Do you really think your going to get to your goal


New Member
...I know we allcan makeit to are goals but have any of you came to a legnth that you like and is easy to maintain. E.g you wanted waist but ended up with b/s because u liked it or wanted bra-strap but ended up with shoulder legnth because you like it? For example i want bra strap but i know i may just stop at in between b/s and shoulder. Sometime i think its something like "we want it and when we have it we no longer want it". Are some growing these hair just to prove that ethnic hair can grow? Please let me know if i am not making sense

I can understand what you are saying. In fact I just said that to my student worker yesterday. Right now my hair is uneven, the back at the neck and the sides just at my ear and I would love to have even shoulder lenght hair. I was saying that once I get my hair growing that I would probably cut it because I knew that I can, just like my nails, I was a nail biter for many many years, now that I have my own nail at a nice lenght I am cutting them all the time.
My goal is waist length but I am 90% sure that I will not make it because my hair starts to slow down right before bra-strap, but does eventually reach bra strap.

To be more specific, I want hair that when flat ironed leaving a slight curl reaches bra strap. So I assume that with my hair type, I will need to have near waist length hair.
I think I want to grow my hair as long as possible because people really believe that type 4 hair will not grow. When I tell them that my hair use to be close to bra strap I get the look
So now I want to grow it as long as I can and keep it just to prove the point.

I'm glad I have pics in my album of my hair in it's natural state so that when it is back to being long I can prove withour a shadow of a doubt that type 4 hair can and will grow past your shoulders and beyond if you take care of it.
I think I will get to my goal of bra-strap, because I had long hair all of my life, except the past 9 montsh after a bad stylist experience.

I kind of want to get to waist length.. but thats a bit much for me.
Of course I do!
Right now my hair is about 3 inches from bra strap in the back (maybe closer by now after 6 weeks in braids). I am creepin up on my goal, slowly but surely. I have been taking my supplements like a good girl. I have been taking very good care of my hair, root to tip. Besides I do believe in the power of positive thinking!
Yes, I feel that I will meet my goals! I am watching carefully to see how my mini-goal goes (brastrap by December!) then from there I will know when I will make my ultimate goal of waist length!

I'm pretty good at acheiving all of my goals in life. I agree with the post about the power of positive thinking. It's also about loving our hair and ourselves and being joyful in life, period. My hair goal is to have healthy beautiful hair - all of the time. If it becomes long too, that's a plus!
not to discourage anyone here, but it seems very strange that we are setting goals for something that is out of our control. i mean, really, how much control do we have over how fast our hair grows? am I missing something?
Do I think I will make it too my final go of Knee or ankle lenght hair, Am not too Sure, but I think I would be Happy with Waist lenght, or butt lenght, BS lenght I will not be happy with it, I want more and I want too know and belive I can have any lenght I choose too have
I set a goal date for myself. I started growing my hair January 2004 and it was mid neck length and I am praying that I reach shoulder length by July because I am so near right now. