Do you wash more frequently in the summer?

HERicane10 said:
See D, we all have a story! My oldest son is in that same phase. Lying, skipping school, grades are trash & internet porn is the cherry on top!:eek: Its hard being a GOOD parent.!:( Hold ya head up sis!:)

Wow, your kids seem like such good kids. Oldest son, is there another one?

I don't think he realized that the purnishment would be this:

-My father bought him a horse, can't ride until purnishment is over
-DH dad's coming in from WI to take him on a fishing trip, he can't go
-My mother coming in from RI to take a vacation with them, he can't go
-He and his Dad love baseball, he was prob gonna be selected for allstars like the years before, He's been pulled from that
-Plan to get him a four wheeler that he wanted for the Hunting camp, not happening
-He has to buy his own school supplies and uniforms
-wash his own clothes
-iron his own clothes
-He needs new glasses but I don't know how he gonna get them, we're not buying them, so he's walking around with taped up glasses
-yard work, on him
-All his favorite items, stripped from room
-he needs to sell some stuff at the garage sale to be able to get school supplies

I wonder if it was really worth all this mess.

sorry LadyEsquire for getting off topic
dlewis said:
Wow, your kids seem like such good kids. Oldest son, is there another one?

I don't think he realized that the purnishment would be this:

-My father bought him a horse, can't ride until purnishment is over
-DH dad's coming in from WI to take him on a fishing trip, he can't go
-My mother coming in from RI to take a vacation with them, he can't go
-He and his Dad love baseball, he was prob gonna be selected for allstars like the years before, He's been pulled from that
-Plan to get him a four wheeler that he wanted for the Hunting camp, not happening
-He has to buy his own school supplies and uniforms
-wash his own clothes
-iron his own clothes
-He needs new glasses but I don't know how he gonna get them, we're not buying them, so he's walking around with taped up glasses
-yard work, on him
-All his favorite items, stripped from room
-he needs to sell some stuff at the garage sale to be able to get school supplies

I wonder if it was really worth all this mess.

sorry LadyEsquire for getting off topic

Wow, I'm glad you are not my mother :-). It will be alright. I had to do something similar with my son a couple of years ago. We still have our moments but nothing like before.
dlewis said:
Wow, your kids seem like such good kids. Oldest son, is there another one?

I don't think he realized that the purnishment would be this:

-My father bought him a horse, can't ride until purnishment is over
-DH dad's coming in from WI to take him on a fishing trip, he can't go
-My mother coming in from RI to take a vacation with them, he can't go
-He and his Dad love baseball, he was prob gonna be selected for allstars like the years before, He's been pulled from that
-Plan to get him a four wheeler that he wanted for the Hunting camp, not happening
-He has to buy his own school supplies and uniforms
-wash his own clothes
-iron his own clothes
-He needs new glasses but I don't know how he gonna get them, we're not buying them, so he's walking around with taped up glasses
-yard work, on him
-All his favorite items, stripped from room
-he needs to sell some stuff at the garage sale to be able to get school supplies

I wonder if it was really worth all this mess.

sorry LadyEsquire for getting off topic

I wanna hug you dlewis but you are not alone trust me, I have a 15 yr old daughter I'm 32 yrs old(I started early lol) anyways she is a little show off she is basically my height and we look like sisters she now started doing ok in her school work and the teacher called me to tell me that she's talking and hanging with bad company and not turning in her homework so when she got home my husband and I spoke to her she said ok blah blah blah, the next day the teacher called my husband and told her my daughter came up to her and ask her what the bleep she calling her parents for? I swear I doubted it for a second its so out of character we don't curse in out house it was so weird but after I got over the shock lord it was on, you think we look like sisters so lets do some sisterly room change I think your room would look better with no tv, I think your phone looks better than mine so I'm taking it, all these clothes I'm taking it, your bag of jewelry I'm taking it, that gloss I'm taking it, all those shoes I'm taking it, you will be wearing one pair of shoes for the month, that cute hairstyle guess what I'm putting your hair in 2 braids for the month, I went awol on her behind, my husband felt sorry for her, those kids always do things to embarass you, thank god the teacher knows what kind of parents we are, or else she would have loads of oppinion on us but guess what you have to do it its tough but that's the only way, the teacher called me and told me I don't know what you did but my daughter is doing much better, I told her she don't wanna no:)
gymfreak336 said:
I have an early summer school class so I figured I might co wash in the morning, towel dry and maybe clip it in an octopus clip.

