Does anyone have the 4b z texture?


Well-Known Member
I have seem many albums and I never seen anyone with this type of hair, or is it that I dont know what it supposed to look like. I consider myself a 4b but I dont have any z textures just small coils or circles. If anyone thinks they can clarify please explain. I was just curious because I been cutting alot of my overprocessed ends off and wanted an idea of what the texture would be.
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Any type of coil pattern will be 4a, if I remember correctly, 4b hair has no curl pattern. According to the LOIS system of hair typing for example, and O pattern represent curls, no matter how tight. However, an L pattern represents the sharp bends found in 4b hair. Someone correct me if I'm wrong...
redRiot said:
Any type of coil pattern will be 4a, if I remember correctly, 4b hair has no curl pattern. According to the LOIS system of hair typing for example, and O pattern represent curls, no matter how tight. However, an L pattern represents the sharp bends found in 4b hair. Someone correct me if I'm wrong...
Thanks for responding. I dont like the whole hair type thing, but Im really getting close to having completely textured hair and Im on the fence about texturizing and texlaxed. Have you ever seen anyone with L hair cause I sure havent unless I dunno what Im lookin at? You would think I would have figured it out buy

I've been stretching my relaxer this time around really trying to pay attention to my new growth textures to see if I want to leave it more curly on my next retouch or go for a more texlaxed condition. Unfortunately, as I look at some hair typing info, I'm still confused as ever as to what I have on my head but it's definitely a combination of tight coils (those cute little pen springs) and in the very front top, there's some pretty neat waves (at least I think they are). I brush and smooth this area so much, it's usually pretty straightish. This week I discovered the Amla & Olive Oil Heavy Cream and using that and my denman brush has produced a different look to my texture in this area. When it air dries, it a LOT wavier than usual. :confused: I used to think this was a definite 'z' pattern but right now I'm not sure.

The back and side curls are more defined, definitely coils.
I always thought the "z" was an exaggeration of a 4 b/c texture?

like the person who says they have 4z is basicaly saying there hair texture is different, not nessessarily a "z" shape...who knows?!
Candy_C said:
I always thought the "z" was an exaggeration of a 4 b/c texture?

like the person who says they have 4z is basicaly saying there hair texture is different, not nessessarily a "z" shape...who knows?!
That makes since CandyC. I think that is how I always looked at it,but on the opening of the forum it has a description "according to Andrea" and it talks about the z pattern.I just find it confusing because I have NEVER seen any, at least any black woman, with z patterns in their head so why are we saying were 4b?:confused: I have to ask myself. Anyhoo regardless I LOVE my hair I just was always curious about this and I guess what characteristics about ones hair make them consider themselves 4b.
4b hair is not curly as to my understanding. The texture of the kinkiest type of Afro hair is actually composed of zig-zag strands instead of coils. It's simply an extremely tight wave pattern. 4b hair has no definition in curl or coil pattern. It is simply composed of kinks or bends in the hair. Of course Andre's hair typing system is basically crap. The LOIS system is better.

L=kinks or bends
O= Curls or coils
I= Straight strands
S= Waves
I've been kinda confused about this as well:confused: based on the descriptions. From my understanding tho, 4b is not a perfect zig zag or Z shape. I believe they use the Z just to point out that there is not a defined curl pattern and that the hair bends at sharp angles.

this describes the majority of my hair, it just draws up in random kinks and bends. there are not really any parts of my hair i would describe as "coils" or curls. There are some parts of my hair tho at the crown that has a slightly more defined S shape pattern and i guess that it might be considered closer to 4A;

then i have a small part in the back that is almost straight or loosely wavy and extremely different than any of my hair which is really random. Its never dry, always smooth and grows fast:perplexed Black hair is definitely interesting:)
Imani said:
I've been kinda confused about this as well:confused: based on the descriptions. From my understanding tho, 4b is not a perfect zig zag or Z shape. I believe they use the Z just to point out that there is not a defined curl pattern and that the hair bends at sharp angles.

this describes the majority of my hair, it just draws up in random kinks and bends. there are not really any parts of my hair i would describe as "coils" or curls. There are some parts of my hair tho at the crown that has a slightly more defined S shape pattern and i guess that it might be considered closer to 4A;

then i have a small part in the back that is almost straight or loosely wavy and extremely different than any of my hair which is really random. Its never dry, always smooth and grows fast:perplexed Black hair is definitely interesting:)

exactly! The hair bends at random angles, therefore having no defined pattern. When I was natural I could use mousse to define my curls. I did have a small area that, no matter how much product I used, refused to curl up.

Many people make the mistake of thinking 4b hair is the most unmanegeable type and kinky beyond repair. Not true. My little sister's hair is 4b and yet it straightens very easily with with right amount of pressure. There are also many styles that work best with 4b hair. I've found that my 4a area was harder to comb through than my sister's 4b hair. But like I said, Andre's hair typing system is crap. The LOIS system makes more sense.
This has been kind of confusing to me because I do not know what is the texture of my hair...I want to know and when I ask someone they look at me like I am do I find out what is my texture...I am definitely a 4a/b because my hair is the texture of you determine the texture after you wash your hair...because after I wash my hair it does nothing it does not curl up or wave up...
I have never seen "z" shaped strands, but people say they exist, so I believe them.

I have seen with kinky hair with these type of strands:
non-uniform waves
non-uniform curls
straight hair
very tight curls (o-shaped stands)
uniform waves
uniform coils
uniform curls

All the kinky straight and non-uniform hair seems to be tossed into 4b, with kinky uniform waves, coils, curls in 4a. The very tight curls seem to be considered either 4a or 4b.

Type 4 actually comprises type 1, 2, 3 within its possible hair strands, with the exception that the hair is kinky and grows out instead of down.

That's what makes Andre's system not work well for type 4, IMO.
Cheleigh said:
I have never seen "z" shaped strands, but people say they exist, so I believe them.

I have seen with kinky hair with these type of strands:
non-uniform waves
non-uniform curls
straight hair
very tight curls (o-shaped stands)
uniform waves
uniform coils
uniform curls

All the kinky straight and non-uniform hair seems to be tossed into 4b, with kinky uniform waves, coils, curls in 4a. The very tight curls seem to be considered either 4a or 4b.

Type 4 actually comprises type 1, 2, 3 within its possible hair strands, with the exception that the hair is kinky and grows out instead of down.

That's what makes Andre's system not work well for type 4, IMO.
I know his description contradicts itself. I have viewed many albums and seen many heads of hair in my life and NEVER saw a black woman with a "z" texture.
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redRiot said:
Any type of coil pattern will be 4a, if I remember correctly, 4b hair has no curl pattern. According to the LOIS system of hair typing for example, and O pattern represent curls, no matter how tight. However, an L pattern represents the sharp bends found in 4b hair. Someone correct me if I'm wrong...

Even though I'm relaxed now,this is exactly what my natural texture looks like. Even as a little girl I never had the tight kinks/coils.
Figuring out hair type when you're relaxed can be tricky. Newgrowth texture can do a total change on you when you cut off the relaxed hair. So if anyone is wondering what their hair type is, but have relaxed hair and haven't seen their natural texture in a long time, just know that it might not be very accurate.
There was a girl in my class last sem that had Z pattern hair. Actually, most of the naturals I've seen around were 4Bs with the Z pattern.