Do You Use Overnight Hair Treatments?


New Member
Do any of you use the baggie technique overnight with oil? Or do you put deep conditioner on your hair overnight? Any other overnight treatments? I would really love to pamper my hair with an overnight treatment but don't know what would be too much conditioning. Any ideas are welcomed. Thanks!!!:)
I DC overnight whenever I start my hair and too lazy to finish. :lol:

I don't believe overconditioning has anything to do with how long you leave the conditioner on, but with how much conditioning you do and with what products. It takes a balance of protein and moisture.

You have to find out what's best for you hair, but an overnight treatment don't cause overconditiong. Many ladies here have success with baggying overnight, but I haven't done it enough to be able to advise you on it.

I deep condition overnight about once a month. It's usually a combination of time constraints and wanting to pamper my hair. I apply the DC, put a cap on, and tie my scarf over it. In the morning I rinse the DC, and my hair is butter soft.

I just started baggying overnight on my whole head this month. I apply a moisturizing leave-in or my moisture mix and I follow with oil. Then I put a baggy on and tie my scarf over it. In the morning, my hair is super soft and moisturized. I love the results of doing this, and I'm wondering why I never thought to do this sooner.

I agree with MsDee regarding overconditioning. I think the frequency and type of product are what result in overconditioning, not the length of time unless you're dealing with ApHOGEE or some other time-sensitive protein, etc.
Just now i just put Aubrey Organics GPB and some oil on my hair, with a baggie and a cap on top. I'm going to let it sit overnight. This is how i usuallly prepoo, I just won't feel like doing it in the morning so I'm doing it overnight instead.
I usually do my pre-poo this way. Probably two to four times a month. My favorite overnight treatment is Ojon Restorative Treatment, a palm kernal oil . I consider it a rich, indulgent, cafemocha (smelling) "TREAT" for my hair. My hair soaks it up and after washing in the morning, it is cashmere soft!

I have used coconut oil overnight and I also like to use a hotoil concoction of EVOO and honey as a pre-poo sometimes, but not overnight.
Yes --- I use overnight Hair Treatments about once every 2 or 3 months or if I feel my hair needs it.

1 Way
SPECTRUM Organic Coconut Oil all over hair from root to tip, two plastic caps and a scarf wrapped over that, sleep with a towel over my pillow / pillow case. In the morning shampoo and condition as normal.

2nd Way
Applied Thermasilk Leave in Conditioner (Liquid Bottle Formula) all over hair so that it is thoroughly moisturized from root to tip and put on 2 plastic caps. In the morning my hair is so moisturized, proceed with normal shampooo hair day routine.

Happy Healthy Hair Growing :)
Yes I DC overnight once a week with shea butter (sometimes I add an oil or a small amout of conditioner),

I baggy my ends overnight (moisturize with ORS olive oil and seal with jojoba oil), as I said in another thread, this is the best thing I've ever done for my hair, my ends are so healthy now,

I will keep this methods for 2007,

so far so good
Last night for the very first time, I shampoo'd my hair and put some Dabur Vatika Coconut Hair Oil in my hair and slept in it overnight. I just added some keracare humecto conditioner to it and I am getting ready to sit under my heating cap for 30 minutes and then rinse out. I can't wait to see the outcome and shoot...I can't wait to buy a hooded dryer:p