That sounds like a good idea gymfreak. I co wash at night when I'm taking my shower, apply leave in, fantasia olive serum, apply healthy ends to ends/seal with bco and baggie.:)
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HERicane10 said:
:bath2: You mean theres life OUTSIDE my shower! :eek: Oh My! I so love being a wet head in the summer. CW everyday! ( I can't let tsmith be the only chic swangin a FAB-ulous mane!:grin:

I won't:lol: I got cowashing from the ladies on here. A couple of ladies well alot of ladies say daily cowashes contributes to their hair growing faster and girl I started doing it June 06 and I guess (I'm no expert) it works, in the growing department. I definitely know that it keeps my ng soft and you know hair grows faster in the warmer months for most of the ladies, so that's why I do it almost everyday. I'm sitting here right now with 5 weeks worth of ng and I feel like I have 8 weeks but my hair feels so soft and moisturized at the same time (from the daily cwing);)
dlewis said:
Wow, your kids seem like such good kids. Oldest son, is there another one?

I don't think he realized that the purnishment would be this:

-My father bought him a horse, can't ride until purnishment is over
-DH dad's coming in from WI to take him on a fishing trip, he can't go
-My mother coming in from RI to take a vacation with them, he can't go
-He and his Dad love baseball, he was prob gonna be selected for allstars like the years before, He's been pulled from that
-Plan to get him a four wheeler that he wanted for the Hunting camp, not happening
-He has to buy his own school supplies and uniforms
-wash his own clothes
-iron his own clothes
-He needs new glasses but I don't know how he gonna get them, we're not buying them, so he's walking around with taped up glasses
-yard work, on him
-All his favorite items, stripped from room
-he needs to sell some stuff at the garage sale to be able to get school supplies

I wonder if it was really worth all this mess.

sorry LadyEsquire for getting off topic

You're doing the right thing D, I wish I was as strong as you. I'm such a creme puff, when it comes to my kids. I mean when my daughter's push me, I WILL put my foot down and when I give them that voice that comes from the pit of my soul, they know to fallback but overall, I tend to slack off a bit and now it's biting me in the butt. I have a 14 year old (she just turned 14 on May 9th) Girl, hold it down and can I send my daughter to DLEWIS BOOT CAMP for the summer? As gymfreak, said in an earlier post, it's best for him to learn young rather than grow up and learn the hard way.
tsmith said:
You're doing the right thing D, I wish I was as strong as you. I'm such a creme puff, when it comes to my kids. I mean when my daughter's push me, I WILL put my foot down and when I give them that voice that comes from the pit of my soul, they know to fallback but overall, I tend to slack off a bit and now it's biting me in the butt. I have a 14 year old (she just turned 14 on May 9th) Girl, hold it down and can I send my daughter to DLEWIS BOOT CAMP for the summer? As gymfreak, said in an earlier post, it's best for him to learn young rather than grow up and learn the hard way.

T, you hit it on the head girl! I'm not as consistent as I should be with disciplining my kids, but I hate working all day and then coming home & have to tear up some booty!:look:

D, my oldest son is actually my step-son. He lives in TX with his mom & her husband. I try not to use that label, as it sometimes makes it harder to bring them into the fold, especially when craziness starts happening. But his dad has put the law down and he'll be back in the "country" AS SOON AS school is out! He had this grand plan to "DO RIGHT" in the city!:ohwell: Well, you know how the best laid plans go, especially with children. Don't you cry no more! The world is a much harsher teacher than you could ever be. We so much drama going on in this world, we gotta do all we can to raise STRONG, INDEPENDENT BLACK MEN!;) Be encouraged. You practicing some tight Biblical principles right now! Stay on course, mami!
dlewis said:
Wow, your kids seem like such good kids. Oldest son, is there another one?

