Do You Remember Surge 14 Hair Revitalizer?????

Im not in the wrong thread. The spray is great for rashes. I had a rash pop up behind my knees. Remembered some comments from here and my spray stays within reach at home. So i sprayed the areas. Stung for a few minutes. The areas were dry in the morning. Sprayed again and thats all she wrote.
Finished my second bottle. I need to measure but I've been too lazy to do so.

My twist bun is definitely bigger; I can pull my bun in any position and have almost no twists sticking out. Prior to NW21, I needed two scrunchies to wrangle all my twists into a bun and my bun was more scrunchie than twists. So not the case anymore. Still seeing reduced shedding as well. I'm back to almost daily spraying since I'm washing weekly again.
Finished my second bottle. I need to measure but I've been too lazy to do so.

My twist bun is definitely bigger; I can pull my bun in any position and have almost no twists sticking out. Prior to NW21, I needed two scrunchies to wrangle all my twists into a bun and my bun was more scrunchie than twists. So not the case anymore. Still seeing reduced shedding as well. I'm back to almost daily spraying since I'm washing weekly again.

Does it build up visibly Riley?
Okay I'm curious. Anyone using the shampoo and cream are you following the directions on the cream jar? IIRC, it says you should wash with the shampoo then use the cream as a deep conditioner. Anybody doing that? I still haven't bought the shampoo.
I was in my Fotki today and one of my Fotki pals left this new, private message for me, which I have copied and pasted verbatim:

"Hi Chicoro. I just wanted you to know that I finally got my hands on the product by Netwurks that you told me about called Hair Revitalizer Xcel 21. It's been nearly 30 days since I started using it and all I can say is "WOW!" This stuff has completely changed my hair. It feels different, stronger yet still moisturized. I religiously spray my scalp every day, sometimes twice a day and my hair is growing like crazy and it is gaining density too. It's simply amazing; thanks for telling me about this product. It's going to be super exciting to watch my hair transform. Thanks again!"

I don't believe she is a member of LHCF. Thus, I don't think she has looked at this thread or has access to what we've been saying. I had a photo of this product posted in my Fotki and she asked me about it via Fotki. So, what I am trying to say is that all that she has written above is her first-hand experience and observations. Everything we are saying, happened to her. It looks like she got ALL the benefits of this product!

Any updates?
I've only been using the product since April 8th. But as soon as May 8th hits, I will be posting an update.
I have NO clue if it's been working because I try to pay my hair no attention and avoid being obsessed.
I don't know if this helped because I didn't measure regularly, stopped being consistent and changed my regimen to include weekly washes so it could be either or both but I retained 1.5-2 inches around my head in 3 months (with dusting when I saw fit), which isn't typical of my hair.
Still spritzing!

And still haven't taken proper measurements to accurately report my progress :lachen:
I'm not measuring hardcore either. I know how long my hair was when I started. So I'll know if I got good growth. I just want to spray and forget and not get too obsessed. My cornrows feel 1/4” looser after 13 days. That's growth but it could be my normal rate. Who knows.
Okay I'm curious. Anyone using the shampoo and cream are you following the directions on the cream jar? IIRC, it says you should wash with the shampoo then use the cream as a deep conditioner. Anybody doing that? I still haven't bought the shampoo.
i tried the shampoo. stripped my hair to within an inch of its life. meaning raised my cuticles too much. im hipo sp dont need all that. if you're lo-po it might be ok.
i tried the shampoo. stripped my hair to within an inch of its life. meaning raised my cuticles too much. im hipo sp dont need all that. if you're lo-po it might be ok.

Did you DC with the cream? I really like the shampoo I'm using right now but if using the whole like works better I'll switch...