Do You Remember Surge 14 Hair Revitalizer?????

I'm curious, why won't you repurchase?

Well, it costs me more in shipping than for the product. That's one reason.

Now, I do LIKE the product. I'm saying this now- that I won't repurchase. But, I change my mind. It's easy to say you won't repurchase when you got 8 bottles sitting in reach! Right?!

I totally revamped and updated my hair regimen on December 16th, 2016. Thus, I am not sure what is contributing to my positive hair results. It could be one thing, or all that I am doing combined. @Aggie set me straight when she reminded me that I have been doing inversion. @RUBY and your question have made me realize that I probably need to add XCEL -21 to my 2017 hair growth narrative as well! I think I need to add this to my list of why my hair is flourishing. I shall do it now.

The reasons my hair is flourishing and growing in 2017: 5 Reasons or Steps!!!!
  1. Using XCEL 21
  2. Doing Inversion
  3. Adding Shea Butter to routine
  4. Using Coconut Conditioner (DIY)
  5. Using No-Comb Method
I need to be very meticulous and clear with documenting my hair narrative because the growth I have seen this year has been phenomenal. A big part of it is I'm not tearing out my hair or losing whole, entire curls anymore since I implemented this routine.

Lastly, when I am sitting, I've got lead hairs that when pulled, are touching the top of my thigh. I've never had that experience before. @lalla , I know you didn't ask me all this, but I realized I keep leaving out information. I need to be thorough and complete when communicating about my hair routine. You, @Aggie and @RUBY helped me realize I need to do this!
Wearing wigs had made my widow peak bald and shiny. It grew back pretty fast with Xcel 21, which I did not expect. For overall growth I will see it better at my next touch up.

I used to order it from ebay (out of stock for the moment), it's much more affordable than ordering from the US. I have 4 or so bottles left still.

Yes, I read that that about your wig wearing and the widow's peak. Congratulations!

I'm not an ebay person. I find navigating the site overwhelming. But, I may need to look into it. Thank you for the information.

Keep us posted about the results from your next touch-up!
@charmtreese ,

When you apply the product, are you saturating your hair with it, or do you lightly mist?

I would have to say it's somewhere in between. Since I'm only concentrating on my scalp I spray until I feel like I have covered my entire scalp. With the operative word being FEEL...after I spray I message around my scalp to make sure I feel a little wetness everywhere.
I would have to say it's somewhere in between. Since I'm only concentrating on my scalp I spray until I feel like I have covered my entire scalp. With the operative word being FEEL...after I spray I message around my scalp to make sure I feel a little wetness everywhere.

Thank you for responding. This is what I do as well!
BraidLength Check Nov 15 2017.jpg
4 Inches Retained for 2017!

Since XCEL spray is part of my regimen, I am going to copy off @charmtreese and put my results up here, too. November is the end of my tracking my hair length for 2017. That's because I started on December 16th, 2016.

The braid I'm pulling is 21.5 inches in length. The braid above it is 24 inches in length. I've posted this photo in the 12 inches in 12 Month Challenge, too.

EDITED to ADD: 2017 was a hair THICKENING year mostly for me. My braid started out at about 19.5 inches and it got to 21.5 inches. That's less than the standard 6 inches per year. I think next round it will be dropping in length. Historically, my hair drops in length from November to April!

How I used XCEL:
  • At night, saturated hair around parts, near roots of braids. Put on plastic cap and went to bed.
  • In morning, spritzed my scalp but do not saturate, then proceed with hair grooming process for the day.
1.5 bottles of the XCEL spray, per month.

Problems with the Product:
  • Sometimes it would make my hair [scalp] itch. They were MONSTER itches like the kind that make you snatch your wig and pantyhose off and scratch like a bear.
  • 1 or 2 times it burned my scalp but there was no adverse effect like a scab or damaged skin. It just stung for a second on impact. It happened about 3 times.
  • If I really over did it, I would sometimes get a mild headache from drenching my head with the product. I have opened the bottle when I couldn't spray it out, and poured it on my head. DON'T DO THIS, PLEASE!
  • Sprayers are hit and miss. Right now on the current bottle the sprayer is working like well. Most times it gets product stuck in it. I guess I can try running hot water through the spray thing.
  • Hard to get in France and shipping is just as much as the product.
Overall Assessment after using for 12 Months in 2017:
  • Well worth it!
  • Glad I copied you all and got on this band wagon.
2018 Plans and XCEL:
  • Keep going!
  • I got eight (8) bottles left.
  • I will probably keep using it at least until May 2018.
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@Chicoro you're welcome! I haven't been as consistent as I set out to be when I first ordered it. (I ordered the spray and cream.) But I can say I wore a wig for 3 1/2 weeks and whenever I thought about it, I would apply the cream as if I'm greasing my scalp, apply the spray with a roots applicator, and then apply either wild hair growth oil or the mane choice growth oil. When I washed and blow dried my hair last weekend, my hair had the appearance of being fuller. I think if I were more consistent, I think that I would see more fullness and length.
@Chicoro you're welcome! I haven't been as consistent as I set out to be when I first ordered it. (I ordered the spray and cream.) But I can say I wore a wig for 3 1/2 weeks and whenever I thought about it, I would apply the cream as if I'm greasing my scalp, apply the spray with a roots applicator, and then apply either wild hair growth oil or the mane choice growth oil. When I washed and blow dried my hair last weekend, my hair had the appearance of being fuller. I think if I were more consistent, I think that I would see more fullness and length.

Congratulations! I bet it was pretty, too.