Does Anyone Else Look Forward to Starting Their Future Daughter on their HHJ??


Well-Known Member
When I have a daughter, it's a wrap!! She'll have mid-back length natural hair by the the middle of elementary school and she'll be proud of her coily glory!!:grin:

I'm not having a child untill I'm a married homeowner preferably after I get my degrees so it's gonna be a bit before I even have to worry about this but yet and still......I regularly think to myself omg I'm gonna start my daughter off so early I'll have the doctors slap on some cholesterol DC once she leaves the womb!:lachen:

Okay I wont be that bad....but I'll be close lol

Anywhoo do you ever reflect on everything you've learned about healthy hair care for black women and think to yourself, I can't wait to start my daughter off from the beginning on her healthy hair journey??

Have you already started your daughter on her HHJ??
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lol You're not the only one!! I know I'm going to wait many years until I start a family, but you can bet I'm already planning my daughter's reggie and everything! lol I'm anticipating a plan in case she has my texture, or my husband's, or a mixture. She's going to have beautiful hair and I will make sure she's confident with her identity and hair from the get-go!
of course I do! I've already started my baby cousins, little cousins and sisters on this path. It's one of those things I wish I knew back then or wish someone would have told me. I may or may not have been receptive. I'm glad my little loves are being receptive too.
I sure have already started my baby off right. we get's down over here. wanna see pics? of course you do, we love pics around here.
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And after seeing numerous videos of crazy moms fighting little girl hair. I thought I'd post this little peaceful hair time. Mind you, my daughter is three and she doesn't flinch at all. I love LHCF, without this board my daughter's hair would be absolutely jacked up. I'm not good with hair typing but I've been told hers is 4 something and thiiiiiiccccckkkkkk. whooo saaahh
I will do that!
After i made a brainwash myself to forget all the stuff about "bad hair" my mom still telling me, i'm proud to be natural again, so i will be pass the same knowledge to her.
I've taught my oldest DD (almost 20) to ditch the hair grease and only use shea butter. Now she's careful what she puts on her hair and lets me rollerset her hair, experiment, use ayurvedic powders, etc. Her hair is MBL and natural.

My youngest is only 11 and she swears I'm obsessed with hair LOL I try to teach her but she rolls her eyes LOL I'm hoping she'll eventually hear me out. She also has natural hair and its tailbone length, might be longer actually. She doesn't care for any of the things I do for her right now.
Yah no family for me yet but I cant wait till the day I have a little girl with long thick natural hair. Thats one of the biggest reasons I wanted to go natural so I can set an example for my little ones. I even want my boy to have some thick bushy!!!
got rid of the immediate itch by doing my little sister's hair...barring any act of God or major setback, she will be BSL by december. she literally had BALD spots 2 or 3 years ago. i'm set for a baby though (i mean hair-wise) godson has the worst case of cradle cap because his mom is just so disgusted by his "nappy hair". i take him away sometimes and comb it out, put some conditioner in it and braid it...his little sister was born last week and i pray i can intervene in some sort of way. she is still young and her mom is already staring at her hair trying to force it to become "good". my kid will NOT have any of those problems.
I am so looking forward to that day. She has a name already and everything! Now I just need to finish school, marry a good man, buy a home, and make it happen.

In the meantime, I have a 4yr old niece that knows our curly hair is beautiful. When she was 3, she would come home and cry because she has curly hair & some girl @ her day school said she hated curlyb hair. So, I took her hair out of her ponytail, took mine out of my bun & shook it & said auntie has curly hair, too. Can you shake your hair like auntie? We shook our curls all over the house. Her hair is MBL. I moisturize those ends like crazy since my sis insists on using rubber bands on her ends when she plaits it.

I also have a 2yr old nephew w/ long hair that I take care of. *sigh* Kids are so fun.
I do!!! I'm nowhere near married or pregnant but I have plans for my kids' hair :)

My older sister always says my daughter is going to have 'hair down to her butt' :lachen: because of how much I've learned about good hair care.

