Do you take as good care of your SKIN as you do your HAIR?

Do you take as good care of your SKIN as you do your HAIR?

  • Yes, I have a set skincare regimin for face and body

    Votes: 109 65.3%
  • I have a set skincare regimin for my face/body, but not for my body/face

    Votes: 25 15.0%
  • No, I don't have a regimin for either

    Votes: 25 15.0%
  • Other - please explain

    Votes: 8 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes - it's funny, my skincare habits actually are what led me into thinking about more natural/less chemical haircare products. Once I became aware that skin the biggest organ on the body, I stopped using harsh chemicals and powders on my skin years ago. I don't wear makeup, and I use all natural soaps on my skin. I clean my face with the Oil-Cleansing Method, and I lotion my skin in red palm oil or cocoa butter. The only 'special' thing that I do for my skin is to use a some red palm oil mixed with a little tea tree oil on my face, to keep down breakouts. I've got stretchmarks and scars, but that's life, and I don't even worry about them.
It's a VERY simple regimen..... :lol: I wonder when my hair will get as simple.
No, I'm not nearly as obsessed with my skin as I am my hair. I take adequate care of my skin but I haven't gone above and beyond in quite some time. My skin is pretty balanced though so I guess I have some justification.
I take good care of my face. But my body? :nono:

Don't now why, I just don't care :perplexed If I'm ashy, I'll rub in some oil or lotion. Or if my feet look bad, I'll use my PedEgg and rub in some oil. That's about it :ohwell:

The year I joined this board, my body and hormones were really acting up, and I had terrible painful breakouts along my jawline! For a moment, I spent more time lurking in the makeup and skin forum than I did in the hair forum or any other forum!

Anyway...after a lot of time, patience and tender loving care, my skin simply glows!!
I just received yet another compliment on my skin today while shopping at Whole Foods! It made me feel good, because I have one tiny pimple near my nose, due to my doing the Master Cleanse right now. So I guess it's the toxins breaking through.
Last week while at a concert, a strange man told me that he could just stare at my face and skin all day, because of my even complexion! :look:

That truly makes me ecstatic and thankful, almost to the point that I want to cry, because I know how bad it looked a couple of years ago!!

My skin care is very simple today---Multani Mati Hesh (Indian product) to wash, baking soda for exfoliating, cheapy astringent and Oil of Olay as a moisturizer. I'm still searching for a more natural moisturizer and astringent.

Anyway, I truly believe that my skin, hair nor body wouldn't look like it does, if it wasn't for LHCF, and for that I'm truly grateful!! :yep:
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I don't have acne but I have a serious problem with hyperpigmentation. Five minutes in the sun or one scrap and its going to be there for the rest of my life. I also have some age spots. Not many, but enough to make me rethink skin care. I'm using Neutrogena Even Tone to correct sun damage and blemishes. I also use Nivea Even Tone lotion in the daytime, and Cocoa Butter lotion at night. I just bought Clinque Spray SPF 30. I was my face with Olay Warming Scrub.
Nope. I am pretty lazy when it comes to my skin. I keep it clean and moisterized. I exfoliate whenever it feels like it needs to be done and that is about it.
:yep: My skin is just as important as my hair.

When I DC my hair, I also give my face a much needed Mud mask. I exfoliate and moisturize (with SPF) daily. I don't suffer from acne, but I do have spot treatments for the occasional breakout. Sadly, my pjism is far reaching :lachen: I buy just as many products for face and body and I do for my hair.:nono:
I am so with you with exfoliating daily for us who don't have sensative skin. I would love to know the name of this egg soap and where you get it.
Gracie- the soap is called "Lanolin Agg Tval Eggwhite Facial Soap". My local mom and pop pharmacy carries, but you can also get on Amazon. It cost about 16$ for 6 bars but each bar seems to last forever; 6 bars lasts me a year.
My skin care regimen isn't 1/2 as consistent as my hair care. I have extremely sensitive skin & usually wash with Ivory soap and moisturize from head to toe with coconut oil. Once or twice a week I manage a full body rhassoul scrub, which leaves my skin feeling like velvet:yep: I use rhassoul often for DC

I get professional facials about 4 times a yr and do my best to maintain. This yr I promised my self to get on the path to flawless skin all over, so I made an appointment at NYC's Skin of Color Institute. It's my 1st dermatological vist and i'm excited and hella nervous:drunk:...but intent on maintaining a natural and simple approach to my skin care regi.
After starting my hair journey it just made since to improve my skin. I started paying more attention to my acne issues which got worse just before I started better hair care. I have been tracking facial progress here:
Acne progress

