Do you take as good care of your SKIN as you do your HAIR?

Do you take as good care of your SKIN as you do your HAIR?

  • Yes, I have a set skincare regimin for face and body

    Votes: 109 65.3%
  • I have a set skincare regimin for my face/body, but not for my body/face

    Votes: 25 15.0%
  • No, I don't have a regimin for either

    Votes: 25 15.0%
  • Other - please explain

    Votes: 8 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hellll yeah...
Upon turning 25, i'm much more into my skin than my hair.
I fear aging :look:.
I feel bad b/c I didn't put on any eye cream this morning b/c i was late... but i'll fall asleep w/o my scarf and not even think twice. I need to get in the habit of wearing it b/c in the morning my hair is a tangled mess.
I always used to obsess over my skin before I started my hair journey (I have really oily skin, blemish prone so I have to work extra hard to keep it glowing)

So then I found LHCF and started obsessing over my hair too... and oh guess what; :wallbash: I quickly jumped on the MEGA DOSE Biotin and MSM wagon and totally wrecked my skin. I'm still recovering from that three months down the line.

I'm washing my face twice a day with African Black Soap and applying Aloe Vera gel mixed with Tea Tree and Vit E oil during the day. And using Retin A at night.

I also use an Ayurvedic musk every time I DC - which is at least twice a week. I use the Himalaya brand's Neem Mask or Fruit Pack.

And I'm happy to say I've been totally breakout free for the past 2 weeks - 2 and a half months after my Biotin mishap. YAY!!!:yep:

For my body, I'm working out at least 3 times a week (I try to aim for every week day). And for the past couple of monthes, I've been using a mixture of Aloe vera, Glycerin, Vitamin e oil and grapeseed oil as my body moisturizer twice a day.

Vitamins: GNC Womens Ultra Active, Flaxseed oil and Evening Primrose oil daily. I've been wanting to add MSM back in to help me heal faster after my work outs but I shudder @ the thought of the picture of my face 3 months ago.
Shoot I take better care of my hair than I do my kids LOL just kidding! :lachen:

But I once said that I wish I would take care of my BODY like I do my hair. I'd be an Olympic athlete if that were the case!
Heck My skin is sensitive to the 10x, which is a shame cuz I like to experiment but can't. My face/body regime(especially) face doesnt' vary too much...wash with Tumeric soap, use tumeric cream as a moisturizer, eye cream and that is it. When I get a pimple, use Murad Pimple cream like 5 times a day everyday until the sucker shrinks, continue using tumeric cream and soap.

Everything else is suspect or works for a week then I look like a burn victim :(

So my face isn't where I can experiment--my hair.

Same for my body, limited types of soaps(goat milk, dove, ivory) that i can use. I really would like to use LUSH, but I used a body cream that left my belly rashed I am cautious with them too.

You must be my skin twin. Winters are horrible for me.

WHere do you get the tumeric soap?
I'm more obsessive about my skin than my hair.

I have or have tried every skincare product under the sun...mostly high end stuff.

Now I am in love with Philosophy.

Can't have nice hair and tore up skin or vice versa.

ITA!!! I can always bun my hair. But your face is the FIRST thing that people notice. If the skin is jacked up, I do not feel right. IMHO. Unfortunately, I do breakout hear and there and it is madness dealing with the acne and later the scarring.
Just wondering, since those of us on this forum obviously put so much effort into haircare :grin:. I feel that the vitamins/ water/exercise/ healthy eating, etc I have recently started to help my hair will also benefit my skin, but I want to go beyond that and try to get as close to flawless, glowing skin as possible, skin that just makes people stop and stare :yep:
So once I feel more comfortable and kowledgeable with my hair routine I want to create a skincare routine ( mainly for my vody since I have clear skin on my face). What's yours? I would really really appreciate suggestions :grin: I'm tihnking about trying bliss body scrub and maybe some products from Aveda and Aubrey Organics. I have searched and searched fpr a good skincare website or forum but I have YET to find one nearly as legit and informative as this one is for the hair :nono:

Okay I have a tip, but most people won't like it. Though I am a meat eater, for the past month I've eaten vegetarian syle...ovo veg meaning you can have eggs and cheese. I will say I've eaten primarily vegetables at first and then added eggs after two weeks, and then fish in the fourth. I've eaten everything from pad thai, to different veggie dishes. I did it for health. I felt like I wasn't getting enough vegetables in my diet, so I did it as an experiment. But a side effect is I look almost ten years younger. I'm past my mid twenties, in the masters program at NYU, and people think I'm in undergrad or highschool. Also I had a freshman ask me if I went to the freshman mixer. Also I had a guy at the store ask if I was old enough to buy a LOTTERY ticket. This happened two weeks after I changed my diet. Go figure. My boyfriend came down to visit from med school, he's in CT, and he was asking me what was up with me, why do I look so young all of a sudden. Friends told me I don't need a peel as I'm too young. I can't afford a peel so that's hysterical! I have added fish back to my diet as of late, but only once in a while, and I also cute out all artificial stuff including sodas. I now drink tea, and iced tea with honey, and fresh squeezed juices. I really did this just to feel healthier, and see what I thought after a month, but as a by product, all these compliments are rolling in, and my skin glows. I did a double take in the mirror a couple weeks ago when I started, as I was like who is that, she looks like me but younger, when I was walking in a store. It's INSANE, as I never expected that. I always looked a few years younger, and sometimes even 23 ish but no one has ever asked me if I was old enough to purchase a lottery ticket before and asked to see id. So if you want good skin, I'd say give it a try. If you can't hang go with 80-20 percent veggies versus meat and you will most definitely see a difference, add in some fish for most meat options and eggs, and your skin will glow like there's no tomorrow. I don't know why. I am not a scientist. It wasn't even my original intention. Also drink lots of tea, water, and juice. Another side effect is that you'll drop weight. My skin is smooth like a baby now, and I haven't even had the money to visit an aestetician or dermatologist...which I'm planning on doing to see how much better it could get. It even seems more even just through eating right. And of course with this kind of commitment you can imagine my commitment to my hair. I'm the kind of person when I decide to do something, I do it all the way.
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I have a regimen for my face but not for my body. I used to have a regimen for my body...bathe in oils a couple of times a week to keep it soft and my shower soaps are always exfoliating. I have slacked on the oil baths though. My face requires a little more work I use the Aloette cosmetics line. I wash, exfoliate, tone and moisturize my skin twice a day. If I'm feeling lazy (which is often) I will only do it once a day as long as I didnt wear makeup that day ( I only wear makeup to go out/to church).
Okay I have a tip, but most people won't like it. Though I am a meat eater, for the past month I've eaten vegetarian syle...ovo veg meaning you can have eggs and cheese. I will say I've eaten primarily vegetables at first and then added eggs after two weeks, and then fish in the fourth. I've eaten everything from pad thai, to different veggie dishes. I did it for health. I felt like I wasn't getting enough vegetables in my diet, so I did it as an experiment. But a side effect is I look almost ten years younger. I'm past my mid twenties, in the masters program at NYU, and people think I'm in undergrad or highschool. Also I had a freshman ask me if I went to the freshman mixer. Also I had a guy at the store ask if I was old enough to buy a LOTTERY ticket. This happened two weeks after I changed my diet. Go figure. My boyfriend came down to visit from med school, he's in CT, and he was asking me what was up with me, why do I look so young all of a sudden. Friends told me I don't need a peel as I'm too young. I can't afford a peel so that's hysterical! I have added fish back to my diet as of late, but only once in a while, and I also cute out all artificial stuff including sodas. I now drink tea, and iced tea with honey, and fresh squeezed juices. I really did this just to feel healthier, and see what I thought after a month, but as a by product, all these compliments are rolling in, and my skin glows. I did a double take in the mirror a couple weeks ago when I started, as I was like who is that, she looks like me but younger, when I was walking in a store. It's INSANE, as I never expected that. I always looked a few years younger, and sometimes even 23 ish but no one has ever asked me if I was old enough to purchase a lottery ticket before and asked to see id. So if you want good skin, I'd say give it a try. If you can't hang go with 80-20 percent veggies versus meat and you will most definitely see a difference, add in some fish for most meat options and eggs, and your skin will glow like there's no tomorrow. I don't know why. I am not a scientist. It wasn't even my original intention. Also drink lots of tea, water, and juice. Another side effect is that you'll drop weight. My skin is smooth like a baby now, and I haven't even had the money to visit an aestetician or dermatologist...which I'm planning on doing to see how much better it could get. It even seems more even just through eating right. And of course with this kind of commitment you can imagine my commitment to my hair. I'm the kind of person when I decide to do something, I do it all the way.

