Do You Remember Surge 14 Hair Revitalizer?????

My delivery date has changed from Friday to Monday. Sigh. And it hasn't moved since the label was created on the 27th, so I'm not feeling too hopeful.

I would definitely keep an eye on it and be prepared to call your cc company. I went and looked back at my emails. They gave me a usps tracking email and that kept getting a delivery date pushed back from around the 14th. Then on the 24th I got another email with shipping information from ups, which was the shipping provider I paid for! This delivery date was for yesterday and it didn’t change and actually started moving on sat. I went and looked at the old shipping email and that “package” has an even further pushed back date. I don’t believe they ever packaged my stuff until the 24th. I believe that other email and floating package was simply to put me off from trying to get a refund. Either from covid or bad business practices.

I did receive my full package but that was terrible. Hope your stuff arrives soon.
Anyone try using Irish sea moss, since it is a source of muccopolysaccharides, and can be made into a gel, or added to a liquid or conditioner?

I just made some Irish Sea moss gel this week. I’m going to give it a try for a while and report back.
I've never thought about adding it to my hair products. I always take it internally.
Same here. But I am going to try it on my hair. I bet it would give great slip.

I've used Several Handmades that have Irish Moss. Don't think I've ever purchased it to add, but it is a great idea.:up:

Thank you for the Post.
I've never thought about adding it to my hair products. I always take it internally.
I just made some Irish Sea moss gel this week. I’m going to give it a try for a while and report back.

Same here. But I am going to try it on my hair. I bet it would give great slip.
You know what, I totally forgot about it. I actually bought some mucopolysaccharides concentrated in a pill. I intended on crushing them up, but I think I do have some Irish Moss.:scratchchin:

Hey everyone!,

I have some Irish Moss powder that I boiled yesterday with a cup of water to create a gel that I then added to my deep conditioner. I mixed it up yesterday, and will be trying it out when I get off work this morning (I'm a graveyard shifter these days). I think it will will have awesome slip, and hopefully will have my hair feeling pretty nice. I also added a bit to my spray leave-in refresher. There's already an Irish moss thread floating around ( The Bomb! of all natural conditioners & moisturizers )which is why I thought I would drop in here and suggest that route to get those mucopolysaccharides, especially since I see some are having a problem getting hold of the new Surge. If anyone tries it out, please lets us know how it works. I'll be back to post once I do my deep conditioner treatment today.
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I would definitely keep an eye on it and be prepared to call your cc company. I went and looked back at my emails. They gave me a usps tracking email and that kept getting a delivery date pushed back from around the 14th. Then on the 24th I got another email with shipping information from ups, which was the shipping provider I paid for! This delivery date was for yesterday and it didn’t change and actually started moving on sat. I went and looked at the old shipping email and that “package” has an even further pushed back date. I don’t believe they ever packaged my stuff until the 24th. I believe that other email and floating package was simply to put me off from trying to get a refund. Either from covid or bad business practices.

I did receive my full package but that was terrible. Hope your stuff arrives soon.

I just got another "Your order has shipped" email with a new date of this Friday. I will never order from this company again. Lesson learned.
Is this growing anyone’s hair with the new packaging/ingredients? I remember my hair grew like a weed with this way back in the day coupled with the old formula Wild Growth Oil.
Ive order from them numerous times in the past and no issues. The email stated due to covid items would not process until 8-14 business days. Thats fine with me.

I go on their instagram page and folks are going off.

I ordered April 16th @Hairties @demlew

Would y'all believe I still don't have my order? I ordered on 4/11. Every time I check the status, it's pushed another day. So now my delivery date is this Friday. HOB emailed me to write a Trust Pilot review. Of course, I gave them 1 star and I'm gonna light them up wherever else I can think of.
Would y'all believe I still don't have my order? I ordered on 4/11. Every time I check the status, it's pushed another day. So now my delivery date is this Friday. HOB emailed me to write a Trust Pilot review. Of course, I gave them 1 star and I'm gonna light them up wherever else I can think of.
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! Dispute it and get your money back. Thats way too much time. What did you originally order? @demlew
I finally got all the ingredients to make my Surge dupe.
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! Dispute it and get your money back. Thats way too much time. What did you originally order? @demlew

I just checked again and my delivery date has changed to Saturday. This is crazy. Technically, I doubt I can dispute it until the delivery date has passed. The tracking shows it's allegedly at the regional post office two cities away. I ordered $56 of conditioner, two bottles of X-Cel, and accessories.
I just checked again and my delivery date has changed to Saturday. This is crazy. Technically, I doubt I can dispute it until the delivery date has passed. The tracking shows it's allegedly at the regional post office two cities away. I ordered $56 of conditioner, two bottles of X-Cel, and accessories.
Well shoot.