Does Jet Black Hair Look Good On You?

Natural black/darkest brown, yes. Blue/black looks horrible. My hair is a very reddish brown, and the longer it gets the redder it gets especially the ends. I started dying it black (which I love, it just looks so healthy), and now everyone thinks it's natural (and they're all doing the ombre thing I got so much crap for having naturally) :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
There's a girl on love and hip hop la :look: that's wearing a jet black weave and it looks terrible on her. Her complexion looks gray, almost like a bleacher.
Cool undertones look better with black hair. I have warm and I have to be careful with black clothes and Jet black hair. ETA: My real hair is off black and very dark brown also.
I have serious yellow undertones and I love jet black hair on me! My natural color is dusty brown. My kids have my hair color but they are lighter than me, so it works for them.
Yes, jet black looks great on me. I have very cool/greenish undertones. My face color "pops" with black.
I have serious yellow undertones and I love jet black hair on me! My natural color is dusty brown. My kids have my hair color but they are lighter than me, so it works for them.
Everything you said except the kids. I'm going to rinse it blue black over jet black dye. Let's see if there is any difference.
Jet black is one of the more flattering colors on me. My undertones are very green. My natural hair is just a dull brown wavering between a 2 & 4 depending on the season.
I've dyed my hair jet black on 2 occasions and I loved it. People said it looked good.

Right now I'm loving my natural brown but I am so tempted to go back black again
Yes. I have naturally black lashes and eyebrows but my natural hair color is brown - was sandy brown/verge RED. In fact, I used to get blond highlights naturally from sun/sea. LOL. But black color looks good. I think you have to have black lashes/brows for it to work.
I do a 2-step henna and indigo for blue black. I know I have patches of dark brown (I see it in certain sunlight) but overall it is black.
I love it on me.
Is having natural jet black hair rare for black ppl. I know most Africans (like my sisters) have that ashy off black or brown hair color.

This is my natural hair color and I absolutely hate it. It looks especially dusty on my natural hair vs. when I was relaxed.

I dye my hair the blackest black I can find, I love it
I like the way black hair looks on me. I think really light colors may clash with me, I dunno. I prefer deep hair colors for myself. My hair is naturally really black, but I have some henna in it so there's a slight reddish/bronze tint in sunlight.
My natural hair color is a 1b or a touch lighter. It has never done anything for my skin tone. I used to bleach my hair auburns etc. However these lighter tones wash my skin tone out. I am a caramel color with both yellow and red undertones.

jet black looks great on me and gives a nice gentle contrast with my skin. I use indigo which give soft variation in tone so it looks really natural. I think a rinse or box dye which doesnt allow for natural variation would look too harsh.
Nope. Can't wear it. My hair is sandy brown/reddish and looks dry as a bone even when it isn't. I've tried on a few occasions to go jet black because of the incomparable shine but it is terribly aging on me. Looks really off.
Back in the early 2000s I use to put a jet black rinse in my hair. I thought it looked nice then, but when I look at the pics now, I looked very pale.
i bought a jet black wig once and i looked horrible. off black looked so much better. i gave that wig to my neice. she wears that color well. my hair if off black but dull, the last wig i bought was off black and looks amazing. imagine that.
Yes I love it. Makes my hair look very healthy and shiny. I think it suits me well. I have yellow undertones so that might be why. It does make my curls have no dimension though so I have a portion of my hair at the back dyed burgundy red just to add some.

However, as its autumn I want my hair to be a burgundy red all over. I dyed it and it didn't take, only the roots.
I'm very warm/golden so no black hair is not the best on me. I look better with brown or honey blonde hair although my natural hair colour is off-black. Pitch black hair/clothes make me look pale.