Do you still use products with mineral oil, petrolatum, sulfates, etc?

Which "bad" ingedients do you still use?

  • Sodium Hydroxide

    Votes: 28 16.6%
  • Mineral Oil

    Votes: 71 42.0%
  • Petrolatum

    Votes: 55 32.5%
  • Lanolin

    Votes: 45 26.6%
  • Sulfates

    Votes: 93 55.0%
  • Silicones

    Votes: 120 71.0%
  • Parabens

    Votes: 65 38.5%
  • Other (specify please)

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • None, I only use all natural products

    Votes: 20 11.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
i ve come to realize that miner oil is actually Ok for me as it keeps the frizz at bay alot better than Cones and natural Oils. I use Lusters Olive Sheen Spray (the blue bottle)
The trick is not to overload your hair with it ,just use 1 product with M.O in it so you ll avoid build up .I also use sulfates once a week ,my hair is growing nicely and i find it loks much better when i use "commercial " products rather than natural .I ve been an All Natural products girl " for 4 years and my hair just didnt grow as much as i hoped it would be ,so i ve decided to go back to my old routine ,seems to work.
I have mixed feelings, although I'm on the Curly Girl reggie right now, so I don't use the no-nos. I think I may have used a paraben or two. Here's the thing, though. My mom used two products on my hair growing up - Johnson's baby shampoo and mineral oil (either vaseline hair tonic or baby oil). My hair was super duper long. Now, I didn't have any curl definition or any of that going on, but my hair was definitely healthy. I used lots of cones and mineral oil when my hair was relaxed and grew my hair to considerable lengths, so part of me feels like "how bad could it be?" But I'm sticking to the CG method for now. (I think my hair misses cones)
Ok I have been natural for about 2years now and the first year I really did what well I was told to do no mineral oil no sulfates and etc...Well after going BROKE and many protective styles later my hair didn't do squat! Then i got a really bad scalp inflammation in which I had to use the "bad stufff" glovers mane and sulfur 8 and not only did that clear up my scalp but my hair was growing! Now I only use sulfate shampoo, glovers mane royal crown, and my dc mix that contains mineral oil and my hair is thriving and guess what my hair is doing its thing plus my products only cost me maybe $20 a month! I know some may look down upon my reggie but my hair isn't breaking off and my scalp isn't on fire so to each its own.
My DC has cones but I can't use cones often. When I was using HEHH it made my hair feel first. After using it for a few days my hair would feel like straw and I'd have to clarify. I've noticed that I can use it once a week in my dc.

I seal with Indian Hemp grease (mineral oil, patroleum and I think lanolin) and castor oil.

I'm sure I use a lot of other crap, too. but my hair is healthy and APL (the longest it's ever been) so it's working and I'm not changing it.
I'm sorry but I feel like my hair journey would've been smoother early on if I hadn't gone along with demonizing so many ingredients and techniques to the extreme. Some things should be used with caution that doesn't mean it's pure evil by default.

My scalp and hair need sulfates sometimes, mineral oil is a sealant that shouldn't be used a moisturizer but sealants often have their place. Silicones are both smoothers and sealants and often need to be removed with sulfates, but again.. they have their place.

ETA: I know this isn't on the list but I soo wish I had experimented with heat as a natural instead of drinking the koolaid on the evilness of heat usage, I might've stuck with my loose natural hair for longer if I could've seen more of the fruits of my labor and ways to reduce SSKs. It actually makes me resentful to think of all of the anti-whatever propaganda that I exposed myself to.
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I use Dax, which has mineral oil, petrolatum, and lanolin. I use Garnier Fructis Smooth and Shine, which has cones and parabens. These are my staple products and my hair is thriving.
Unfortunately yes! I need a good sulphate shampoo to remove cones from my hair and scalp otherwise both will eventually become extremely dry and not good for my hair journey. I limit the use of sulphate shampoos to once every month, as sulphate in itself can be drying to the hair.

