does anyone remember the "comb test" in church?

I thought most comb tests were in black churches/clubs??

Why would a white church need a comb to see if someone is black? Wouldn't that be obvious?
so wonder what happened if a black person somehow passed the comb test?

Something tells me they didn't think that far ahead. :look:


I grew up in the South and I had heard,"If they can't use your comb, don't bring em home." I was well aware of the comb test at a young age, learned the paper bag test when I got to college, and heard of alot of atrocities in between. It's pretty bad when it stems from ignorance and denial with other races but so much worse when it's amongst our own.
I thought most comb tests were in black churches/clubs??

Why would a white church need a comb to see if someone is black? Wouldn't that be obvious?

I think it's because of the jewish stereotype of thick curly hair. Jews were not welcome in parts of the south.

and doesn't it depend on the state of your hair? If I were straight out of the shower or had a fresh blowout, the comb would fall. My wash and go, complete with KCCC, will stop a comb anyday. #imjussayin'
They did this in Africa as well during some time. Except they did it with a pencil. IF it got stuck in your hair, you were allowed only certain priviledges and assigned to a specific group. IF it slipped right through your hair and fell out, same thing. People with the looser texture of course had the better advantages.
I've heard of the paper bag test - at black churches, but not the pencil or comb tests at a white church. In any case God's Holy Spirit does not dwell among haters and hypocrites. He would never have anything to do with a congregation like that no matter what the fools who continue to go to a church like that think.
Unfortunately, I've heard of all these tests- I'm under 40 (just barely) and I didn't grow up in the south.

My dad told me that as kid growing up in the south- where he lived blacks couldn't laugh openly in public. He said there were barrels along the main town thoroughfare that blacks had to stick their heads in to laugh.:nono: Part of me kinda hopes he was pulling my leg, but he's a straight shooter about stuff- especially stuff like this.
So let me get this straight. (no pun intended)
So if Jesus, our Lord and Savior, had walked in there; He would not have been allowed entrance due to His woolly hair?
So let me get this straight. (no pun intended)
So if Jesus, our Lord and Savior, had walked in there; He would not have been allowed entrance due to His woolly hair?

Not the way society has "changed" him so that he was more socially acceptable. I had no idea that christ might have been a different color other blonde haired-blue eyed until i traveled. When i first saw a statue of a black jesus, i thought it was blasphemy. Lets you know how brainwashed i was..
:shocked: That's so sickening. I hope people caught lice from that nasy comb... :nono:

For real. I would've also failed because nobody is putting some filthy comb in my hair that's been in everyone elses. Yuck.

Just off of principle I wouldn't have even let them come near me with that comb. Smh.