Do you still get tested for HIV and other STDs after being married?


Well-Known Member
I was having this discussion with some friends and I was curious if their responses were in line with others. Feel free to expound on STD testing in general as well but I'm wondering of course because STD testing in a marriage typically means distrust/infidelity.

My background: Married for 4 yrs, 2 children, I get tested annually out of love for myself and my life.
I'm not married but I would. When I go to the Dr. I tell her test me for everything. And I see no reason to change that after I get married.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

I'm not married anymore... but a full STD screening will forever be a part of my annual check up.

ETA: I agree about loving yourself and your health.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

Also, do your doctors ask you if you'd like an HIV screening? Mine never has, I always request it. But I just found out that the CDC started recommending in 2006 universal screen at regular checkups for adults I think age 15-65?? So in theory my doctor should have asked me but didnt... I had to ask.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

I always get the full screen. I think it should be standard for everyone so folks don't have to agonize over these types of issues. It's not so much about distrusting your partner, but recognizing the reality that human beings are fallible.

There's absolutely no downside to it. If everything is OK, then it just confirms what you already know. If not, then you have potentially saved your life and maybe the lives of others.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

Also, do your doctors ask you if you'd like an HIV screening? Mine never has, I always request it. But I just found out that the CDC started recommending in 2006 universal screen at regular checkups for adults I think age 15-65?? So in theory my doctor should have asked me but didnt... I had to ask.

It's happened both ways. But for the most part they ask or had intentions on asking but I beat them to the punch. I do not play about my STD screenings. I'm a hypochondriac.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

I've actually NEVER had a doctor ask. Maybe I had bad doctors? But a friend was like, "good drs will ask" But disagree. I think you are your own best advocate and that because up until recently our demographic was not considered high risk, they would have no reason to ask. I liken it to them asking if you'd like pregnancy test when you are celibate.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

hmmmm i can see im going to be going against the crowd here, but i dont plan to continue to get full std screenings after marriage. if i felt that was necessary there is no future in that marriage and it would likely end in divorce.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

^^Do you honestly feel that good logic and health practices is mutually exclusive from a happy marriage? I'm happy you commented because most of the women I've encountered stated emphatically they do get tested for many of the reasons others listed here. It was more about their own life vs husbands which in many ways is the reality we live in--regardless of if we like it. You can't deny, though that hetro black women represent the hightest number of new HIV cases.

Hoping that doesn't come off as snarky as I genuinely intrested to hear more views like yours and why you think that getting tested is a basis for marriage failure.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

yes. i'm not marrying someone that i can't trust with a basic pillar of the relationship as not straying outside of it. cheating really is not the unavoidable catastrophe some people seem to think it is. cheating is NOT the reality of my relationships, and it never will be. it's not the riddle of the sphinx to find a man you can trust and who is NOT going to dog you out.

it makes absolutely no sense to me to call yourself being in a committed relationship if you are still worried about something as fundamental as your partner bringing you home an std.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

I just had this done the other day. I requested a full physical with screenings for everything. I have been married for 3.5 years, have not cheated, nor do I suspect my husband has or would cheat on me. I have been doing it this way since I have been an adult, and will not change it, unless they start to charge extra for it.

I don't suspect I have heart trouble, but I had an EKG done. I don't suspect high cholesterol either, but I had blood drawn for that as well. AND just to be thorough, I call for all my results. I want to know everything there is to know about my health. The best way to beat anything is to be in the know. I will not wait and say I wish I had known.

I will be scheduling an appt with my gyn in the next few weeks to have everything done on that side as well. Then my eye doctor, and I have the dentist already scheduled for next weekend. :D
You can get HIV and other "std" like hpv in other ways. Tainted blood transfusion, dirty hospital needle etc. rare but it can happen. My continuing to test myself isn't about trust of my husband (when I get one).
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

meesch What, would be acceptable std screening for you once you’re married? What is your basis for excluding some diseases and not others? Again, just curious.
meesch said:
hmmmm i can see im going to be going against the crowd here, but i dont plan to continue to get full std screenings after marriage. if i felt that was necessary there is no future in that marriage and it would likely end in divorce.

What if your spouse was inadvertently infected or even you? There are still cases of HIV where they have no idea how the patient was infected. Although this accounts for an extremely small percent off cases, I would still (and still do) get tested.
After marriage, getting checked for STDs would not be a thought. But if I am already resigned to have them anyway then I should not get married. That's just me. But I am not married.

