White, Asian, Latin etc..Do they comb their hair?...Seriously

I don't know if you can base what you see at college as a good starting off point! lol Like someone else said, that's the end thing. I was raised in the South and I very rarely saw an adult white person with unteased, unkempt hair ( minus the- uh..."trailer inhabitants of the wife beater species" ). The kids? Well... that's a different story. All I know is up until middle school those kids looked nice. Highschool was a diff story. Plus, our hair whether it's natural or relaxed needs proper care. You can't really skip a day or anything, not really. Our hair demands attention! And that's a great thing and it makes us even more special. I love us. *s*
Someone on another board was talking about a research project that they did for school - seeing how black hair was portrayed in the media. In mainstream media (national commercials/print ads) it was roughly a 60/40 split - with the natural side benefiting. In black magazines/publications, however, it was more of a 85/15 split - with straight hair predominating. :look: What does that seem to imply to you? Seems to me that it's not the domininant society that has the 'issues', is all I'm saying. :sad:

Interesting. I'd be curious to know more about that "natural" hair in media. I don't see too many natural 4bs in the media but I do see a lot of the curly, loopy, wavy 3b types.

Also, sometimes different things are advertised to Black folks. Like relaxers. No point in slapping a woman with 3b or 4b on an ad for a kit.
Interesting thread!

I asked a Chinese coworker how does she comb her hair in the morning. We were talking about hair (she was fascinated by my kinks and curls) and I was SHOCKED to find out she blowdries and flatirons her hair every day. Her hair is in a short bob like Rihanna. She said she flatirons for a more polished look. I'd say 99 % of my white friends blowdry their hair every day and wouldn't be caught dead with curly hair. Most of my Latina friends have long curly hair and obsess with their hair like I do.

Living in Boston I am surrounded by college students and I would say most students look like they rolled out of bed and into the classroom. That's for all races. I'm like that's our future? Good lord LOL
As of a college student I do notice that certain students come to school looking disheveled,it is not a race thing it is out of convenience, A lot of those students ,including me, have to drag themselves out of bed, take a shower, put on whatever fits, and run like the wind to get to class. Now unless I am going to work that day , or going somewhere special, I don't focus to much on my hair, I have way too much to do.
My grandmother is white and she combs her hair...every day. So do all my non-black cousins. They comb to detangle their hair, then they style it, and just leave it alone after that. Some people (whether black, white, asian, hispanic, etc...) don't feel the need to comb or groom their hair a lot, so they don't. It's not a reflection on a race as a whole, it's just personal preference.
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One of my roomies is white. She shampoos and blowdries her hair every morning. She wears various updos to work. Her hair went from SL to APL in like 2 months.:rolleyes:

I agree with the previous poster who stated that that is kind of a crazy assumption to make about a large group of people. Other races have almost, if not as many, hair forums, websites, and youtube videos as us.
Seriously. I just came out of one of my classes where out of 160 folks there are about 6 black folks. And as I was battling Hand in Fro Disease...I recognized that none of the white folks, asian folks, anyone besides the black people in my class look like they had comb their hair.

Alot of folks had greasy hair, tangly hair, hair just everywhere. Or these messy tangly ponytails that were half ponytail half like just up.

I can't explain it. But am I the only one who notices this stuff?

I had to catch the bus today to the Univ. And this lady, very hood, was combing her kids hair on the bus. W/ BLACK GEL :wallbash: But, I recognized that since I was a little girl and all my black friends we have been trained to do our hair EVERYDAY! I mean we had DAYS OF THE WEEK HAIR BARRETTES (sp). That means each day comb your hair. lol.

Other folks don't seem to have been raised that same way. And if we left the house with the same hair that we woke up with w/o putting anything in it, unwrapping it, taking out the rollers, no fluffying etc...The dominant society says that we haven't comb our hair. But, they look like they NEVER comb theirs.

And I have some friends who are apart of the dominant society and the only times I see them and their hair looks done is when we are going out to a party, church (maybe), or something special. Like they combed it, put some curls in it, or mouse...ya know something.

What's up with this?

My non-Black friends don't comb, they brush. And not that much, just enough to keep things generally detangled, the rest of the maintainance is done with fingers.
Eh, it's class. I don't touch my hair either when I go to school. School is for ***** uggs and looking like crap.

Definitely. Since law school reading period/ finals have started, my hair has been in a ponytail or bun for the past couple of weeks, VERY unusual for me.
unkept hair does not look good....i like soft messy pony...is very in.

But I have never seen white, asians with greasy hair!!!! The latinas i know are anti grease and oils....at least i know my hair needs to feel light if i feel oil in my hands during my work week i will freak
My friend is Puerto Rican and she doesn't comb her hair, neither does my Chinese friend. Bit I think that it just depends on the person.
My friend is Puerto Rican and she doesn't comb her hair, neither does my Chinese friend. Bit I think that it just depends on the person.

Yeah because I have some Puerto Rican friends who's hair is as nappy as mine :lachen: If they stopped combing or brushing.. well that would just be a scary sight. I'm sure the OP meant Latina's with straight hair. The Latina's with hair like mine pay $6.50 a year to get hair tips from this website :grin:
Yeah because I have some Puerto Rican friends who's hair is as nappy as mine :lachen: If they stopped combing or brushing.. well that would just be a scary sight. I'm sure the OP meant Latina's with straight hair. The Latina's with hair like mine pay $6.50 a year to get hair tips from this website :grin:

HAHHAHAHHA i have some Latina relatives...SOME WITH STRAIGHTER HAIR, some with a texture even coarser than my own.....I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT GIRLIE :)
I'm white and I have curly hair. I comb my hair after wash only (I mean CW, detangler, leave in) and I leave them alone after.
the uncombed messy, thrown together look is in.
which is good for me because i dont comb anyway.lol.
i think it looks cool
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