Does anyone else get self-conscious about having long hair?

You’re right. I said I’d sue, LOL! But, she came back with something else... I’ll have to research what it’s called if someone were to do something like that…….. assault? You know how you get along with people and they’re generally very nice to you? Then, a snide remark comes out of the blue sky? That’s how it is with her, and generally when that happens, it’s a person’s true feelings toward you.

Oh well.
Cute kiddie pic, lots of hair.
But seriously you need to watch out for her, she's jealous, hateful and has some kind of a violent physical streak, call her on that BS ask her why she should say something so violent/extreme when you've done nothing to her? and see what she says, cause when she said it that's legally a threat, then if she tries to do it that's assault/battery with a weapon, scissors are like knives.
Yeah they do. One of my white friends is approaching hip length... and she has some seriously awesome hair. Ridiculously thick, with blunt ends... just amazing. You should hear some of the snotty things other white girls say about her when she takes her bun down after work... :nono:

But I digress... :look:

Ignore the haters, Becky!
Unless your bra strap is down by your belly button :ohwell: :lachen:
I suggest you change your siggie to full MBL or WSL LMAO

:lachen::lachen: Ok, done.

nope. no self-consciousness here. wouldn't change my hair for the world... (haha, no pun intended!!!). i won't cut it, won't dye it... nothing.

but, i definitely know how it can be and i'm sorry you are forced to feel that way, and even more sorry for the people who behave in a way to make you feel uncomfortable (ie; the whispers, the backbiting, the eye-rolling, the rude comments, etc).

just the other day a girl who i work with who i always got along with, threatened to cut my hair. it literally came out of no where... she even went so far as to call me "white." ...???? i've gotten that comment my entire life, i told her-- and that it didn't bother me. i say don't get caught up in the opinions of the overly-absorbed self-consciousness of OTHERS. they attempt to devalue a person by making them feel like an outcast. just shake your head (again, no pun intended! :) lol), and move on ;)


That's crazy. I remember a few weeks ago when this girl I just met (while going to a friends wedding) saw my hair outside of it's bun for the first time (and my hair wasn't straightened so it was about SL). She immediately said, "Ooooh, you have long hair. Can I cut it?" :perplexed :nono: And this is while she herself had a bad BSL weave in.

I just laughed it off but remember being really glad that I hadn't decided to flat iron my hair for the wedding like I had been considering doing. She might have just tried to sneak some scissors at me instead. :ohwell:
We ain't gotta hate, next time someone sneers at you flip your hair and run your fingers through it.

What's that phrase by Joyce Meyer the preacher? "Don't wish you had what someone else has if you're not willing to do what they did to get it". I've made some mistakes on my hair and it's shorter in a bob so I just have to do the right thing and be patient that I'll achieve my goal.
Gosh, this sounds awful. I can see why many long haired ladies wear their hair up and hidden. It's a vicious world out there for a tall hair girl.

I heard a story from a relative about an incident that occured on public transport. A girl with long pigtails got on my relatives bus and sat down infront of a group of rowdy girls, The group started whispering about the girl's hair and kicking the back of her seat. The girl didn't move so the group took it upon themselves to place a lighter near her hair, it's by the grace of God that the public saw and scolded the girls. The poor girl got off the bus she was in tears :-(

Women are strange creatures...
Gosh, this sounds awful. I can see why many long haired ladies wear their hair up and hidden. It's a vicious world out there for a tall hair girl.

I heard a story from a relative about an incident that occured on public transport. A girl with long pigtails got on my relatives bus and sat down infront of a group of rowdy girls, The group started whispering about the girl's hair and kicking the back of her seat. The girl didn't move so the group took it upon themselves to place a lighter near her hair, it's by the grace of God that the public saw and scolded the girls. The poor girl got off the bus she was in tears :-(

Women are strange creatures...

:sad::sad::sad: That's CRAZY!! Assaulting a stranger over some long Hair?! :wallbash:
see... for everyone that is on here having long hair for the first time, once it gets past shoulder length and you're sitting somewhere in public, make sure you pull your hair over one shoulder. you don't wanna end up with it cut off.
The only thing I am conscious abt is if people are talking about my raggedely (sp) ends. LOL

Your hair is gorgeous!
see... for everyone that is on here having long hair for the first time, once it gets past shoulder length and you're sitting somewhere in public, make sure you pull your hair over one shoulder. you don't wanna end up with it cut off.

I think about that a lot actually, for when I ever go back home. I'm like 'do I wear a bun? Wait, that's easier to cut off! Should I pull it over the shoulder?' etc etc. I'll probably end up living in a rastacap or something the entire time, sleeping with one eye open:lachen:
:lachen::lachen: Ok, done.

That's crazy. I remember a few weeks ago when this girl I just met (while going to a friends wedding) saw my hair outside of it's bun for the first time (and my hair wasn't straightened so it was about SL). She immediately said, "Ooooh, you have long hair. Can I cut it?" :perplexed :nono: And this is while she herself had a bad BSL weave in.

