Do you take as good care of your SKIN as you do your HAIR?

Do you take as good care of your SKIN as you do your HAIR?

  • Yes, I have a set skincare regimin for face and body

    Votes: 109 65.3%
  • I have a set skincare regimin for my face/body, but not for my body/face

    Votes: 25 15.0%
  • No, I don't have a regimin for either

    Votes: 25 15.0%
  • Other - please explain

    Votes: 8 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Just wondering, since those of us on this forum obviously put so much effort into haircare :grin:. I feel that the vitamins/ water/exercise/ healthy eating, etc I have recently started to help my hair will also benefit my skin, but I want to go beyond that and try to get as close to flawless, glowing skin as possible, skin that just makes people stop and stare :yep:
So once I feel more comfortable and kowledgeable with my hair routine I want to create a skincare routine ( mainly for my vody since I have clear skin on my face). What's yours? I would really really appreciate suggestions :grin: I'm tihnking about trying bliss body scrub and maybe some products from Aveda and Aubrey Organics. I have searched and searched fpr a good skincare website or forum but I have YET to find one nearly as legit and informative as this one is for the hair :nono:
i didnt at first but then i realized it didnt make sense to have really great hair and bad skin. i tried a lot of the things in the makeup/skin care forum (baking soda, honey, ACV, OCM) but my blemishes would NOT go away, so i broke down and made a derm appt. now i have a new skin regimen (just began 3 days ago), so six weeks from now hopefully my hair AND skin will be in great shape.

i like this thread - lets get more responses!
Like my hair, I've been keeping my skincare very simple and it's been working. I rarely have breakouts and at least I think my skin looks and feels great, lol. I wash twice a day with Ivory soap and every evening I rub cold cream on. Moisturize every morning. Only recently have I started to try and keep my face out of the's tough because I LOVE to lay out and bask in sunlight :ohwell:
I have always obsessed over skin care but only recently got into doing same for my hair care (go figure- maybe if I had treated my hair the way I treat my skin, my hair would reach to my toes and then back up to my head again:grin:). Hardly a day goes by that I don't get complimented for my skin, so I figure that I must be doing something right- either that or I'm doing everything wrong and genetics are just pulling me through.

This is my regimen: My biggest secret is that I exfoliate every day and have done so for at least 25 + years. I use plain old cheap St Ives almond scrub- not the medicated kind. As my finances improved, I strayed to more expensive brands, but always ended up coming back home to St. Ives. You obviously can't do this if you have sensitive skin. After exfoliating, I use this soap made out of eggs (it's pretty cheap too- I forget the name but can get it for you if you are interested)- I let it sit on my face for about 5 minutes. Lastly, I alway use at least a 15 SPF before I go outside. As I have started getting older, I have started splurging on more expensive facial creams, though I think that the change in improvements are more psychological- I can go weeks without using the creams and not notice anything, but If I miss even 2 days of exfoliating, my skin doesn't look as fresh. Then there's the standard- no sleeping with makeup on, drinking water.

I don't use facials because they always make my skin feel dirty afterwards and I don't get facials beause I have never had one that made my skin look an different than it did when I came in.
I have been really focusing on my skin since the beginning of the year and I am quite pleased with the result.

I am using the Olay Regenerist and Definity line and it's awesome. My skin is so moisturized, and they have a chemical peel that I use once a week to exfoliate.

My skin is really progressing to the point that I only have to wear concealer to cover up my dark undereye circles and nothing else.
I'm starting to since I finally got my hair figured out. I've been browsing the makeup/skincare board.. playing with the OCM ..
I'm more obsessive about my skin than my hair.

I have or have tried every skincare product under the sun...mostly high end stuff.

Now I am in love with Philosophy.

Can't have nice hair and tore up skin or vice versa.
my "body" skin is da bomb - i do nothing to it .. not even cream it (tried starting recently)

for my face I use black soap and Shea butter. If i get a pimple I use Proactive Mask on it, if i pick at it and it turns dark I use either Melanex or Nadinola twice a day for a week. KISS
Yes, i have to say that i am really into skin care!
I tend to just go on autopilot with my hair now that i know what to do with it and all that jazz but i am still finding out how to get my skin perfect so i research that a little bit more..
Its so interesting how caring for my hair has become a sixth sense now :grin:
Well....I'm pretty good on skin. Ever since i cut out drinking is good! lol

BUT....i'm sick of having to shave my legs every two days!!

Its SO annoying! I stopped taking biotin for a little bit to see if it would slow down.....NOPE!:wallbash:

I'm afraid to wax and that Veet mess doesn't do what it says!:wallbash::wallbash:
I take very good care of my face, body and hair. I look great naked, but now I'm trying to put a little more effort into my personal style. Up my shoe game a little. (I used to buy cheapy shoes now I'm always at macy's clearance rack, they have great shoes).
I didnt in the past but now I do. I was looking in the mirror today and realized that I have to work harder with my skin. My biggets problem has been eating junk food. I still have dark spots and discoloration from candy pimples years ago.

I would love glowing skin. But I have always been a hair fanatic, but I'ma get this skin in order. Both skin and hair arent doing too well right now:sad:
my "body" skin is da bomb - i do nothing to it .. not even cream it (tried starting recently)

i feel you on that. my face is a war zone but from my neck down its flawless. no backne or anything. well, except for the fact that my legs resemble those of a 10 year old boy cause i liked to climb trees


i started using raw shea butter to moisturize though. loveeeee it.
I love taking care of my skin. There's something very sensuous about rubbing oil into my skin and on my feet after a bath or shower. I actually turn it into a little after bath/shower ritual sometimes with candles, music or outside with the sun on my skin ...:blush::bath:

So, I guess the answer is yes ...
I have always had problems with my skin, but I am very much into skincare, from anti-acne to anti-aging. I eat well and exercise. The problem lies when the oils from my hair, get to my face.:wallbash: I will break out.:nono: But it is imperative for me to have a whole package, hair, face, and body!:yep: Don't forget good personality, a healthy mind, and spirit!:grin:
Yes I am really into skincare. My goal is to have as close to flawless skin as possible from head to toe. Right now I'm stuggling with dark spots from old pimples on my shoulders and back and stretch marks. If anybody have any tips/suggestions I would appreciated it.
I take very good care of my face, body and hair. I look great naked, but now I'm trying to put a little more effort into my personal style. Up my shoe game a little. (I used to buy cheapy shoes now I'm always at macy's clearance rack, they have great shoes).

OK Nubianqt, what are you doing for your skin? We want to look great naked too!! :grin:
I have always obsessed over skin care but only recently got into doing same for my hair care (go figure- maybe if I had treated my hair the way I treat my skin, my hair would reach to my toes and then back up to my head again:grin:). Hardly a day goes by that I don't get complimented for my skin, so I figure that I must be doing something right- either that or I'm doing everything wrong and genetics are just pulling me through.

This is my regimen: My biggest secret is that I exfoliate every day and have done so for at least 25 + years. I use plain old cheap St Ives almond scrub- not the medicated kind. As my finances improved, I strayed to more expensive brands, but always ended up coming back home to St. Ives. You obviously can't do this if you have sensitive skin. After exfoliating, I use this soap made out of eggs (it's pretty cheap too- I forget the name but can get it for you if you are interested)- I let it sit on my face for about 5 minutes. Lastly, I alway use at least a 15 SPF before I go outside. As I have started getting older, I have started splurging on more expensive facial creams, though I think that the change in improvements are more psychological- I can go weeks without using the creams and not notice anything, but If I miss even 2 days of exfoliating, my skin doesn't look as fresh. Then there's the standard- no sleeping with makeup on, drinking water.

I don't use facials because they always make my skin feel dirty afterwards and I don't get facials beause I have never had one that made my skin look an different than it did when I came in.

I am so with you with exfoliating daily for us who don't have sensative skin. I would love to know the name of this egg soap and where you get it.
Maybe it's just because I'm not as into skin, but seems like taking care of my skin is easy. I don't have to worry about breaking and all this stuff. I just use hand made soaps and Kiss My Face lotion, same stuff for face and body. Sometimes I'll just wash my face with nothing but water during the day. When soap I just use some gentle soap on a face cloth and scrub gently. My skin is very soft, I don't really have any blemishes (except when oil I put on my hair gets on my face, gives me pimples), it's clear enough for me to not wear any makeup and still look great (imo) so that's good enough for me.

I do have stretch marks on my butt, which seems unfair considering I'm not big and have never had any children, so the only thing I can think of is that my booty got too big too fast at puberty (I went from 69 lbs to 118 in a little over a year). I don't know if anything can really get rid of those, though.
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Yes, I do. I am a licensed Esthetician, so my skin MUST look good! At this point I probably take better care of my skin than my hair. I'm trying to change that though because I'm in pursuit of at least brastrap length hair.
Yes I do. I was taught to take care of my skin. My skin is sensitive and was oily as a teenager, so skincare is just as essential as haircare to me. Anything I do nowadays (supplements, exercise etc.) is for overall health and that includes hair and skin.
yes....I've always been into my skin....I use Paula's Choice products 2x a day. I give myself a facial 2x a week and I use a baking soda scrub 2x a week. I broke out on the left side of my face this past winter so I have a few dark spots that I am clearing up. My only real problem is my weight. I've got to exercise more. I'm walking 45 mins. a day 5x a week. I've done this for a week so far and have lost 5 lbs. :grin:
Unfortunately, I do not have a set regimen for either at the moment. However, I do have a dermatologist appointment for the 27th of the this month. I am purchasing the joico moisture recovery line again and hopefully this will end my pjism.
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Yes, my face is very important to me since I have had acne since the age of seven. I was the object of ridicule in school, college, and work. After Motowngirl and LHCF helped me with my hair, I went to a dermatologist to find out why my face was so horrible.

Sometimes I use the same cleanser (Dudu Osun) for my face, body, and hair. I really need to be paying more attention to the rest of my body though. Thank you for creating this thread to remind me that my whole body is important.
Yes I am really into skincare. My goal is to have as close to flawless skin as possible from head to toe. Right now I'm stuggling with dark spots from old pimples on my shoulders and back and stretch marks. If anybody have any tips/suggestions I would appreciated it.

You sound like me lol. I have the opposite problem as some of the ladies on here though, because my facial skin is basically flawless ( I get lots of compliments on it), but my body skin is dry, scaly, uneven, and I have stretch marks and I'm like :nono: and it's weird cause I'm not fat but I think it's bc of puberty. But I really want to be a dermatologist actually so I plan on doing research and I might make my own skincare products to see if I can combat these problems. I also plan on going to talk to a dermatologist about my concerns and making an appointment. I'll try to be sure to check back in with any good info I receive/discover! :yep: