Do you tell your dh everything?


Anything Is Possible
Do you confide with your husband on things that you friends tell you?

My cousin call me livid about her friend leaking private information that she feels should have be held in confidence between two of them.

For example,You inform your friend you were going to take this test to see if you tubes were block. Your friend that is married, tells her husband everything you do.
Do you confide with your husband on things that you friends tell you?

My cousin call me livid about her friend leaking private information that she feels should have be held in confidence between two of them.

For example,You inform your friend you were going to take this test to see if you tubes were block. Your friend that is married, tells her husband everything you do.
Nope, I sure don't. He's my husband, not theirs. Just because I feel comfortable telling him personal information about me doesn't give me the right to share someone else's personal business. The way I look at it, my friend told me, not him, and if she wanted him to know, she would have told him herself. I don't blame your cousin for getting angry and I certainly wouldn't blame her for not confiding in this woman any more.
Nope, I sure don't. He's my husband, not theirs. Just because I feel comfortable telling him personal information about me doesn't give me the right to share someone else's personal business. The way I look at it, my friend told me, not him, and if she wanted him to know, she would have told him herself. I don't blame your cousin for getting angry and I certainly wouldn't blame her for not confiding in this woman any more.

NO no no never be to candid that ish could come back to bite you. What he don't know won't hurt him. Some things should just be kept private for the sake of keeping things kosher in my opinion. What is up with women sharing info with their man that their girlfriends tell them in confidence? You shouldn't have to be like blah blah blah and don't tell your man.:rolleyes: But I have been guilty of it myself.:look:
Yes I tell him everything because he's my friend too. If it's a friend that he doesn't know...why does it matter if I tell him? If it's a close family memeber that he does know, then probably not.
If a friend has a personal problem that's her business, and she tells me not to tell anyone, I won't, because I don't expect them to tell my personal business. Sometimes you tell things to friends to vent because you have to talk to someone, and I want a friend to know I can be trusted that way.
Nope! Some things needs to be left unsaid. Just because you are married doesnt mean you cant have a friends confide in you and not have to blab everything to your hubby or SO.
:ohwell: Yeah, pretty much everything, unless someone asks me to keep something in confidence, and even then, it depends on the gravity of it. I know, I know, . . . shame on me.
My friends know that if they tell me, I'm telling him. Unless they really don't want it repeated and they state that. I'll tell him if it comes up. And I know they do the same. I see my friends and their DH's as one unit.

Now SO or boyfriends is a different story. Don't tell him nuthin I tell u.
I don't tell my husband everthing because certain information my friends confide in me is private. If they want to know they will tell him also.
Do you confide with your husband on things that you friends tell you?

My cousin call me livid about her friend leaking private information that she feels should have be held in confidence between two of them.

For example,You inform your friend you were going to take this test to see if you tubes were block. Your friend that is married, tells her husband everything you do.

This is reason 89,0999 why my ex-bff and I are no longer friends.