Do You Think...(another Q for long haired ladies)


With Love & Silk
Do you think that during the rinse, after a relaxer, that the relaxer is getting onto the ends of your hair since the length of your hair is laying/ lying in the shampoo bowl (salon goers like myself). This is just a recent thought that I've had. If so, how can we remedy this problem?
Now that you mention it that seems to be very well true. However, since I protect my previously relaxed hair with a mixture of conditioner and neutralizing shampoo, I am not worried too much.
I think it goes through so quickly that it isn't really anything to be concerned about. I used to be more worried about the relaxer being thoroughly rinsed from my scalp area.
Re: Do You Think...(another Q for long haired ladi

Good points Ricamorena and Hairlove,

Ricamorena--that's a good idea
Supergirl said:
Do you think that during the rinse, after a relaxer, that the relaxer is getting onto the ends of your hair since the length of your hair is laying/ lying in the shampoo bowl (salon goers like myself). This is just a recent thought that I've had. If so, how can we remedy this problem?

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This thought has went through my mind before as well...
My hair stylist gathers the length of my hair with one hand, and uses the spray thingy with the other hand. I'm sure this helps some, but I'm not sure how much.
Allandra said:
My hair stylist gathers the length of my hair with one hand, and uses the spray thingy with the other hand. I'm sure this helps some, but I'm not sure how much.

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I think that's a good idea.
hairlove said:
I think it goes through so quickly that it isn't really anything to be concerned about.

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That's what I think.
What I worry about is the relaxer being rinsed out properly from my nape (kitchen) area... my hair extends down pretty low back there and it seems like they don't rinse well on that part sometimes. That's probably why I often get scabs back there...
Yes, I do but I figure its diluted. The relaxer is being rinsed away and is just running over the wet portion of your already relaxed hair as it makes its way down the drain (the water).

Its very good to use a protectant on your already relzxed hair though as further prevention.