As far as the rest of my body, I have very dry skin and shea butter seems to help except for my feet/heel area (can get super ashy) which I use Eucerin. This product is amazing.
I hate my skin. I feel so self conscious the way it looks now. I broke out for the first time a couple years ago, and it lasted for a whole year. I recovered from that, but now it's back again. I don't know what the heck to do. This time around it's not pimples. It looks like I'm having an allergic reaction to something. I have swollen bumps on my entire face. I don't even want to go out.:sad:
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Well....I'm pretty good on skin. Ever since i cut out drinking is good! lol

BUT....i'm sick of having to shave my legs every two days!!

Its SO annoying! I stopped taking biotin for a little bit to see if it would slow down.....NOPE!:wallbash:

I'm afraid to wax and that Veet mess doesn't do what it says!:wallbash::wallbash:

Drinking sodas are my worst enemy when it comes to skin. Overall I really think that anything with citric acid is bad for me. I notice if I drink orange juice my skin breaks out. How did you manage to cut out drinking sodas? So far I'm replacing it with alot of juice, which seems to work, but I know I need water in my system.
I've always had skin people talked about. I've always been into cocoa butters and what not to make my skin smooth. Just didn't have a clue about my hair! Now everything is on the same page!
I take very good care of my face, body and hair. I look great naked, but now I'm trying to put a little more effort into my personal style. Up my shoe game a little. (I used to buy cheapy shoes now I'm always at macy's clearance rack, they have great shoes).

Pics please...
I've trying to take care of my skin more and have been working on my wardrobe so I feel you with the shoe thang. Been drinking Organic Apple Cider Vinegar every day...I hope to do more and more to take care of my self. This all started with LHCF!
I've been going to the Dermatologist since age 8 and nothing seems to work... I have been on it all.. Proactiv, antibiiotics, Clearsil, Differin.. the works.. I've tried every product out there and no help.. I just started using black soap and I got the Aveda Shammy cloth since it's suppose to help get rid of bacteria or something.. i guess we shall have to see.. the skin on my body is great except my chest which breaks out frequently...ugh
I promised myself that I would be "That Girl" for the new semester. I bought new makeup, but I'm only covering up the problem which is my makeup. I'm beginning to adapt some kind of skin care regimen cuz lawd I need it! That PanOxyl soap really works for me though!:grin:
Oh yah, I need to or else I'll breakout... Spectro Gel in the morning for 30sec then apply SPF moisturizer. If I decide to wear makeup I use neutrogena gentle foaming wash for 60sec and occasionally I'll exfoliate.
I did- once I started realizing it was attainable (once I reached waist length stretched)...

I started taking birth control in February- Yaz, to be specific- its worked. My skin is entirely clear and i've even been getting compliments. It's even evened out because i've gotten less pimples to pick at so no more hyperpigmentation for me! :grin: and I had BAD acne. Prior to, I would have cystic pimples with the white caps, it would be all over my forehead, nose and cheeks and I had enlarged pores (since I have very oily skin). Took at least two packs to really notice the difference (although it gradually changed throughout).

No ill side effects (except for mid-month spotting and a slight pins and needles feeling in the beginning- 1st pack and I still get some pins and needles but I think its because i'm not active...:nono: at all..:ohwell: lol. Other than that, I like to keep my skin plan as simple as possible. I use an oatmeal soap (that I bought from Whole Foods), I use Neutrogena astringent (the blue one without scent) and I "dabble" a bit with Olay regenerist products (microderm and thermal cleanser)/clinique gel moisturizer (for oily skin). I just try to keep it simple as possible, I don't scrub my face often (if I do its with fine abrasive), I ALWAYS use astringent (I don't always use moisturizer especially if i'm breaking out) and its been working great! :grin::grin::grin:

On my body I generally try to use natural soaps (since that skin is much more expansive when compared to my face)- I like body shop soaps (although I recently discovered they AREN'T all natural), Dr. Bronner's soaps, Whole Foods/Trader Joe's soaps and I might use a touch of Nivea moisturizer to smooth the cellulite!

Really though (lol and I don't usually advocate anything, ESPECIALLY NOT BIRTH CONTROL, lol) I don't think my skin would've been as clear without Yaz.... :/ lol
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When I was 12, my Stepdad told me that he did not want to see me eating another chocolate bar, since it made me break out and instead he encouraged me to purchase "something" for my face to help with the acne that I had. So began my face care regimen. I get tons of compliments on my skin (even though it is acne prone) all the time :drunk:.

