Does anyone NOT wash their hair in Braids or Twists?


Well-Known Member
I know that people with TWA's don't, but I always read that the majority of people with longer hair do and lots of ytber's as well. For those who don't wash in twists or braids, how is working for you? I myself section my hair in to four sections. I then wash, condition, and massage each section. It takes me 20 minutes total and I think that my hair is doing well. I only wash my hair in braids when I'm cowashing because I do it daily, but when it's time for my weekly wash I feel like my hair must unbound and cleaned thoroughly. I'm really interested in hearing others experiences. TIA!
I wash my hair loose in the shower w/o dividing it into sections. I don't have much trouble with it, I actually find it easier. I have a lot of different curl sizes on my head, it's easier for me to work with my hair as a whole unit than to separate it off into sections. If it's a cowash, it takes me about 3 or so minutes to detangle, if I am shampooing, it takes me maybe 4-5 mins to shampoo and completely rinse (the longer I'm natural, the thicker my hair seems to get!) and maybe...4-ish mins to detangle. I don't smoosh conditioner onto my scalp when I cowash like I would with shampoo, I just run the conditioner throughout my hair as if I'm just conditioning.
I don't section if I am cowashing. If I use shampoo or a co-cleanser, I section into four parts. It is just easier for me to handle and keep the hair stretched as I scrub my scalp.
@mahogany7 sorry to intrude on this discussion since I am not one of those who would wash loose hair. But I noticed your comment that hair must be unbound to get clean and wanted to tell you that I do make sure I do that even when washing in braids. I undo and comb through each braid then rebraid during the shampooing, the conditioning, the ACV rinse and all rinses in between. The only time I don't do this is when wearing microbraids or mini-twists, but for big braids on loose hair, I must unbind my hair to clean it.

Just wanted to mention that in case someone is finding washing loose hair a nightmare and needs to a wash in braids without worrying about not getting hair clean. I know when I posted my method of washing, some people who had never done it were amazed by how stress-free it made wash day. No detangling necessary coz hair is tangle free with no shed strands caught in it by the time you finish washing and hair is kept stretched throughout.

OK, I'm out. Carry on.
I've tried it both ways. For me, it seems to work well enough and more quickly when it's loose.
I don't, my hair doesnt seem to tangle when Its lose, plus its less manipulation.

Also the majority of the time I just finger comb :)
I don't. Mostly because I use clay but even if i didn't, I wouldn't cuz im lazy!

My mother did when I was younger( and she still washed my hair). I should add my mother says my hair is way thicker now than it was then.....and my hair was thick back then.
I don't. I tried when I first found hair boards, but it just complicated things for me. The other sections would get in the way, they would unravel, I would accidentally rinse all the conditioner out of one section while working with another section. It just doesn't work for me.

I wash loose in the shower. I will divide my hair in half just to make detangling a little easier.
I don't. My hair is very very curly. After rinsing it thoroughly in the shower, I douse it with conditioner to begin to soften it, then separate my hair into two sides, then separate each side into two sections and detangle one section at a time. I release the shed hair, rinse and repeat until completely detangled (usually 3x, 10-15 minutes total).

I am not sure exactly how long my hair is but I can reach behind me and pull a section to my waist. It is fine ( though not thin) maybe that's why this works for me.
I don't wash in braids or twists. I need my hair out so I can get all the product out and massage my scalp properly. I can't say my ends aren't a tangled mess when I'm done but I just like this way better.

Doing my hair in the shower is an easier process, (no tangles) but I don't like doing my hair in the shower.
I don't, but I think that I could without tangles.

Think about how fragile one spaghetti stick is, then think of how strong a pack of them are when together. The hair is more susceptible to breakage when it's separate and manipulated but it can be done without tangles.
I don't either, except when my hair is in mini twists or mini braids. I tried it in twists once before, but they just got meshed together at the ends, so I had to get through them even before I detangled.
i wash my hair loose usually in just two sections. i have wl hair and i cowash 3-4 times a week. detangling is only a pain if i cowash any less than that.

if i was in braids or twists they get tangled and frizzy
I've always washed my hair loose....I've never understood the point in washing it in braids. If tangling is the issue; washing, conditioning and drying in the SAME direction helps a lot...I get zero tangles...wash day is a breeze for me! :yep:
I wash my hair the same as Nonie described. I unbraid each section of the 4 sections to wash and condition and to get at my scalp. So I'm not actually washing my hair while it's braided. The braids help to keep the hair sectioned until I am ready to wash and condition a section and they help to keep those sections tangle-free. Wash day became a breeze after I found that method.

ETA: the thing is I section my hair the same way for every process including moisturising, sealing, DCing, HOTs, everything. I can only deal with my hair in sections especially when it's dry because of the thickness. If I didn't tackle a section at a time, I'd get frustrated with it and chop it all off.
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I wash my hair the same as Nonie described. I unbraid each section of the 4 sections to wash and condition and to get at my scalp. So I'm not actually washing my hair while it's braided. The braids help to keep the hair sectioned until I am ready to wash and condition a section and they help to keep those sections tangle-free. Wash day became a breeze after I found that method.

ETA: the thing is I section my hair the same way for every process including moisturising, sealing, DCing, HOTs, everything. I can only deal with my hair in sections especially when it's dry because of the thickness. If I didn't tackle a section at a time, I'd get frustrated with it and chop it all off.

I do the same. My hair is also very thick/dense, so without sections I wouldn't even be getting product through all of my hair.
I've tried it both ways. For me, it seems to work well enough and more quickly when it's loose.

I don't, my hair doesnt seem to tangle when Its lose, plus its less manipulation.

Also the majority of the time I just finger comb :)

i wash my hair loose usually in just two sections. i have wl hair and i cowash 3-4 times a week. detangling is only a pain if i cowash any less than that.

if i was in braids or twists they get tangled and frizzy

I've always washed my hair loose....I've never understood the point in washing it in braids. If tangling is the issue; washing, conditioning and drying in the SAME direction helps a lot...I get zero tangles...wash day is a breeze for me! :yep:

All of the above. Braiding or twisting before washing is a waste of time and energy, for me.
For my daughters 4b hair I do. That hair seems to expand 3 times its normal amount when I washed it loose one day. It was awful! It was big as Gossamer's hair. :lachen:

Washing in braids gives me more control and far less tangles.

For me, I'm relaxed and wash my hair loose.
I used to wash in braids, but it was a waste of time. It took what is now a 10 minute process (including washing my body!) into a 30 minute ordeal. I will reiterate what a previous poster said, I keep everything flowing in the the same direction. I do detangle before I get in the shower though.
I do like you OP and 4 section it, also Nonie has a good idea of undoing the braid but I'd get inpatient with the water it would waste in the shower and the time it would take to undo and redo each, just unclamping and reclamping each section is best for me.
i don't have to because when the water gets to my hair it makes it come apart so say if I had my hair in little braids all over my head. I would let the water start taking them out. this is why I can not wear my hair in twist or braids because they just unravel anyways.
I don't. I tried it once and it did make my wash day easier but I also felt uneasy about not being able to condition all of my hair at once. As it is, I just part down the middle to make two sections and use whatever I'm using that - I leave the sectioning for days that I need to cleanse my scalp.
I wash my hair loose then section it off after when I'm conditioning. I'm natural but my hair isn't very thick.

This is what I do. I start working in sections from when I'm applying my dc.
Washing loose is also an opportunity for some of the shed hairs to fall out/easily slide out.