Does anybody leave the house every morning with their hair wet?


Well-Known Member
How do you daily or almost daily washers do it? I know if I wash my hair every morning, it's gonna be wet. Then by the time it dries, I won't be able to do anything to it when I wet it again. Plus, wouldn't that at least give you the sniffles?
I wet my hair frequently. I have never suffered an illness because of it.
But if it is cold where you are, may I suggest a hat ot some type of head covering when you go outside in the morning.
I've been doing it for at least 10 years and have never gotte sick. When it is way below freezing, I will do a bun or ponytail, but for the most part, I just go. By the time I leave the house though, my hair is jsut damp.
I do most mornings. I conditioner wash each morning and then scrunch leave in before darting out the door. I don't get sniffles, but my hair does get dry if there is strong cold wind outside white it's drying. I try not to wash and wear too much in the winter. Warm breeze is the best for airdrying I find.
I do wash and goes about 50% a month. I don't get sick. My hair is not as long as most ladies by any means so I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but I have no issues...
It's not cold where I live, but they have the air on high at my job. I'm natural, so I'd prefer to wash 'n' go. If I washed at night, it would take a more time to do my hair in the morning. I don't have to do anything to it now since I wash on Sunday, headband, twist and leave until the next Sunday.
Guilty as charged! Since i have discovered detangling in the shower, I usually wash my hair in the morning before work (2X/wk). Afterward i just bun and go. LOL! Eight hour later when i leave work my hair is still somewhat damp and i usually take it down and let it airdry before bed. I have never gottin sick doing this. I will wash my hair in any weather, below zero, etc... I don't cover my head with anything i just jump in the car and go. So it has never affected me, I believe germ/bacteria are the cause of sickness. Just my personal opinion.
BTW: I work 2nd shift.
wheezy807 said:
Guilty as charged! Since i have discovered detangling in the shower, I usually wash my hair in the morning before work (2X/wk). Afterward i just bun and go. LOL! Eight hour later when i leave work my hair is still somewhat damp and i usually take it down and let it airdry before bed. I have never gottin sick doing this. I will wash my hair in any weather, below zero, etc... I don't cover my head with anything i just jump in the car and go. So it has never affected me, I believe germ/bacteria are the cause of sickness. Just my personal opinion.
BTW: I work 2nd shift.

Same here! :yep:
MissJ said:
How do you daily or almost daily washers do it? I know if I wash my hair every morning, it's gonna be wet. Then by the time it dries, I won't be able to do anything to it when I wet it again. Plus, wouldn't that at least give you the sniffles?
yeah, I leave the hosue with wet hair. I don't try to dry it, though, I just pull it in a ponytail, braid it into pig tails, wrap a bandana around it- whatever.
Don't get the sniffles from wet hair, get it from viruses or allergens.
I wet my hair frequently. I have never suffered an illness because of it.
But if it is cold where you are, may I suggest a hat ot some type of head covering when you go outside in the morning.

I used to do this when I was natural (waaay back in 1998-99). I also never got sick. My friends would hit the roof when I'd walk to class with wet head in October but I never got sick. I don't do it now because I just don't like the feeling of cold wet hair in December. Summer's always nice though!
During the last 3 weeks of my 12 week stretch, I had to co wash my hair everyday!!! I did not suffer any illness. My hair was easier to manage though.
Been doing it for a long time. Never got sick from it. I cowash daily and usually in the morning, so I often go out with my hair still wet. My friends and family used to warn me against it, but I still did my own thing. No one says anything anymore because they know that's just what I do. These days, I have been covering my hair anyway. And I wear a hat if it's really freezing cold outside.
I do it a few times a week. I Usually straight out the shower and I never got sick. My hair loves the moisture. I usually apply NTM Silk and coconut grease. Lastly I finger comb into a bun and secure with a satin scrunchie.
where i live its to cold this time of year to leave the house with a wet head i wouldnt dare do that... but when the weather is good i do sometimes
i leave my house with my hair wet, but I've come to find that my natural hair dries much faster than my relaxed hair ever did. It soaks in the moisture and my hair is dry before I know it.