I just laughed it off but remember being really glad that I hadn't decided to flat iron my hair for the wedding like I had been considering doing. She might have just tried to sneak some scissors at me instead. :ohwell:

Don't let people like this intimidate you into not enjoying your hair down or straight. You need to call them on their BS, somehow when you call them on it, they see how twisted and hateful they really sound and it snaps them back to reality. This woman who I kind of know she's the mom of an acquaintance saw me with my hair down and was like oh I don't have to go weave shopping I just cut your hair and wear it around. I said then you better be ready to fight then. She looked at me shocked like I was out of line. SHe never said anything close to that again.
lmbo....wearing a gold jacket to a funeral, girl you crazy.
Why do I have to watch my back even more when my hair is straight. I don't know what ppl think, but it can feel that you are being judge on superficial things. I guess just take it as a compliment, but I totally relate.
When I'm riding the train, while my hair is curly or straight, I tend to put my hair up or move it to the front. You can't trust people =/

I've had tragic things happen to my hair (it was once tailbone length) to trust anyone again. I won't even let anyone do my hair.
i do... i'm relaxed and have been wearing my hair in protective styles for about 2 years and just wore my hair down this past weekend for my cousin's wedding ... i felt so self-conscious and weird... so not use to wearing my hair down and felt even worse after i got 2 weave checks (1st from a cousin 2nd from an aunt)
Don't let people like this intimidate you into not enjoying your hair down or straight. You need to call them on their BS, somehow when you call them on it, they see how twisted and hateful they really sound and it snaps them back to reality. This woman who I kind of know she's the mom of an acquaintance saw me with my hair down and was like oh I don't have to go weave shopping I just cut your hair and wear it around. I said then you better be ready to fight then. She looked at me shocked like I was out of line. SHe never said anything close to that again.

I know. Sometimes I can't think of good stuff to say at the time. I'm pretty laid back and don't let too much bother me. But I was kinda shocked at her comment. Especially since most people don't see my SL natural hair as long. It came outta left field for me.

I'm glad you set the lady straight. And to believe she had the nerve to act like you were the one out of line and inappropriate. Because even when people joke with you, there's an element of truth to what they're saying (revealing how they feel).

i do... i'm relaxed and have been wearing my hair in protective styles for about 2 years and just wore my hair down this past weekend for my cousin's wedding ... i felt so self-conscious and weird... so not use to wearing my hair down and felt even worse after i got 2 weave checks (1st from a cousin 2nd from an aunt)

I think not wearing it down and straight for a long time plays into it. You know the dramatic change will be shocking to people.

It's like I appreciate the compliments, but I'm not trying to shut the party down and focus all attention on my hair. My friends are really cool and supportive. It just feels weird to have my hair fawned over almost like it's miraculous.

And now that I think about it, I think one of my friends may have weave checked me. She touched my hair/scalp before I saw her coming. But I'm not one of those people that minds having my hair touched (and she touches my natural hair too) so I didn't really think about it.
The only think I MIGHT be self-conscious about is how BIG my hair would be.

Other than that, I'ma swing-it, flip-it, rub it down oh noooooooooooooo!
Long hair ladayyyy....oohhh, long hair
*Do me baby- BBD*

Seriously though, I can't wait for my WL hair to come through for mama...
It will be annoying at times, it will fly in my face and slap me, it will have sex with my lipgloss but hey, that's the price we long huuuur ladies have to pay [sigh] woe is me...NOT!

I worked too hard for too long for the hair I NEVER had, there's no telling WHAT I will do..beware of long haired lady...If this means I have to get a license to walk around with mace to spray the haters away then so be it!!!!
I know. Sometimes I can't think of good stuff to say at the time. I'm pretty laid back and don't let too much bother me. But I was kinda shocked at her comment. Especially since most people don't see my SL natural hair as long. It came outta left field for me.

I'm glad you set the lady straight. And to believe she had the nerve to act like you were the one out of line and inappropriate. Because even when people joke with you, there's an element of truth to what they're saying (revealing how they feel). That feeling would be envy and that would be flattering to me.

I think not wearing it down and straight for a long time plays into it. You know the dramatic change will be shocking to people.

It's like I appreciate the compliments, but I'm not trying to shut the party down and focus all attention on my hair. My friends are really cool and supportive. It just feels weird to have my hair fawned over almost like it's miraculous.

And now that I think about it, I think one of my friends may have weave checked me. She touched my hair/scalp before I saw her coming. But I'm not one of those people that minds having my hair touched (and she touches my natural hair too) so I didn't really think about it.
WOw OP your hair is LONG and thick! :up:

But yeah in answer to your question yep I do feel sort of self-conscious about my hair the longer and healthier it gets. Usually my hair is either pulled up in a bun (so people can't really tell how long my hair is), or I just washed it and didn't feel like using heat so it's pulled in a bun and is looking kind of "rough" :lachen:

But when I get a fresh touchup, and my hair is down and flowing, I would notice that people would pay more attention to my hair, and it would make me feel self-conscious. :look: They would make comments (all nice), or say stuff like: "Wow girl..your hair has GROWN!" :shocked: Or, they would put their hands all in it...etc. :nono: It just puts a little more focus and attention on me than I really care to have. :ohwell:

But don't EVER be ashamed of having long, healthy hair...natural OR relaxed. Don't apologize for it! :naughty: ANYONE can have healthier hair if they care for it well. So, don't let "haters" try to discourage you.

I say go ahead and flaunt that GORGEOUS straight hair if you feel like it! :lol: It's THEIR problem if they're jealous or feel like you're trying to "show off". Why is it that women of other races can have hair all down their backs, and none of their fellow "sisters" think that they're trying to "Show off", but when it's a black "sister" who has long hair...automatically fellow black women think: "Ohhh...she's trying to be white...oh...she thinks she's all that because she's got long hair....Ohhhh I bet her hair is a weave". :rolleyes: All NONSENSE!
Happy birthday, SEMO! :kiss:

I know when my BC grows out, I will have BIG hair. It only worries me when I think about sneaking into my lectures late. :lol:

Don't get me started on when I get it pressed/straightened. I'll be flipping my hair, whipping my head around, leaning forward so it spills over my shoulder, everything. :lachen: I've never had long hair - can you tell?

Everything you said...ITA to the tenth degree!!! I can't even imagine what it will feel like to be worried that my hair is blowing out the window if I have the window rolled down in my car...or sitting on it, or getting it snagged in my lip gloss.

Can't wait to have those problems....