I don't think he realized that the purnishment would be this:

-My father bought him a horse, can't ride until purnishment is over
-DH dad's coming in from WI to take him on a fishing trip, he can't go
-My mother coming in from RI to take a vacation with them, he can't go
-He and his Dad love baseball, he was prob gonna be selected for allstars like the years before, He's been pulled from that
-Plan to get him a four wheeler that he wanted for the Hunting camp, not happening
-He has to buy his own school supplies and uniforms
-wash his own clothes
-iron his own clothes
-He needs new glasses but I don't know how he gonna get them, we're not buying them, so he's walking around with taped up glasses
-yard work, on him
-All his favorite items, stripped from room
-he needs to sell some stuff at the garage sale to be able to get school supplies

I wonder if it was really worth all this mess.

sorry LadyEsquire for getting off topic

Do not apologize DLewis. I relate to your situation. I have a nine-year-old daughter. She is playful, smart, affectionate, and a really good child. However this year, she has seemed to get lazy. I have to be on her like white on rice. The last three summers, I got her prepped in math and reading for the next school year and this usually kept her ahead in her grades. However, this summer I am going to be studying for the GA bar exam, which will take me away from the house all day, for at least two whole months...damn near the entire summer break. I am worried that if I am not around regulating what she does, that she will not get her act together for when she enters the fourth grade. Her grades slipped, she is distracted. I need to pray about it. She has so much potential. Again, I need to pray about it.
guesswho said:
I wanna hug you dlewis but you are not alone trust me, I have a 15 yr old daughter I'm 32 yrs old(I started early lol) anyways she is a little show off she is basically my height and we look like sisters she now started doing ok in her school work and the teacher called me to tell me that she's talking and hanging with bad company and not turning in her homework so when she got home my husband and I spoke to her she said ok blah blah blah, the next day the teacher called my husband and told her my daughter came up to her and ask her what the bleep she calling her parents for? I swear I doubted it for a second its so out of character we don't curse in out house it was so weird but after I got over the shock lord it was on, you think we look like sisters so lets do some sisterly room change I think your room would look better with no tv, I think your phone looks better than mine so I'm taking it, all these clothes I'm taking it, your bag of jewelry I'm taking it, that gloss I'm taking it, all those shoes I'm taking it, you will be wearing one pair of shoes for the month, that cute hairstyle guess what I'm putting your hair in 2 braids for the month, I went awol on her behind, my husband felt sorry for her, those kids always do things to embarass you, thank god the teacher knows what kind of parents we are, or else she would have loads of oppinion on us but guess what you have to do it its tough but that's the only way, the teacher called me and told me I don't know what you did but my daughter is doing much better, I told her she don't wanna no:)

guesswho, I swear my girlfriend Shannon,from New Orleans, is your parenting twin.:lol: Some of the stories she tells me about how she does her kids have me rolling in the floor. She's got a daughter that's 14 too & she kinda mouthy, & got a lot of attitude. Well, my friend had to go her school one day and while they were in the hall with the principal & teacher, her daughter started giggling with a friend that was passing by..........well needless to say, her mama already had a thick arrzz belt in her hand......she said she tore her arrzz up AND told the friend she'd whoop her too. :lachen: She said shes works to hard to make sure they got what they need to be dealing with all that UNECESSARY drama!:grin:

We are so off topic, but this is a really good conversation!:ohwell: :lol:
tsmith said:
I won't:lol: I got cowashing from the ladies on here. A couple of ladies well alot of ladies say daily cowashes contributes to their hair growing faster and girl I started doing it June 06 and I guess (I'm no expert) it works, in the growing department. I definitely know that it keeps my ng soft and you know hair grows faster in the warmer months for most of the ladies, so that's why I do it almost everyday. I'm sitting here right now with 5 weeks worth of ng and I feel like I have 8 weeks but my hair feels so soft and moisturized at the same time (from the daily cwing);)

After looking at your growth TSmith, and looking at DLewis's beautiful locks, I WILL definitely increase my cw-ing. This week, I listened to the cues that my hair was giving me. My hair was thirsty!! So in response, I shampooed, deep-conditioned, and rollerset on Sunday. Then, I cw'd on Tuesday, and then cw'd again on Thursday.

I like this schedule, 'cause my hair LOVES the water! I will keep it up for the summer: DC on Sat/Sun, and then cw every other day during the week. Thank you so much ladies for guys are so helpful!!!!!!!
I do increase my washes. It's hot outside, so my hair doesn't maintain it's shape or style, so I usually have to wash or more likely rinse more often to redo twistouts etc.
This turned from a happy thread to this.:lol:

My son said last night he was sorry, he was wrong and didn't know that what he did affected everyone else. I said, I know. He came back latter and asked if he was still on punishment. DH, who in the next room, was in his face so fast I had to step between them. Doubt if he'll ask that again.

I sure hate this.
LadyEsquire said:
After looking at your growth TSmith, and looking at DLewis's beautiful locks, I WILL definitely increase my cw-ing. This week, I listened to the cues that my hair was giving me. My hair was thirsty!! So in response, I shampooed, deep-conditioned, and rollerset on Sunday. Then, I cw'd on Tuesday, and then cw'd again on Thursday.

I like this schedule, 'cause my hair LOVES the water! I will keep it up for the summer: DC on Sat/Sun, and then cw every other day during the week. Thank you so much ladies for guys are so helpful!!!!!!!

I wish I could do a wash and go and it look nice. It normally turns into a huge fro.
HERicane10 said:
guesswho, I swear my girlfriend Shannon,from New Orleans, is your parenting twin.:lol: Some of the stories she tells me about how she does her kids have me rolling in the floor. She's got a daughter that's 14 too & she kinda mouthy, & got a lot of attitude. Well, my friend had to go her school one day and while they were in the hall with the principal & teacher, her daughter started giggling with a friend that was passing by..........well needless to say, her mama already had a thick arrzz belt in her hand......she said she tore her arrzz up AND told the friend she'd whoop her too. :lachen: She said shes works to hard to make sure they got what they need to be dealing with all that UNECESSARY drama!:grin:

We are so off topic, but this is a really good conversation!:ohwell: :lol:

We really are off topic lol, but I agree its a great convo lol, those kids are not easy they are gonna send you nuts, but what you gonna do you love them and you want them to succeed and spoiling them is not helping its hurting them in the long run.
LadyEsquire said:
After looking at your growth TSmith, and looking at DLewis's beautiful locks, I WILL definitely increase my cw-ing. This week, I listened to the cues that my hair was giving me. My hair was thirsty!! So in response, I shampooed, deep-conditioned, and rollerset on Sunday. Then, I cw'd on Tuesday, and then cw'd again on Thursday.

I like this schedule, 'cause my hair LOVES the water! I will keep it up for the summer: DC on Sat/Sun, and then cw every other day during the week. Thank you so much ladies for guys are so helpful!!!!!!!

Your summer regimen sounds good and you're welcome. That's what we're here for;)
dlewis said:
This turned from a happy thread to this.:lol:

My son said last night he was sorry, he was wrong and didn't know that what he did affected everyone else. I said, I know. He came back latter and asked if he was still on punishment. DH, who in the next room, was in his face so fast I had to step between them. Doubt if he'll ask that again.

I sure hate this.

He tried to do the mommy I'm sorry routine (my daughter's favorite) but DH put a halt to that:lol: Kids know that some mommy's are vulnerable and try to play on that. My daughter does but my SO steps in also. Sometime we need backup for these kids:lol: Be strong, don't give in. Sometimes when I punish my daughter I feel so bad but I don't let her know it. We love our kids so much that we give in sometimes to make them happy and we tend to forget sometimes the reason why we punished them but stay strong D, he'll appreciate that TV and everything else when he get them back;)
Alright, already! :look: :lol: We got put this thread back on the right track. We've all VENTED, threw my girl Dlewis some MAD SUPPORT, & generally realized that hair is not all we have in common! back to the HAIR!:lol: :lol: :lol: You guys are really great!;)
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Nope. I wash biweekly regardless of season. The only thing I plan on doing differently is airdrying instead of sitting under the dryer/blowdrying.