Does anyone else do this?


Does anyone moisturize their hair at night and sleep with a plastic cap on to keep their hair feeling luscious and soft. A couple of nights ago, I started spraying my hair with 1 part conditioner and 5 parts water. Then I moisturize with care free curl and seal heavily with oil. Then I place a plastic bag on my hair. I make sure to wrap the plastic bag in a satin scarf. I place a bonnet over that so I won't hear the plastic all night.

Does anyone else do this. If not, do you think this is healthy? And by that I mean-Leaving hair saturated in moisture.

Thanks in advance! :)
It's called "baggying" and there are lots who do this by either baggying the whole head or just the ends.

do a search for baggying to get more ideas.
It's good to do sometimes, but just be careful of moisture overload. Like for my hair, I know I couldn't do it more than 2 or 3 times in a week -- probably more like 2.
I do it. Moisturize seal and baggy nightly. And cover with scarves just like OP described above. I make sure to DC one time a week using Aubrey organics GPB (protein conditioner) to restore protein moisture balance.
Yea like someone upthread said it's called baggying and some folks have had good results with it. I tried and it didn't work for me. Instead of having moisturized hair I just had wet hair but it wasn't anymore moisturized than it would have been without the plastic cap. But if it works for you then go for it.
I occasionally baggy, but I don't like my whole head wet so I baggy during the evening before bed. I only baggy the pony tail ends on hair that is lightly moisturized with a product, but not damp.
When wearing my hair out, I do this on wash day. I don't do it daily because that'd be wasteful. The washday application and baggying nightly helps the product last until wash day. I'm not a fan of being an oil-slicked slime ball--which is what I picture in my head when I imagine moisturizing with anything on a daily basis.

When wearing twists, I don't moisturize at all, but baggying nightly does leave my hair feeling nice and soft every morning.
Baggying my whole head for an extended amount of time makes my scalp itch so when i do baggy, i only do my ends.
Nonie and others... do you mean you sleep with a plastic bag all the time? (Full of product or not?)
Nonie and others... do you mean you sleep with a plastic bag all the time? (Full of product or not?)

@LadyRaider, Please type @ before names to get people's attention like I got yours.

When wearing twists or braids like I've been doing since April 2009, I baggy my head every night without fail and I do not use any product. I don't like product in my hair so don't use any when I'm not combing my hair.

When I plan to wear my hair out, I need some type of balm to provide slip for combing so I use S Curl then. I apply it to my hair after washing it, and then once more at the end of washday when my hair is fully dry. I braid my hair for the night and baggy. I repeat the braid and baggy every night without reapplying S Curl...and each morning I comb my hair with ease. The cap keeps my hair from losing moisture, and my sheets from getting messy and giving me acne...hence the reason I don't need to reapply since I don't lose any of it to my bed.

When I wear headwraps, I do wear a baggy too.

Some people find baggying nightly gets their hair mushy. It could be they use too much moisture, or they could probably try using a protein conditioner like Infusium before baggying, if they aren't keen on bare baggying.

When I baggy my bare hair, it seems to recycle the moisture from conditioning but also to encourage sebum production. My hair's always so soft--which is why I've never felt a need to apply anything when I'm on a low-mani mode like twists.
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The only time I baggy is when I am using megatek/sulfur mix (I just starting using it again since I didn't want to waste my bottle of he old formula of megatek.) I baggy my whole head overnight and in the morning apply oil to my hair to seal in the moisture.
I baggy my ends nightly. As mentioned, there is plenty of info on the topic if you search the term "baggy" or even seen it spelled "baggie." There were even some baggy challenges going on. HHG!
I used to do it a lot and it worked so wonderfully for my hair. It's called 'baggying'.
It won't be detrimental or a problem if you keep a moisture and protein balance.

I sprayed my hair with a bit of moisture mist and added a no breakage serum (Organix) and braided my hair up before bedtime last night. Put on the baggie, put on my silk cap and went to bed.

My hair still feels slightly damp and I think I can still feel the moistness from the organix on my ends. Is that basically what baggying does? Keep the hair moister than it would if you just used the silk cap?

How much benefit will I get from this during the day without any covering? Or is the benefit just a night benefit?

I sprayed my hair with a bit of moisture mist and added a no breakage serum (Organix) and braided my hair up before bedtime last night. Put on the baggie, put on my silk cap and went to bed.

My hair still feels slightly damp and I think I can still feel the moistness from the organix on my ends. Is that basically what baggying does? Keep the hair moister than it would if you just used the silk cap?

How much benefit will I get from this during the day without any covering? Or is the benefit just a night benefit?

LadyRaider, I started baggying during jheri curl days to stop the juice from getting on my sheets and face. So baggying to me started as a way to keep my beddings clean. I continued to do it because any other method involved my hair product I have being shared with the scarf (and consequently my beddings) and I consider it not only wasteful but also "extra work" when it comes to doing laundry.

When I started going bare (no product), I found my hair felt so much better after baggying, even though in this case I wasn't trying to prevent product from getting on other things, since I didn't have any. As I thought about it, I realized that people with straight hair usually end up with greasy hair if they don't wash it because sebum travels down the length over time. My hair would just feel dry over time but when I baggied nightly, it not only didn't feel drier with passing days, but it stayed soft (read: moisturized). The only explanation I could come up--especially considering I don't condition the base of my hair yet even that is soft--is baggying creates a kind of steaming effect that leads to pores open, sebum being produced and then in that trapped heated space it's forced to turn to vapor but instead of evaporating it condenses back on my that in time, my hair gets bathed in it instead of just my roots. I have baggied just my ends and they've also retained their softness...which I reckon is because the heat creates a kind of recycling of the conditioning I did when I last washed.

My hair feels damp when I take off the baggy after baggying bare. It feels wet if I used S Curl which makes combing easy. It doesn't stay wet all day but I don't consider that a bad thing. I don't think we're supposed to be walking around with wet hair. But the moisture is in my hair all day. I love that when I use S Curl, my hair is moisturized without being icky sticky and gross to touch. I think of baggying as a conditioning process. Once over, it's over, until next time. If I'm wearing hats or wraps, I baggy again coz I selfishly don't wish to share my hair's moisture with other materials.
Yeah... I am pretty sure my hair is staying softer today (after trying the baggy thing last night) than normal.
I really could kick myself.

I STAYED baggying when I was relaxed, but never thought about it now that I'm natural... even though my hair has been mega dry as of late. *facepalm*

Baggied last night with a Bear Fruit Hair conditioner and sealed with castor oil. My hair was so incredibly soft and moisturized in the morning after it dried. :cloud9:

Back to daily baggying I go. :grin: