Does anyone use Affirm Products?


New Member
I just recently relaxed my hair and my hair dresser used Avlon Affirm Fiberguard products to shampoo and conditon the relaxer out of my hair.

She used.....

Avolon Affirm Fiber Guard Normalizing Smapoo, Step 4


and i think she used....

Avlon Affirm 5in1 Reconstructor Step 3


My hair was so smooth it was ridiculous. My hair is partly texlaxed so no matter what products i use that texlaxded hair is always rough. When she finished washing my hair was so smooth and soft.

Does anyone else use these products regularly,or can I use these products regularly without any ill effects?

Do i need to find products that have a certain pH like the Affirm products to regualte my hairs pH?
Loved them when I was relaxed. I insisted on Affirm products until my stylist put a Mizani Butter Blend in my hair...but back on topic! I love their maintenance products. I never tried the fiberguard line, but I'm thinking when it comes to relaxed hair care, these folk know a thing or two. My hair was great with these products, especially my rollersets with the wrapping and setting foam. Sometimes, but not often, I get nostalgic for the good years with my relaxed hair. LOL GL!
i only relax with Affirm...i might use the combo your stylist did when i relax again in Oct.
bumping for more responses to your questions...
I relax with Affirm each and every time I relax. It's so great, I don't want to try anything else right now. I use the Affirm Normal relaxer. I've tried the Fiberguard relaxer and it didn't straighten my hair at all (I gave the rest of the tub to my mom). I still had waves in the new growth...softer, but I like straight. It's perfect for those that like to texlax.

I use the 5 in 1 reconstructor as my relaxer mid-rinse step.
I use Affirm Sensitive Scalp relaxer and it is amazing. It never burns me, gets my hair straight and it stays straight, no reversion (my hair is very resistant), and it leaves my hair smooth.
I LOVE the Affirm line. I don't use the relaxer anymore because I'm too lazy to base my scalp, but I still use the conditioners. I would use protecto at every relaxer if they sold it separate from the relaxer kit.That stuff is amazing.
When I was relaxed that's all my beautician used!
The Affirm sensitive scalp relaxer along with the 5n1 and some of their other products are what was used on my hair and My hair always came out great!
It's a great line! :)
I am natural, but I use Affirm 5 in 1 reconstructor as a protein treatment occasionally. Love it! It smells soooooo good, has the consistency of eggs, and leaves my hair super soft.
I relaxed with Affirm Sensitive for basically the entire time I was relaxed (I was relaxed for about 15 years, used Affirm for about 13 of them). Loved it. I used the whole system and my hair was super duper silky. I still use KeraCare products when I straighten (they're both owned by Avlon). I think it's perfectly fine to use these products on a consistent basis.
Yep! Heres the link to my review.

I'm also quite proud to say, if you google Affirm 5 in 1, my review on my blog is currently the 5th result on the first page:grin: