Do You Want Me to Bweave?

Please Bweave Me

  • I want people to believe it's my hair, it is. I paid for it.

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • I tell people it's not real, I just like the instant change in hairstyles

    Votes: 31 60.8%
  • I get offended when people ask, so I smile and walk away

    Votes: 4 7.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

My Friend

New Member
When you wear a wig/weave do you want people to believe it's yours? I know we all want our wig/weave to look natural and blend well for appearance and style but deep down inside are you hoping everyone bweaves it's your hair?
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I no longer wear weaves, but when I did I wanted people to believe it was my hair. I also feel that it is rude for people to ask. If someone asked me if my hair was real while I was wearing a weave, I would have told them "WHY YES, IT IS THANK YOU".
I want it look as real as possible. Even if it looks like it could be a weave I want it to look like it could be my hair.

I don't want others to ask if it is a weave.
I really dont care if someone ask or if they think its weave.Ladies must understand 9 times outta 10 you can tell its a weave even when done nicely. I think most women can tell i can.
I tell people before they ask. LOL. Por Ejemplo. Coworker: Crissie D I love you hair./Your hair looks nice like that/how did you get your hair like that/ did you cut your hair Me: Thanks its pretend hair :grin:
I'm conflicted about this.

I view hair pieces (and hair generally) as accessories that can be swapped out at will the same way some people wear a different handbag or ring or lipstick color from day to day.

I want society to accept this and not look down on wigs/weavse and those who wear them, and the only way to get to that point is for more people to be up front and loud and proud about their hair pieces.

But at the same time, I really hate being put on the spot and quizzed about my hair when no one else around me is subjected to the third degree about their personal style. People do this to me CONSTANTLY--African-ancestry ones, European-ancestry ones, Asian...everyone comes up to me and asks me about my hairstyles and it's really bothersome to me. Some (perhaps most) of them are merely genuinely curious and mean no harm by it, but I hate being put on the spot.

It inhibits me in my creative expression to know that the hair I choose to wear today will be examined, scrutinized, and commented on in detail by many people I will interact with that day.

e.g. I really want to branch out into colors beyond my trusty #2 (my natural hair color) and lengths that don't align with my own. I keep on buying redundant hair because of this inhibition.

So, I dipped my toe in the waters last month and purchased a cheapie 12 dollar pack of 1b/33 hair from the BSS, and made a semi-wig with it. The subtle reddish highlights look really good against my skin! Well, the first day I wore it, a young woman approaches:

Her: Oh, your hair is so long! It must grow really fast from when I saw you a few months ago

Me: welll, no, as you can see it's straight now; when it is curly, it shrinks up many inches and looks shorter [note: this is the blessing/standby line I use on European/Asian/other people who do not know beans about shrinkage. It is like an all-purpose pass to describe even weaves/wigs that very obviously CANNOT beb explained away by shrinkage]

Her: "Oh, and it looks you have some red mixed in now, too. did you get highlights in your hair?"

Me: Er, yes, it's only temporary. But let's talk about YOU; how've YOU been? :look:

Now, I am itching to try shorter (above the shoulder) styles and to start wearing a new pack of completely red-tinted hair that I made into a semi-wig, but I don't want my creative flip-flopping to be commented on. :perplexed:

Ideally, I would like us to be at a point where someone could just say "hey, nice wig, Yankee!" the same way they would say "nice purse!" and keep it moving. I don't like feelin like a science experiment; that's my main thing.
P.S. when I am talking to someone I have good reason to believe knows about fake hair (i.e. a Black American who wears a phony pony occasionally), I always disclose. I feel as though they know anywy and will view me as stuck up or deceptive if I don't disclose.
Lol, the title of this thread is so corny, i thought it was a typo

It is corny. It reminds me of a bad Martin line, one of those times he is trying to get at Pam:lachen:

I wear wigs and I could care less how real or fake it looks. This is because I wig it for me, not for others. I do not wear wigs for fashion, but to retain as much length as I can. And if you ask, I will tell you in a second that it isn't my hair. Seeing as though so many of us are sporting wigs/weaves that I feel most of the time are recognizable as fake, it just isn't that serious.
When I wear my half wigs, I respond to compliments "Thanks, it's totally a wig" :grin:

But at the same time, I want it to look as REAL as possible so that when I do confess that its fake, people are like "WHAAAAA!?" :blush:
I don't wear weave anymore, but I know when I wore phony ponies or got a SL sew-in, I wanted people to think it looked natural. However, when I got a long mid-back sew-in, um....I didn't expect people to believe that was my hair.

I usually told people it was a weave if they asked or gave me a compliment. I always got compliments on my real hair, too, so wearing weaves was just a fun thing for me, not that serious.