It's gonna be fun!!!
I don’t have any children at the moment and will not for many year’s but when I do, I can’t wait to impart all the knowledge I’ve learnt from you wonderful ladies.
Definitely! I am finally blessed with a girl & due in November & i'm already thinking about the time we'll spend doing hair and other girly things that I can't do with my boys!
Oh yeah. I have 2 boys and I'm always moisturizing and conditioning their fros. I never really wanted a daughter until I came here, HMMMM! Well I would certainly love to see a little mini me with some long natural hair.

We could definetly do things together I can't do with the boys. If it doesn't happen by next year, I'll just stick with my little cousins.
I already have although we have had a setback. I am so obssessed with hair sometimes I have to sit back and remember she is only 3. Even though I am excited about her HHJ and I want her to have the "hair" now I have to be patient.

So I channel most of my energy into my son because he doesn't so much pulling at his hair. I cornrow it moisturize and seal with oil and he's good.

I can't wait til my DD is old enough to start caring about her own hair and then me and her will be >>>>><<<<<
I have a 9 year old daughter and she has very healthy thick hair and I credit this to every woman I've learned from on how to take care of your hair!! As I do her hair I explain to her what I'm doing and I only apply the best products to her hair :) I give her little tips as I go so it is already in her to take care of your hair. She loves her hair and she says she wants to be BSL when she starts wearing a bra....:rolleyes:
Yes my DD is 15 months and I am already incorporating healthy hair practices....I love her hair and her texture and I will maintain it and teach her to love and embrace it by any means neccessary......LOL!!!!!



Oh yeah! My dd is 3 and we started December of 2008 and she has gone from SL to APL! I'm overjoyed for her! She is an honorary member of the crown and glory challenge and I was going to post pics when she takes her two week break in October. We use shescentit, hairveda and a little just for me detangler. We moisturize and seal twice a day, sleep with a silk cap on silk pillow cases, the whole nine! She is very hair conscious and will get on me if I forget to take the ponytail holder out at night. I love it!!! I want her to be WL by 10.
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Oh yea Super I remember your DD from the children's board. Her hair is beautiful and really has grown and still sooooo thick. I love it.

Sunshine...aww your baby is so cute. Her hair IS beautiful.
I sure have already started my baby off right. we get's down over here. wanna see pics? of course you do, we love pics around here.
WOW! :thud: you're doing SUCH a wonderful job:yep: look how long and thick it is!! Just GAWjeous
And after seeing numerous videos of crazy moms fighting little girl hair. I thought I'd post this little peaceful hair time. Mind you, my daughter is three and she doesn't flinch at all. I love LHCF, without this board my daughter's hair would be absolutely jacked up. I'm not good with hair typing but I've been told hers is 4 something and thiiiiiiccccckkkkkk. whooo saaahh
I don't think I can even express how that did my heart good to see a mother doing her daughter's hair with such TLC while she's relaxing watching her cartoons:infatuated: *swoons* she has some lovely thick type 4 hair, I bet she loves her hair too!! I love it!! :clapping:
I've taught my oldest DD (almost 20) to ditch the hair grease and only use shea butter. Now she's careful what she puts on her hair and lets me rollerset her hair, experiment, use ayurvedic powders, etc. Her hair is MBL and natural.
That's AWESOME!!
My youngest is only 11 and she swears I'm obsessed with hair LOL I try to teach her but she rolls her eyes LOL I'm hoping she'll eventually hear me out. She also has natural hair and its tailbone length, might be longer actually. She doesn't care for any of the things I do for her right now.
lol tailbone length you say?? Wow thats just awesome:)

