DO you try to convert friends and family???


New Member
I have been trying to convert my sisters into the practice of taking better care of their hair for a few months. It is not working. They keep telling me it is too much work and that they cant afford it. So I tell them that they are going to end up looking like me back a few months :lachen: They feel that because they have long hair its healthy. My youngest sister buckled though. She did a BC in december and she looks cute. My mother tells me I am going to make my hair fall out cuz of what I do now...little do they know.

Does your family feel like you are nuts?
My cousin thinks I am nuts because I do not perm my hair, they say I got too much and I need a perm (why does she call it a perm?) to help manage my hair. :perplexed all the while she has no edges and thinning hair. I have tried numerous times to help her out but she does not want anything from me, except for me to do her hair for free. I told her the relaxer was her problem but she does not listen, she even got her daughter's hair relaxed after me begging her not to. I have nothing against a relaxer as long as it is done right and taken care of, not the case here.
"My mother tells me I am going to make my hair fall out cuz of what I do now..."

My mom tells me the same thing and sometimes she actually laughs while im doing stuff to my hair. Her hair's a mess btw
I'll only give suggestions to family members, and only if someone asks and is having problems with their hair. My sister was having hair issues, and I gave her a whole buncha ideas and recommendations. I think family members give me credence because I turned my hair around from total disaster :eek: (trust me, it was) to looking healthy and thick, so they figure I must have some sort of a clue.
My mom always gripes about my daily CO washes, eventhough my hair has been thriving, so I know she doesn't want to hear about my hair care routine and tips. I try to teach my sister what to do/what not to do to her hair, and how to maintain it, but she listens half-heartedly. I don't try to convert friends, because they seem to be too busy, or can't go without using heat.
I would attempt to convert friends and family only if they asked me to. Otherwise, I'll just work on being a good example.
i'm not trying to convert anyone for a lil while wink i have a friend who i am trying to get to go nappy but i will settle for her letting me do her hair. it doesnt look damaged but she is convinced it wont grow!!!!
I've talked to my 18-yr-old sister about it. She uses a lot of heat. She blowdries her hair a lot and uses curling irons almost everyday. She does rollersets sometimes but still uses culring irons. Here hair has been the same length for years! I remember she went to a salon to get a trim and the stylist cut several inches off because she felt it was damaged. My sister was mad that her hair was shorter. That's when I told her to lay off the heat and she still said, "No LHCF tips for me; I gotta have my blowdrier. Sorry!"
Isis said:
I would attempt to convert friends and family only if they asked me to. Otherwise, I'll just work on being a good example.

I've resolved to this method of conversion, it is safer!

In the beginning of my journey, hair was all I talked about! I tried to offer and extend advice but noses were turned up in the air and I got comments like, "I'm not going around looking nappy" People take offense because it looks like you are saying their hair looks bad and so on and so forth.

So, I just let my hair do it's thing and walk before them. Now, they are coming up to me asking for advice.

When I first started going to hair boards, I wanted everyone to know what I was learning, but nobody listened. Now, I don't say anything unless asked specifically.
I have tried to tell my family but they laugh at me. :(
But they won't be laughing when my hair is down to the floor :lol:
Not anymore! To many of them think that it's insane to be a member of a hair forum. I don't even give suggests anymore. One reason is, because they don't care to listen and the other reason is that I'm still learning.

I have realized that when my hair grows long they're going to have 101 questions.

Also, I'm still changing my how could I influence someone to buy something that in time I will no longer use.
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I've partially converted my mum, I can't really be bothered with anyone else, too much hard work.

even though my hair is improving i know that no one will care about any tips i give until my hair is longer, thicker and being worn out. but hey, i only started in january so i've got a long way to go before all that. my mom does support me a lot because she can see the improvements already. i know in a couple years time people are gonna be curious as hell to know my so called secrets. i'll direct them to you guys on this forum! :D
Why is it that people turn down tips? Well the Bible does say that 'people perish for lack of knowledge'.
Hopefully one day they will see the light, or maybe just my huge afro!:trampolin