Do you return gifts???


Well-Known Member
After you and your SO break up, do you return all the gifts that he's given you, pay back money, etc.

Generally, I don't because I get such nice gifts (I did, however, return $1500 my ex gave me for summer school) but my friend says she ALWAYS return gifts. Do you? Why or why not?
No. They've never asked for anything back.
I don't ask for gifts back either. Seems kinda stingy.
They gave it as a gift at the time. Gifts don't usually come with stipulations.
It depends. With my first ex, I had too many bad memories of him and the gifts were just a reminder of that. So it was either give them back or throw them away.

With the newest one, I just put everything in a little box because I still feel sentimental about everything and don't want to get rid of the memories.
Hell effen no! I was with your butt when you gave it to me, so why would I return a coach bag, and a Tiffany necklace for you to give to another itch that didn't take your ish like I did?
Nope, I don't return anything becasue most of the time, the gifts I give them I wouldn't want back so why would I return anything.
Hell to the no.

You gave it to me as a gift while we were together, and you are not taking it back b/c we are no longer together.

I remember when I was exchanging gifts w/ my ex for Valentine's day a few years ago & he said, "If we don't work out, you can still keep it."

I looked at him like he was stupid. As if I was going to give it back. Please. I'm still rocking that handbag and those boots.