I did this too for a few months a while back and my skin was flawless, my hair grew more than normal and I had sooooo much energy. I do this about 3 times a year now just to clean my system out. Fruits and veggies work miracles:yep:. I wish I had enough self-control to be a vegetarian but I love me some meat:lick::lick:
I did this too for a few months a while back and my skin was flawless, my hair grew more than normal and I had sooooo much energy. I do this about 3 times a year now just to clean my system out. Fruits and veggies work miracles:yep:. I wish I had enough self-control to be a vegetarian but I love me some meat:lick::lick:
I know what you mean. I try to make sure I get all kinds of different vegetarian options or I wouldn't be able to do it: from falafal to different veggie restaurants that even make soy meat balls that taste to me like the real thing. I also make stuff at home too, and eat lots of fruit. It makes skin flawless just as you said, but it is a big commitment. That's why, when people ask, I advise them not to jump in all the way or they'll quit. And know you can always go back to eating meat, just like you do. Like even if you up the veggie intake, and lower the meat, I believe you're bound to get results. I don't know if it'll take longer. Mine happened in 2 wks, and I was NOT expecting all that that's for sure! I just felt guilty that I had been over eating meat and potatoes and rice and bread with very little veggies in between. So I was like, I'm doing a cleanse so to speak, but it worked so well, that my vanity (er) and of course health is keeping me thinking that this will be a long term thing. Yes I'll probably eat some meat here or there, but mostly I think I'll stick to this regime. Because I realized if my skin changed so much, and yes my hair is growing like crazy too, then my health must be a lot better. As I already have thyroid disease, it makes me think about taking better care of myself. We only have one body. I know I have the discipline with my hair, I can have it with my body too. Don't get me wrong, I've had people tell me I'm crazy. My own mom makes the best food (and I mean it, she's a ridiculous cook), and she's like you're not going to eat any of my thanksgiving meal? And I told her I would but then I'm going back to veggies. She can't believe it. Once you start though, it's easy to continue. I didn't think I would last this long. Heck I started for a week just to see what it was like, and then another, because it was so easy to do. But of course everyone has their own way...I'm just throwing out an easy way to get skin, hair, and body in shape in (super fast time).
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I do...or at least I've started to :D

I don't wear much makeup- I pretty much stick to eyeliner and lip gloss (no foundation, eye shadow, blush, etc.). I clean my skin twice a day, once in the morning with just water, and again at night with Ponds. I use either 100% Pure Shea Butter or Earth's Best Jason Organics for moisture. That's it.

The biotin and MSM I take for my hair has helped with my skin too.


oh, I use Differin gel on my chin once a month to prevent the dreaded PIMPLE, lol.
I try to take care of both. I exfoliate EVERYDAY. :yep:

I use Acne Free Cleanser and it is the bomb-diggidy.

I also you the AHA Souflle and it is AWESOME!! I started getting skin compliments within days of starting to use it.

I love nice skin. :grin:
I was just thinking about this today. I've been working on preventing signs of aging and clearing up some old breakout marks left from supplements but, I don't really give my skin the same type of attention that I'd been giving my hair. And really, my face is more important.

As for my body, I've been working on its shape but not really focusing on my skin other than keeping it clean.

This post surfacing is confirmation that I need to get a formal program in place. I'm on it! :yep:
My face yes...being consistent in applying lotion to my body after my shower, well, that's a work in progress:look:
Yup. I'm not hardcore with my skin like I am with my scalp/hair though. Weekly Tulsi masks and I wash with Clean n Clear & moisturize with whatever oil is closest to my hand...coconut, EVOO, grapeseed, ricebran...whatever; I dip a finger in the oil and run the finger along my T-ZONE and distribute from there.
I used to get regular facials but then I discovered Tulsi & other clay like masks & now a facial is a treat and not a necessity.