Do you rollerset to curl or straighten?

Do you rollerset to straighten or to curl?

  • I rollerset for straight hair only.

    Votes: 41 46.1%
  • I rollerset for curly hair only.

    Votes: 15 16.9%
  • I alternate between curly and straight rollersets.

    Votes: 33 37.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have all these rollers and it just dawned on me that most of the ladies rollerset to straighten and not to curl? Do you switch up? I only rollerset to get a curl and never (before LHCF) thought of rollersetting to get straight hair! Is it just me? Am I a doofus?:weird: :weird: :weird:
I rollerset for both curly and straight looks. It depends on my mood. If I want a curly look, I use smaller rollers. If I do a roller wrap or doobie, I use the bigger rollers.
SoniT said:
I rollerset for both curly and straight looks. It depends on my mood. If I want a curly look, I use smaller rollers. If I do a roller wrap or doobie, I use the bigger rollers.

Same here. I usually want my hair straight at the roots, but I prefer curls on the ends. After rollersetting, I usually just fingercomb through the roots and crown area to stretch out the curl and smooth the hair.
I didn't know you could straighten your hait with a rollerset, so I always do it to get curls.
B_Phlyy said:
I didn't know you could straighten your hait with a rollerset, so I always do it to get curls.
If you wrap your hair after a rollerset, it can come out straight with a little bend on the end.
I love bone straight hair so i rollerset and then apply oil and some cream to make my hair straight. I dont like a bump at the ends...i love it just hanging straight down.
I rollerset to get smooth curls and to straighten. Every now and then I rollerset to get smooth, all-over curls.
I love curly volumous hair so I rollerset for curly hair. I have not managed to get the rollers tight enough to get my hair str8, but that doesnt matter to me. I have pics of my august rollerset in my album..check it out!
Allandra said:
If you wrap your hair after a rollerset, it can come out straight with a little bend on the end.

I know something is going wrong with mine. After I get it rollerset I ask them to wrap my hair but it's always thick (big hair) at the roots. Are you all blow drying the roots. I know few ladies who do that but I want to stay away away from the blow dryer.
I rollerset to get curls and straight hair. I wrap after rollersetting to get straight hair with a little bend at the ends. If I want it curly I just take the rollers out and finger comb the curls.
asubeauty said:
I rollerset to get curls and straight hair. I wrap after rollersetting to get straight hair with a little bend at the ends. If I want it curly I just take the rollers out and finger comb the curls.

Me too!! Rollersetting/wrapping is so much easier for me, I just don't like sitting under the dryer and my hair does not do that well airdrying
I use the big grey rollers to rollerset, in order to dry and ultimately wear straight. Rollersetting gives my hair a fuller, bouncier look, that could not be achieved with a wet wrap............ Then I pin-curl throughout the week in order to keep the hair full w/some curl.
I alternate b/t curly rollersets and straightsets. I have gotten so much better with my sets ( I am soo proud of myself):). After I take out the rollers I add a lil bit of my mtg mixture to my scalp and wrap it. If need be, I would pin-curl my hair throughout the week.
KiniKakes said:
I use the big grey rollers to rollerset, in order to dry and ultimately wear straight. Rollersetting gives my hair a fuller, bouncier look, that could not be achieved with a wet wrap............ Then I pin-curl throughout the week in order to keep the hair full w/some curl.

How do you do pincurls?
I do both, although lately I have been going the straighter look, but I dont wrap my hair I just finger comb and use really big rollers.
For the past 3 1/2 years, I've airdried in a rollerset using the giant green rollers to straighten my hair, giving it lots of body and shine. I would then make braidouts or updos.

More recently, I've airdried my hair in a rollerset using grey rollers to straighten and create loose, bouncy curls, which I maintain with pincurl setting.:)
i chose both. most of the time i wear my hair curly because i am lazy. when its curly all i hafta do is put the bonnet on and go to sleep....but if i rollerset to make my hair straight that requires that i wrap my hair and then in the morning i have to actually comb my hair. HMPH im too lazy for that everyday