I know you can throw in a bunch of what ifs...but in general I would not think as a married woman I need to check to see if I have contracted a disease through sex.

I can only imagine a woman going home tonight and saying "honey, you should get checked for HIV and STDs." Call me naive but I don't think that would go over well.

But I appreciate everyone's opinon. Maybe I will change my mind if the time comes for me to get married.
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Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

I find it very odd/curious/intersting/funny that all of the married folk say they get tested, while the single folk are saying nope.

I'm actually kinda baffled at the thought process of not being tested. I can be an advocate for myself without distrust and faith in my marriage.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

After marriage, getting checked for STDs would not be a thought. But if I am already resigned to have them anyway then I should not get married. That's just me. But I am not married.

I know you can throw in a bunch of what ifs...but in general I would not think as a married woman I need to check to see if I have contracted a disease through sex.

I can only imagine a woman going home tonight and saying "honey, you should get checked for HIV and STDs." Call me naive but I don't think that would go over well.

But I appreciate everyone's opinon. Maybe I will change my mind if the time comes for me to get married.

This is actually a very naive view of marriage as a whole. Not that YOU are naive. So you're saying that your health and things that concern it are not up for discussion with your spouse? I would hope that as adults in marriage this is something that has been discussed before and if need be can be brought up. In fact my states have laws requiring blood test for hiv, stds as a precursor to marriage so surely this would have been put on the table before.
blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah now youve opened me up to a rant i was hoping to avoid making :lol:

ok this is the thing. hiv is the boogie monster in the black community. we have been taught and indoctrinated to be hyper aware of and afraid of hiv like it's going to strike us down at any moment. the campaigns and the statistics are skewed so that it is over-represented amongst black women, when the fact of the matter is, black women's hiv status is pretty much in direct proportion and correlation to black men's hiv status, AND black men's hiv status is the only one that continues to grow, because young MSM black men are contracting at higher rates than anyone else.

so that's first of all - hiv is not an easy disease to transmit, and despite all the best efforts of the media campaigns, it is not that prevalent in this country as a whole. i know this argument is not going to work on everyone, because we have had it so repeatedly drilled in our heads that it's a lot more prevalent than it really is. but the fact of the matter is, less than 1% of the american population has hiv. to put that in perspective, here is a list of the most common causes of death in the us; compare that to almost 30% of the american population dying from heart disease. i'm not saying you should not practice safe sex, and get tested with your partner, and do everything you can to ward against a disease like hiv. i'm saying that we are taught that its prevalence is greater than it is, and that it's a bigger danger than it is in reality. there are over 340 million people in this country, which might whittle down to 100 million available male partners... it is possible to never ever come into contact with hiv based on the sheer amount of potential partners in this country that do not have it.

please let me emphasize, i know this is not an easy argument for most people to swallow - we are too in fear of hiv, and a reasonable amount of caution to protect yourself IS necessary. but, to me the fear of hiv for black women borders on phobic, and i will not live my life in constant fear of a disease that i CAN protect myself from, and that i CAN avoid ever being in contact with. it is not an inevitability, and frankly, i think that we are being taught that it is.

soooooo, circling back around to the "monogamy in marriage" argument. to say that you are continually on the watch for stds even after marriage - what is, to most people, supposed to be a relationship only between two people - to me says that there is no such thing as a monogamous committed relationship where no one strays. or, that such a thing as discussing infidelity in an open and honest way so that no one is being deceived is possible. and i don't think that's true. and frankly, all i can say is that for myself, the best i can do is choose partners that are honest and trustworthy, because that sort of deceptive behavior is NOT something that everyone has hidden down inside them. hard to believe?

as far as excluding some diseases and not others - i don't think i said that. what i said was that i wouldnt get a regular std screening at all, which would exclude all stds. but, for the sake of argument, something like hpv, which is incredibly prevalent amongst anyone whos ever had any sort of sexual contact, to me that would be something i could think of more as an inevitability. because it is not something that is difficult to contract at all. so that would still necessitate the need of regular pap smears to screen for cancer.

i can completely understand why some women would feel like continuing to ward themselves against stds in an allegedly "committed" relationship is necessary. i completely understand the "better safe than sorry" argument. and i completely understand the viewpoint that cheating is a "reality" of some people's relationships.

but, i govern my life differently... i choose my partners differently... and i manage my relationships differently... so, for me, the inevitability of std transmission is in direct correlation with my choice of partner, and i plan to choose a partner, and have a relationship, where yep, i can trust him with my life.
whit923 said:
I find it very odd/curious/intersting/funny that all of the married folk say they get tested, while the single folk are saying nope.

