Do you say relaxed/relaxer or perm/permed


New Member
This post is just out of pure curiosity :yep:. The reason I ask is because my sister told me a while back that the correct term to use is relax/relaxed/relaxer because for african american hair or naturally curly hair...the chemicals are "relaxing" the curl pattern therefore making it straight. She said that perm/permed hair is a term usually used for women with naturally straight hair who want to make there hair curly. I think this makes alot of sense:grin: What about u ladies?
She's right, the correct term is relaxed, but everyone I know uses perm/relaxer interchangeably.
I used to say perm until I was given that explanation but everyone knew what I meant. Now I use the term relaxer.
I say relaxer, if I say perm in front of my stylist she will correct me in a heart beat LOL.
I dunno. It kinda urkes me when my friends say perm...when I tell them about the word relaxer, they look at me like i'm crazy or something. LOL Go figure huh!
I still say perm mostly. I'm trying to break out of that and say relaxer. Like someone said in another post, everyone knows what i'm talking about, so it's no big deal really.
I say relaxer. Many of my stylists are not black, if you ask for a perm, you will get that white girl curly perm. So I definitely say relaxer, that is the correct term
i've been "tryin" to be correct w/ it, but sometimes "relaxer" is too long for my lazy @$$ at the time, so i say/type perm.

shoot, its common knowledge what we mean.
I say relax/relaxed. To get your hair permed is to put some curls into it. Of course a relaxer does the opposite. ;)

This post is just out of pure curiosity :yep:. The reason I ask is because my sister told me a while back that the correct term to use is relax/relaxed/relaxer because for african american hair or naturally curly hair...the chemicals are "relaxing" the curl pattern therefore making it straight. She said that perm/permed hair is a term usually used for women with naturally straight hair who want to make there hair curly. I think this makes alot of sense:grin: What about u ladies?
I say relaxer now. But I used to say perm.

I thought perm and relaxer were used interchangeably because its called a permanent relaxer. Kinda like how people say soda/pop for soda pop.