Does dark brown hair look good on everyone?


New Member
I am fair skin and I love dark hair but unless I am tan it washes me out. Some people tell me it's becoming and my husband and some others say they don't think it looks the best on me.. does anyone else have this issue? Any advice on having dark hair without it washing out your complexion??
I don't have that issue but I agree. I think lighter complexion people should have lighter colored hair. I brings out a glow in them. Just my opinion.
What color is your hair naturally?

I think your undertones may have something to do with which hair colors look best on you.

My sister has a sort of red or rosy undertone, she colored her hair a deep brown and it looks beautiful and natural. My undertones are more sallow/yellow and my hair is naturally black, I don't think it washes me out, but I think I'd look strange with a dark brown or light brown color.
I think everyone looks BEST with their natural haircolor--even those who can get away with something else.
I have a friend who is mixed and fair. When she wears too much blonde it washes her out. She looks best with dark, dark brown with blonde highlights.

Im sure if you go to a good hairdresser they would be able to tell which is best.
camellia said:
What color is your hair naturally?

I think your undertones may have something to do with which hair colors look best on you.

My sister has a sort of red or rosy undertone, she colored her hair a deep brown and it looks beautiful and natural. My undertones are more sallow/yellow and my hair is naturally black, I don't think it washes me out, but I think I'd look strange with a dark brown or light brown color.

I agree. It has to do with undertones.
Well, it's my natural hair color, and I think it fits me. I tried black once, and it was just too dark for my skin tone.
Well, this is my opinion. I have a golden undertone and I love absolutely love, jet black hair. I think the contrast looks good. If you have a yellow undertone then it depends on your features if jet black will look nice on you also. Like if you have high cheekbones or sharp features it may look nice on you.

If you have a yellow undertone you would be able to get away with a dark brown but it has to compliment you complexion. Like you would probably have to get a rich, blonde undertone blonde. I know people don;t think there is such a thing as a dark blonde but I am speaking of the tones in the hair color.

I would go to a good hairstylist, I mean top-noch. Tell them what you are looking for.
I have dark,reddish brown and I think it looks fine on me.
Black would probably wash me out and for some reasons orangy-reddish her washed me out
I'm not sure how to describe my skin tone, but you can see it in my Fotki in my July album. My hair is reddish brown now thanks to the henna treatments I do, and I'm getting pretty sick of it. I just makes me look so uniform and blended instead of their being a nice contrast between my skin tone and hair colour. I'm going to pick up a semi-permanent black colour to dye my hair with tonight. I hear that semi-perm colours which are darker than your hair colour are actually very permanent.