I'm actually kinda baffled at the thought process of not being tested. I can be an advocate for myself without distrust and faith in my marriage.

I guess since I am single and I am tested every July, as a single woman I would look forward to doing things differently from when I am single.

And I am not careless sexually or with my health. Both of my parents were in the medical profession and I grew up in the rise of HIV.
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

I find it very odd/curious/intersting/funny that all of the married folk say they get tested, while the single folk are saying nope.

I'm actually kinda baffled at the thought process of not being tested. I can be an advocate for myself without distrust and faith in my marriage.

basically, what you're saying is people who are not married, their opinions don't count - because it doesn't align with yours? like oh if you were married, you'd see it my way... ummmmmmmmmm maybe some of us aren't married yet because we're still not settling for that relationship where it's possible he's going to bring home an std :lol: rather stay unmarried than marry into that.
What if your spouse was inadvertently infected or even you? There are still cases of HIV where they have no idea how the patient was infected. Although this accounts for an extremely small percent off cases, I would still (and still do) get tested.

i think in this day and age, the probability of hiv being transmitted accidentally (through some other medical process) is extremely negligent, so i don't really think that's relevant for the purposes of this discussion.
I still do as part of my annual exam and they check you when you're pregnant. It's no biggie. Not that I don't trust my husband, its like another poster said, I like to be in the know and have every base covered, just like going to my regular doctor and having a blood screening. Chances of me having high cholesterol or diabetes in my early 20s, with an active lifestyle, and being underweight are pretty slim, but why not check and be sure?
meesch said:
i think in this day and age, the probability of hiv being transmitted accidentally (through some other medical process) is extremely negligent, so i don't really think that's relevant for the purposes of this discussion.

Lol, thanks meesch. Negligence? Not sure why that was included, but I actually know someone who contacted it and the mode is unknown. I did include that it accounts for an extremely small percent and asked if that entered your sphere. Clearly it did and was dismissed. Fair enough.Your numbers/stats, which I don't know are valid (that was a long rant which I haven't digested), are interpreted as such to validate your stance. *shrug*
Re: Do you still get tested for HIV after being married?

basically, what you're saying is people who are not married, their opinions don't count - because it doesn't align with yours? like oh if you were married, you'd see it my way... ummmmmmmmmm maybe some of us aren't married yet because we're still not settling for that relationship where it's possible he's going to bring home an std :lol: rather stay unmarried than marry into that.

Hmmm, don't think I EVER said your opinon didn't count. In fact I'm enjoying the discussion and having a different opinion voiced. And don't try and turn this into a married vs single discussion because its not.
Sure if the doctor is already checking me for STDs then fine.

I just cant imagine right now that after marriage I would go and make a special request for STD/HIV tests.
I still plan on getting tested when I'z murrrrried. I don't see a reason to stop. I would encourage him to keep getting tested as well. Some STDs (including HIV/Aids) don't show up on screens until years later.
diadall said:
Sure if the doctor is already checking me for STDs then fine.

I just cant imagine right now that after marriage I would go and make a special request for STD/HIV tests.

diadall, the physician typically won't check unless you want them to.
Lol, thanks @meesch. Negligence? Not sure why that was included, but I actually know someone who contacted it and the mode is unknown. I did include that it accounts for an extremely small percent and asked if that entered your sphere. Clearly it did and was dismissed. Fair enough.Your numbers/stats, which I don't know are valid (that was a long rant which I haven't digested), are interpreted as such to validate your stance. *shrug*

no, negligent, not negligence. i.e. it occurs to such a statistically small portion of the population that i would rather not focus on the negligent probability that it could happen to me. i wasn't dismissing what you said. i was commenting on the statistical likelihood of such a thing actually happening. if something happens to 10 people out of the american population, are you going to worry about it? i guess the difference is some people would, and some wouldn't. i'm going to worry about getting hit by a car, or falling down in my tub instead :look: