Do you tie or wrap your hair at night?

Do you tie or wrap your hair at night?

  • yes

    Votes: 388 91.3%
  • no

    Votes: 37 8.7%

  • Total voters
Ok, well maybe the satin bonnet is a decent idea for me.

Last night I wore it only w/o any scarf or anything.

When I took it off this morning, I finger combed it back into fullness and it is okay - not flat.

1 or 2 nights a week, I spend the night at my BF's house. He HATES the scarf and bonnet look, so maybe I can do like some of you guys have done and get a satin pillowcase for his house. 1 or 2 nights with loose hair should be okay - I hope. :ohwell:
I tie mine down with a satin scarf. Sometimes I do the scarf on top hair hanging out the back and cover that with a satin bonnet, but I never do the bonnet alone. I'm afraid the elastic band will kill my edges. Plus I don't like restyling my hair in the morning.
I tie my hair up every night with a satin scarf or I'll either use a satin bonnet...I agree...without anything on my head...I would feel naked and incomplete.
I used to do it faithfully, but now I dont. My scarf has been fitting uncomfortably and the bonnet sucks. All I am left with are my trusty silk pillow cases. I am happy to report that I have no damage when I do this (btw, I seep in a bun). ;)

Sometimes I crosswrap - Always wear a satin/silk wrap scarf
Sometimes I regular wrap - See above
Sometimes if I do my Fars, I pin my hair on top of my head in 4 sections and throw on a satin bonnet..

Never sleep with nothing on my head..
I wrap my hair and use a satin scraf every night. But at times I get dryness, this is usually when its time to wash or get a relaxer. I've also noticed some slight breakage around the front of my hair line.
I usually start out sleeping with a scarf, but I'm such a wild sleeper, that the scarf would be off my head and on the floor come morning! I do faithfully sleep with a satin pillowcase every night and I pin my hair up or in a bun. I have noticed times that I don't sleep with either one or the other or both, my hair really suffers with dryness and breakage.
Ok, only using a bonnet is not working. I wake up with my hair kind of sticking up in the back.

I have been doing cross wraps with a scarf for the past few nights.

This seems to be better for me. My hair is flatter, which I don't really like, but by mid-day, it is better.

Many of you are right, I do feel naked w/o something on my head most nights.
So the question seems to do we save our edges? I have been wrapping faithfully for years, however I didn't find out until about 3 years ago that it is bad to wrap in one direction all of the time. I always wondered why my right side was thinner than the left. Anyway, My front edges need a little bit of work. It doesn't look terribly bad, but some advice is needed for this!

Usually I take the ends of the scarf and bring around to the front of my head to tie it. That way it doesn't come off. Recently I have just tied it at the back.

Any suggestions, when using a scarf?
I can't wrap properly---:ohwell: so I just moisturize my ends, put my hair in two pins curls, and tie a satin scarf around my hair.

I'm trying to be consistent, but some nights, I do fall asleep without tying my hair up. However, I do have satin pillow cases though. I guess I need to keep a satin bonnet in my nightstand for those lazy nights.
HoneyDew said:
1 or 2 nights a week, I spend the night at my BF's house. He HATES the scarf and bonnet look, so maybe I can do like some of you guys have done and get a satin pillowcase for his house. 1 or 2 nights with loose hair should be okay - I hope. :ohwell:

This has been my concern because I'm a newlywed and wearing a scarf to bed is not something he wants to see :eek: . But since I've been following the advice on the boards to take better care of my hair (about a month now! :) ), I've waited until I am about to go to sleep to put on my scarf (usually after he's asleep) and take it off as soon as I wake up (before he wakes up). :grin: I also have a satin pillowcase.

Wow, my third post! I'm on a roll now...
Doremie13 said:
This has been my concern because I'm a newlywed and wearing a scarf to bed is not something he wants to see :eek: . But since I've been following the advice on the boards to take better care of my hair (about a month now! :) ), I've waited until I am about to go to sleep to put on my scarf (usually after he's asleep) and take it off as soon as I wake up (before he wakes up). :grin: I also have a satin pillowcase.

Wow, my third post! I'm on a roll now...

I am glad I am not the only one with this concern. My sweetie has yet to see me looking like Laura Ingalls with my sleep bonnet on. :lol:
BeautifulWideEyes said:
I prefer to keep mine covered w/a satin bonnet/scarf. I don't wrap my hair up though, if you consider sleeping w/o a bonnet or scarf atleast get a satin pillow case to help keep the moisture in your hair. hth's

Same Here BeautifulWideEyes. :up: I also sleep with a satin bonnet. Silk/Satin scarves slip right off my head at night. :sleeping:
Silk Scarf and Silk Bonnet...
I alternate sides wrapping, or I do a Crosswrap, or I will put it in a high bun and sleep
My husband doesnt complain because it is used for the greater good :lol:
Since I started this thread, I have found the perfect sleep cap for me.

I have been using the Lucy bonnet by Maverick Designs.
I couldnt do the scarf anymore, so for the longest while I wasnt sleeping with anything at all, not even a satin pillowcase.
Fortunately for me I didnt experience as much breakage as I expected. I just used to fall asleep without it.

Last week Friday I bought a bonnet from the BSS. That seems to work just fine.
Sometimes what I will do is put my hair in a bun and secure the bun with a silk scrunchy... I used to sleep religiously with my head tied up under a silk scarf - but realized that RARELY did I wake up with the thing still attached to my what's the point? :shrug:

I do like the bun method though - it allows me to condition my ends overnight and keeps the hair secure without putting bumps and curls in the hair.
~Nigeria~ said:
I'm sorry I have to tie my hair up at night... anything else would be uncivilized :grin:.

LOL reminds me of a vey old commercial with Charles Barkley from the NBA advertising for some deoderant:lachen: But I totally agree! I cant sleep unless my hair is tied down.
I must wrap my hair. If I am lazy I will put a bonnet on it. But I would feel naked without anything on my hair.

I have been wrapping my hair for about 8 years and never had a problem at all.
I no longer "wrap" my hair because it was causing thinning on the right side..... but I always cover it with something, either a silk/satin scarf or a satin bonnet. I'd feel so uncomfortable with my hair just out on the pillow, silk pillow-case or not. Ive covered my hair with a scarf since I was a little girl..... it was always "the rule", and I guess it just stayed with me, lol. If we stayed the night at a relative's house, and forgot our scarf.... our mother would have us cover our head with a pair of (clean) panties or a stocking cap, lol. This was because we wore braids, and she wanted them to stay fresh as long as possible.

But anyway.... yeah, in general, Im a wild sleeper and I toss and turn throughout the night...... and I'd be so afraid that strands that escaped my bun/clip were snapping or being pulled in my sleep.
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