Clearly, I didn't expect people who saw me everyday to not notice the drastic change in the length of my hair. lol
I just want the weave to look natural, and flow like real hair. Not like I just bought 3lbs of hair and slapped it in. Could care less if people ask. One guy at work asked me wear I got all that pretty hair from, I said online.
When I am in weave mode I change my hair too often for anyone to not know it's a weave.
but thanks to LHCF
I have a new motto

"The Weave is Irrelavent, it's only here to protect my hibernating Fro"
Nope, if they say "I like your hair" first I say thanks. Then if they say "How did you get it like that?" I say "I bought it :)" No need to fake the funk b/c I'm always switching up my wigs. Sometimes it's short, long, red, jet black, brown. Don't want folx to get confused LOL
i dont want people to believe its mine.
i mean that who am i kiddin? from neck length, to mid back to bra strap, to neck length all in two months.. naw, im content with the fact that i (and others) know its not mine.

all that matters is that i look darn good while doing it.

it actually kinda bothers me when people pretend that the weave is theirs. i mean be proud of what you dont have or what you can get.
I dont want people to think the weave is mine. I've always felt this way and this is the reason why I tend to wear weaves that are opposite from my hair.

I guess I dont want people to be "disappointed" when they see my real hair. Unfortunately some people look drastically different with a weave and their real hair rates way lower on the totum pole. I'd rather have my hair be so different from the weave that you cant really compare them (or the rating is close lol)

For instance, my hair is about BSL so when I wear a weave its shoulder length or above (so that when I do straighten my hair folks will be pleasantly suprised, whereas if I had a bsl weave and then wore my bsl hair it would look like someone thinned out my real hair). Since Im natural I refuse to wear a natural/kinky weave becuase I would hate to have my nautral fro compared to it. That whole "OH...what happened to your hair" line can be disappointing.

I want my weave to be fly but my real hair to be flyer! ( this doesnt count with braids)
When I wear weaves, if someone compliments my hair I always say "Thanks, its a weave" . lol I guess I feel like I have to thank the donor since its not hair grown out of my scalp. Like another person stated, it may seem kind of deceptive to not say something. I know when me and my friends tell a girl that her hair is pretty and she just says thanks and flips her hair...I think its kinda funny.
I do want it to look natural though..I dont want it to be super obvious like some girls with their leaveout that doesnt match and 23 inch Indian Wavy hair. I try to opt for something believable.
I've only just started wearing a wavy BSL half wig a month ago (it's Tammy Outre). No I don't necessarily want people to think it's really mine, but if they do then that's OK, I don't really mind either way, I just at least want it to look natural and good. I have been getting lots of compliments for my half wig, and about 95% of people seem to think it's my real hair, which ain't bad :D (well, most of them are white anyway so I don't think they know much about black women and their hair, but meh). But I didn't mind telling the truth to a couple of people who did ask if it was real.
When I get compliments on my hair I tell them its a HW. I don't hide the fact that I wear wigs but at the same time, I want it to look nice i.e. well blended and styled. I don't care if the wig is green type 1 hair, if its well styled and the green looks good on me I'll rock it.

I felt the need for it to look natural when I first started wearing wigs, for the same reasons Yankee Candle pointed out. I just did not want to deal with the scrutiny. Now that wearing them has become routine, I just want the wig to look good, period. Sometimes that means beweaveable, sometimes not :lol:.
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I let people know that is not my hair b/c it's going to look weird if one month I have short hair & then the following month my hair is down to my butt.
People already know it is not mine, I never worn weaves but I tried to wear wigs which was just not feeling right to me, my wig would be cock to the side from scratching, taken off for my hair to get some air and slapped back on all while I am talkin to you, I have no shame in my game. So therefore I don't wear weaves or wigs, might try braids this summer.
It doesnt bother me when people ask am I wearing a weave or a wig. But I do find it kinda funny when guys ask.:rolleyes: They are just so bold with it..."Oh I like your hair.... Is it yours, or is it a weave" and Ill be like "Oh its a wig but my real hair is long...." Thought to myself cant have them thinking im some bald chick.:lachen:
I tell people all the time. I wear the same style as my hair now so people have stopped asking. I think they are confused, some days its real some days its fake but it always looks really close to the same. I used to drastically change it all the time but I am trying to fall in love with my own hair and feel pretty with it.
I always tell the truth when asked but now that I am working on my real hair inside I feel like screaming "my own hair is better, this is to protect it."
I want my fakeys to look so good people are afraid to ask just in case they are wrong. But if you are a really good wig checker and ask, you win a prize... the truth.
I really don't care :ohwell:

I'm rocking a homemade sew in now - I could try to make my hair blend in better :look: - but for the most part, the only people I see are DH & the kids, and my small office of coworkers. Hair is often a topic of discussion so it's no secret. They'll be alright :yawn:


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It dont matter to me becuz I have been wearing weaves/wigs for 12yrs now and I can tell whether or not someone is wearing a weave/wig even the most undectable ones. I dont know it something about the ends of fake hair that is a dead giveaway and how it moves with the rest of your hair, or the sheen it gives etc. Im not going to get into all the sciences of how to detect a weave.

I personally dont get offended and could care less if u could tell that im wearing a weave/wig. As long as me and my hair piece is fly and on point does it matters? And to all the ladies that are still living in a fantasy that they can make everyone believe that their fake hair looks real....grow up hun, Tyra Banks and Beyonce killed that dream a long time ago.
When I wear my half wigs, I respond to compliments "Thanks, it's totally a wig" :grin:

But at the same time, I want it to look as REAL as possible so that when I do confess that its fake, people are like "WHAAAAA!?":blush:

exactly my sentiments. :yep:

i don't care if you know...just ask and i'll tell you.
i had to show my dad a track once just so he'd believe me. he said he'd never look at a black woman's hair the same way again. :perplexed