I'm away from home I call 1-2 times and let that be that. But he's also used to getting in contact with me a the click of a button. (we have an intercom system in the house).

Frankly, I think he calls more often than not because he gets bored.
