Protein overnight?


Well-Known Member
Is it okay to sleep in a protein deep conditioner overnight?

I'm trying to get better about doing protein treatments, so I just applied Cathy Howse's UBH protein conditioner. It feels so good--nice and tingly!

I applied it to my hair, put a plastic cap on and a beanie on top of that.

She says that the product must be activated with heat, but I don't feel like putting a heat cap on right now. Will I still get the benefits of the protein deep conditioner without the heat? Do you think it's okay to wear this overnight without any ill effects?

I all depends on what your hair likes. My hair is not fond of too much protein. Once I slept in a conditioner that had a lot of hydrolyzed wheat protein and the next day my hair was really dry.

If you are looking to use a product that should be activated by heat, sleeping in conditioner would get the job done as your natural body heat would do the trick. But the conditioner you choose, should be one that your hair is especially fond of. HTH :)
Thanks Priestess! I think I'll go ahead and sleep in this and then pray my hair will be fine tomorrow. I'll rinse it with Silk Elements Mayo Conditioner. My hair loves that stuff!
I agree with Priestess. My hair likes protein conditioners, but I can only sleep with one and that's Nexxus KerapHix.
I've applied a very mild protein overnight: Aubrey Organics GPB and had great great results....softer hair the next morning. It was a great pre-poo.
tiffcurl said:
Thanks Priestess! I think I'll go ahead and sleep in this and then pray my hair will be fine tomorrow. I'll rinse it with Silk Elements Mayo Conditioner. My hair loves that stuff!

Your welcome, girl. That Silk Elements Hair Mayo is good! So, how did your overnight treatment go? Enquiring minds want to know! :lol:
that was a great question because i was scared to do it. i use mizani's kerafuse and hydrafuse together but i was scared to leave it in overnight. i don't use heat--i only used it once since oct of 05 ;) .