I believe the secret to healthy skin is daily exfoliation, toning, and using a moisturizing lotion with active ingredients such as glycolic acid, salicic acid or an ingredient that is effective, but not too harsh for your skin. As with hair products, reading labels helps me determine which products simply look pretty :nono: and which ones actually work.
I'm about as clueless on skincare as many women are when it comes to dealing with their hair.

I take care of my hair myself. No issue.
My skin on the other hand?
Thank GOD for my aesthetician. without her I'd be looking a FRESH mess...
I don't have a clue about skin care.

Glycolic and Jessner Peels (and the facials in between) are the only things that keep my complexion 'together'.

It's not that pricey. You have to look around for the best for your buck. The spa I go to now charges 60.00 for a peel w/microdermabrasion. They only charge like 80 for micro. Those are good prices, believe me. Because ppl are charging 125.00 for the same treatment.
Jessner treatment are 125.00, though.

But the thing is--you don't have to do it THAT often. The effects of a glycolic peel last one month, in my case. The Jessner peels are way more intensive. I get them every 2 weeks because I like the 'dewy' look.
I think micro is over-rated but everyone always says it's better than a chem peel.

I disagree. Peels are faster and the results are immediate.

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i feel you on that. my face is a war zone but from my neck down its flawless. no backne or anything. well, except for the fact that my legs resemble those of a 10 year old boy cause i liked to climb trees

:lachen:at bolded. My parents tried so hard to remind me I was a 'young lady' when I was little. All I wanted to do was ride my big wheel with the boys. Now I look at these marks on my legs and sometimes wish I hadn't been so much of a tomboy. Only sometimes though cuz I got great memories.

But to answer OP, yes I'm into skincare. I just Philosophy's blemish serum yesterday and am already in love with Purity. Today I used Black Soap for the first time so we will see how that works out.
I take better care of my SKIN than my hair... I always have and just after joining this site logic came to me in the realization that if I wouldn't go days w/o giving my skin moisture and the cleansing and protection it needs, why would I do that to my hair?? I wash twice a day and use Neutrogena microdermasion 3x a week. I always mositurize, hardly wear makeup (at least not heavily) and I ALWAYS protect my skin when exposing it to the sun. So now it's just a matter of me applying the same TLC to my tresses:yep:
I'm more obsessive about my skin than my hair.

I have or have tried every skincare product under the sun...mostly high end stuff.

Now I am in love with Philosophy.

Can't have nice hair and tore up skin or vice versa.

lol. me too I 've always been big on skin care. I try to tell my friends.. but they just pile on tons of makeup. I am more of a drug store skin care girl tho.
Just wondering, since those of us on this forum obviously put so much effort into haircare :grin:. I feel that the vitamins/ water/exercise/ healthy eating, etc I have recently started to help my hair will also benefit my skin, but I want to go beyond that and try to get as close to flawless, glowing skin as possible, skin that just makes people stop and stare :yep:
So once I feel more comfortable and kowledgeable with my hair routine I want to create a skincare routine ( mainly for my vody since I have clear skin on my face). What's yours? I would really really appreciate suggestions :grin: I'm tihnking about trying bliss body scrub and maybe some products from Aveda and Aubrey Organics. I have searched and searched fpr a good skincare website or forum but I have YET to find one nearly as legit and informative as this one is for the hair :nono:

I really like Neutrogena's line- they have a wide range of really great products. Also Johnson and Johnsons clean & clear, and Um ST Ives- well I esp love their lotions.
Heck My skin is sensitive to the 10x, which is a shame cuz I like to experiment but can't. My face/body regime(especially) face doesnt' vary too much...wash with Tumeric soap, use tumeric cream as a moisturizer, eye cream and that is it. When I get a pimple, use Murad Pimple cream like 5 times a day everyday until the sucker shrinks, continue using tumeric cream and soap.

Everything else is suspect or works for a week then I look like a burn victim :(

So my face isn't where I can experiment--my hair.

Same for my body, limited types of soaps(goat milk, dove, ivory) that i can use. I really would like to use LUSH, but I used a body cream that left my belly rashed I am cautious with them too.
Oh most definitely. I drive my husband crazy with the smell of tea tree and neem lmao. I use a homemade tea tree astringent on my face after I wash it that has greatly improved the texture of my skin. The neem soap and natural soaps on my body has also contributed to it being smooth and even in tone. I think it's important as we age, along with the proper moisturization of it!