Mineral oil, I do find it present in some of my products but fund it has no adverse affect on my hair. Petroleum no, because I no longer use heavy greasy with relaxed hair.
Nothing gets my hair more moisturized than my mineral oil, petrolatum laden Hair Rules Finishing Cream and I also love my Curly Meringue :lick:. When I am not using that I have really come to love Ouidad Climate Control gel which has several silicones :grin:.
A lot of times NaOH is in products just for pH balance too, so that doesn't bother me at all; I won't completely write it off as a bad ingredient

Hmm, that's interesting about Sodium Hydroxide. This is gonna be a dumb question but If I use a hair product with this ingredient all the time, would it loosen my curl pattern or break it off over time?
Yep I have tried to avoid cones, petrolatum and mineral oil but I'm not sure what good it's doing so far!
i use whatever works, and that ends up being sulfates, cones, whateva.

and sidenote but I would feel like a hypocrite being all concerned about my hair product ingredients when i don't eat all organic, hormone-free, etc. and my body products/home products/anything i use aren't "natural" either. not judging y'all, I'm just saying for me.
when I get to a certain financial state, then heck yea I'll def try to use all natural errrything, but hair is still kinda low on the priority list of things i want to "green" up in my life.:look:
I'd feel silly gettin all anal about 1 tiny paraben in my condish when i'm putting aluminum-filled deodorant under my pits.
Cones, sulfates - on occasion
Mineral oil, lanolin, petroleum - NEVER (turns my hair into straw and dries out my scalp)
I still use silicones.........well kinda started again. i think my giovanni silk serum has silicones in it. It does make the transition easier.
The salon I go to uses sulfates and cones, but I don't use them at home. It's not that often so I don't think it's a big deal.
:look: YUP :look: I use whatever my hair likes.... petroleum, mineral oil.. whatever.. I don't get build up because I wash 3-4 days per week

I use whatever works
I think my shampoos still have SLS. I use a lot of oils now though and just water so I think I have reformed pretty well.
I tried to be a rebel and use these products. My budget loved them, but my hair hated them. And ladies, y'all know the hair always wins.:yep:
I use perfect for perms and it has mineral oil in it but my hair still seems to like it, it shines so nicely and for a while too :) and I have used just alone coconut oil and it's too light, but using it for sealing and using razac perfect for perms for moisturizing
Im actually more concerned about cheap fillers than health effects, but once I do find out about an inredient that does or is suspected to cause negative health effects I will usually avoid.

We're already subjected to enough environmental pollutants/toxins etc, I try to avoid the once I have some control over.

shea butter and coconut oil actually have been the best things that ever happened for my skin
I use mostly natural products but if my hair likes something I don't deny it! "Bad" ingredients are easily washed away with a good clarifying process. I ran out of Shea Moisture Hair Milk a couple of weeks ago and have been using something I picked up for $ starts off with a great herbal infusion complex but then some of the ingredients are questionable...but my hair likes it and i'm not purchasing anything else until it's done.
Since I found a wonderful mild sulfate-free clarifying shampoo, I have not had problems using, but still limiting products with cones (found in just a couple of my products), mineral oil (in my BB Oil Moisturizer), petrolatum (in my grease for basing my scalp before a relaxer), and parabens(in a couple of products).

I can clarify once every 10-14 days without drying out my hair with the clarifying shampoo I use.

I offset the cones with some natural products just so that I don't end up with an overload of the above ingredients on my hair.

I do still mildly texlax my hair, so yes, I still use a sulfate poo to remove it which is not often - I only texlax 3-4 times a year. My neutralizing shampoo is the only shampoo I own that has sulfates in it.

My hair is not as dry as it used to be since making this small change of less sulfates in my haircare regimen. I have also minimized the amount of harmful ingredients in the products I use on my hair and my hair is responding very well to this small cahnge.
I don't use any of these as VAiN products don't contain any of these ingredients. Also...I would like to save my tatas...I am so cool on parabens.
I use sulfates, cones, and never really paid attention to whether or not my products contain parabens. I only use dandruff shampoo so sulfates are essential to getting my scalp clean. I follow up with a regular shampoo to cleanse my hair. My fave DC and leave ins have cones but they work fabulously for my hair so if it ain't broke.........
I relax my hair every 3 months or so. There are just some "bad" ingredients that I will not be able to avoid.

I stay away from mineral oil in my moisturizers. That stuff just eventually makes my hair dry and brittle. My shampoos have sulfates in them but I like my hair to lather up and feel clean. Going to try a non sulfate/natural shampoo but I heard they do not lather well.

The other bad ingredients I have not really noticed a difference.