Yah no family for me yet but I cant wait till the day I have a little girl with long thick natural hair. Thats one of the biggest reasons I wanted to go natural so I can set an example for my little ones. I even want my boy to have some thick bushy!!!
Yes!! I think we're the first example of beauty to our daughters in the most pivotal and vulnerable time in their lives. If they don't see us embracing our coils, most likely they won't. Men can look soooo sharp with a nice fro:yep:
got rid of the immediate itch by doing my little sister's hair...barring any act of God or major setback, she will be BSL by december.
:eek: NICE!!! :clapping:
she literally had BALD spots 2 or 3 years ago. i'm set for a baby though (i mean hair-wise) godson has the worst case of cradle cap because his mom is just so disgusted by his "nappy hair". i take him away sometimes and comb it out, put some conditioner in it and braid it...his little sister was born last week and i pray i can intervene in some sort of way. she is still young and her mom is already staring at her hair trying to force it to become "good". my kid will NOT have any of those problems.
*sighs* all we can do is make sure the cycle of the inferiority complex over our hair ends with us:sad:
I am so looking forward to that day. She has a name already and everything! Now I just need to finish school, marry a good man, buy a home, and make it happen.

In the meantime, I have a 4yr old niece that knows our curly hair is beautiful. When she was 3, she would come home and cry because she has curly hair & some girl @ her day school said she hated curlyb hair. So, I took her hair out of her ponytail, took mine out of my bun & shook it & said auntie has curly hair, too. Can you shake your hair like auntie? We shook our curls all over the house. Her hair is MBL. I moisturize those ends like crazy since my sis insists on using rubber bands on her ends when she plaits it.

I also have a 2yr old nephew w/ long hair that I take care of. *sigh* Kids are so fun.
Awwwee:rolleyes: just too cute thats so sweet.
Definitely! I am finally blessed with a girl & due in November & i'm already thinking about the time we'll spend doing hair and other girly things that I can't do with my boys!
It's gonna be the best:yep:
I have a 9 year old daughter and she has very healthy thick hair and I credit this to every woman I've learned from on how to take care of your hair!! As I do her hair I explain to her what I'm doing and I only apply the best products to her hair :) I give her little tips as I go so it is already in her to take care of your hair. She loves her hair and she says she wants to be BSL when she starts wearing a bra....:rolleyes:
Awww!! I think its so wonderful and perfect that you explain what you're doin as you go along....thats really important and you're really setting a solid foundation kudos to you!!:yep:

Yes my DD is 15 months and I am already incorporating healthy hair practices....I love her hair and her texture and I will maintain it and teach her to love and embrace it by any means neccessary......LOL!!!!!

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Wow omg!!! *sniffles* just as precious and pretty as can be what a cutie!! Awww her hair looks so lush and helthy you're definitely helping it thrive!!:yep:

Wow this is like such an uplifting thread!!:grin:
I have started already too, and I love doing my DD's hair. And I plan on keeping it natural. I want them to embrace their beauty in all facets.

twist out results

When stretched her hair is mid back length.

I do have a daughter and due to her hair breaking off from lack of moisture with a relaxer (she is 8 months post relaxer and 4 months since her BC and is almost SL). She is my reasoning for my transition. I am still new to LHCF and I am still learning but she is questioning me like why are we washing my hair with conditioner? Why this why that? I want to see out progress together!!!
I do have a daughter and due to her hair breaking off from lack of moisture with a relaxer (she is 8 months post relaxer and 4 months since her BC and is almost SL). She is my reasoning for my transition. I am still new to LHCF and I am still learning but she is questioning me like why are we washing my hair with conditioner? Why this why that? I want to see out progress together!!!
That's wonderful, keep doing what you're doing and stick to your natural journey it will be tough sometimes but it will be more then worth it. You have a leg up because you have this community to come to whenever you have a problem I never knew about this board untill very recently so don't hesitate to look something up or just ask :).

You and your daughter's hair will thrive and reach thickness and lengths you never reached before. It's great that she asks questions answer them all so one day she'll be able to have healthy hair practices herself:yep:
Everytime I see one of my little female cousins running aroung with relaxed, chewed up hair, I think to myself, If I have a daughter, I will know exactly what to do. I am hoping that once my hair gets to the OMG length with my family that some of my cousins mothers will allow me to help with their own daughter's hair.