Do you still use products with mineral oil, petrolatum, sulfates, etc?

Which "bad" ingedients do you still use?

  • Sodium Hydroxide

    Votes: 28 16.6%
  • Mineral Oil

    Votes: 71 42.0%
  • Petrolatum

    Votes: 55 32.5%
  • Lanolin

    Votes: 45 26.6%
  • Sulfates

    Votes: 93 55.0%
  • Silicones

    Votes: 120 71.0%
  • Parabens

    Votes: 65 38.5%
  • Other (specify please)

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • None, I only use all natural products

    Votes: 20 11.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
You know the ingredients that many people avoid? Which of the following ingredients you still use in your regimen even though you heard it's "bad". You can choose more than one. If you choose other, state which ingredient you're talking about and why it's supposed to be "bad". TIA! For me, I still use products with sulfates and silicones. And many products I use contain parabens.
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My shampoo contains sodium laureth sulfate.

My leave in conditioner contains silicone.

I think my deep conditioner has sodium hydroxide.

Some of my products have parabens. I use what works and what gives me the results that I desire.
I've been using cones for years and have had no adverse effects. I also don't mind mineral oil. The mahabringhraj mixture I'm using right now contains mineral oil.

I use whatever I want, whenever I want. If my hair likes it, I love it. :yep:
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Only by accident. Lately I've become an ingredient nazi, so it doesn't happen often. I don't pay much attention to silicones, though. Haven't had a problem with them.
The only ingredients I avoid is mineral oil and petroleum just b/c it makes my hair dry especially mineral oil. My favorite shampoo has a couple of sulfates but my hair loves it. I do limit amount of cones I use. Lanolin, parabens, sodium hydroxide don't bother me at all.
The only ingredients I avoid is mineral oil and petroleum just b/c it makes my hair dry especially mineral oil. My favorite shampoo has a couple of sulfates but my hair loves it. I do limit amount of cones I use. Lanolin, parabens, sodium hydroxide don't bother me at all.

I avoid petroleum and mineral oil too. Products that contain it make my strands feel gritty.
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I use mineral oil/petroleum products like Wonder 8 grease. Also I think my shampoo and conditioner have mineral oil. All of my shampoos have sulfates. I don't mind mineral oil or petroleum if it's a good product and does what I need it to do

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I DC with Silicon Mix and it's my HG of DCs right now. With that being said, the only way to clear silicon buildup is with sulfates, so...

I use both.
A lot of times NaOH is in products just for pH balance too, so that doesn't bother me at all; I won't completely write it off as a bad ingredient
I follow the Curly Girl Method so I avoid cones, xanes, mineral oil, and petroleum. My products have natural preservatives or non-paraben preservatives.
Ocassionally it has to be a an old favorite i wont buy new products with petroleum or mineral oil, but i do use cones with no problems.
The only ingredients I avoid is mineral oil and petroleum just b/c it makes my hair dry especially mineral oil. My favorite shampoo has a couple of sulfates but my hair loves it. I do limit amount of cones I use. Lanolin, parabens, sodium hydroxide don't bother me at all.

yeah our hair must be friends cuz i need those sulfates in my shampoo. the sulfate free shampoos are like conditioners without detangling powers :lachen:
My hair needs to be CLEAN as much as I DC now. but i CANNOT use mineral oil or petroleum. anywhere.
Sodium Hydroxide

People are still using soap, shampoo bars (shampoo bar = soap), etc. right?

I still use just about everything except for mineral oil. Nothing against mineral oil, but there's no use for it if you have access to castor oil which is the better alternative.
I couldn't live without sulfates and silicones. I went without them for awhile but sulfate shampoos get my hair and scalp the type of clean that I can't get with my non-sulfate poo, and cones are good with protecting against heat if anything. They just happen to be in some of my fav products so I can't say no. There's only one product I will EVER use that has mineral oil in it which is african healing oil, otherwise the stuff is hell on my hair.
Every now and then a shampoo may have a sulfate in it. It has to be an exceptional shampoo though, not just any old thing.

I pretty much avoid everything else, but if I'm going to use heat, I will use a cone. It hasn't come up yet, but I know I will when it does.
No. I avoid them all. The only thing I use that has nono ingredients is EcoStyler. And I haven't been using that lately either.
My Silicon mix (conditioner) is still in rotation.
Once I'm out I will experiment w/ something w/o cones..
Almost out of my 60 oz tub .. :look:

UPDATE: Not using any more! I gave it away to a coworker.
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I avoid most things, but use a sulfate-based shampoo to clarify every now and then. My low porosity hair seems to thrive on more natural products. When I get round to straightening I will use a product with cones, but until then I am doing well without it.
mineral oil b/c of amla oil. i love my amla oil and have yet to find an oil for my pre-poo that compares. i've tried grapeseed, EVOO, safflower...amla is my boo.

Trader Joe's Nourish Spa contains parabens and I have no plans to stop using it.

All the stuff I use post wash like leave ins and stylers are natural products and don't contain the 'bad' ingredients
Mineral oil and petroletum have been no nos for years. I will not use a product with them on the list. No exceptions
I only avoid these things because I hate clarifying my hair. If I used silicones and mineral oil I'd be clarifying every two weeks.
I use sulfates and silicones. I'm tring to finish my HE conditioner then I will stop using cones. But I'll always need to use sulfates otherwise it's hard to get the shea butter of my hair.
My hair likes silicones, and lanolin, but I stopped using the paraben after hearing it was related to cancer, or found in the tissue of cancer patients. I just try to read the ingredients on the label now that I have a little more knowledge of what I am supposed to be avoiding.
If I flat iron my hair, then the heat protectant I use has 'cones. Is there one that doesn't?

Otherwise, I don't use any of the other ingredients. Don't need sulfates: Burt's Bees Shea and Grapefruit Deep Conditioner works as an excellent clarifier for me. For some reason, it sucks as a conditioner, my hair feels squeaky. I realized that it would work to remove build up, go figure. Ditto for Kinky Curly's cleanser. Works fine to remove build-up, sucks as an every day cleanser.
My shampoo contains sodium laureth sulfate.

My leave in conditioner contains silicone.

I think my deep conditioner has sodium hydroxide.

Some of my products have parabens. I use what works and what gives me the results that I desire.

What she said!!!

If it works for me, I am using it...I am not concerned about what's considered "bad ingredients"