Does Anybody Use Plain Ole Water As A Daily Moisturizer?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the other day about what moisturizer should I try for my hair and it just hit me. What is considered the best moisturizer on the planet? WATER!!! I read many books on haircare that state you should search for a moisturizer where water is the first ingredient. So why not just save your money and just use water? My plan is to some distilled water and spay iton my hair twice a day. Does anybody else do this? What have been your results?
I rinse my hair with water daily- ain't nothing like it!! It freshens up my hair and makes it more plump. Also, it makes my products easier for penetration on my hair.
The problem with using only water is that iut just evaporates, you'd need something to seal some of the moisture in.

but sometimes when I'm at work (with no spray bottle!) and my hair wants to act funny, I throw a little water on it to keep the curls defined.
buffalosoldier said:
I always dampen my hair with tap water before I apply my moisturisers.

I do the same. Especially when I'm due for a relaxer. I spray the roots with water and some other stuff, then seal with oil/s-curl.
I do this sometimes, like yesterday when I washed my hair and the baggie method I only used water and I closed my hair up with the plastic baggie and of course my hair stayed moisturized. When I did not do the baggie there were some days that I used water only and some days I used water mixed with a wet leave-in and the results were the same. :)
I think I will keep two different water bottles. One with just plain distilled water to mist my hair throughout the day. To the other bottle I was thinking of adding something like rosewater. I did a search on rosewater and Jade21 recommends it as a moisturizer.
Porsche19 said:
The problem with using only water is that iut just evaporates, you'd need something to seal some of the moisture in.

but sometimes when I'm at work (with no spray bottle!) and my hair wants to act funny, I throw a little water on it to keep the curls defined.

same here. especially with the hot summer weather coming up. The water only method for me would be a joke lol.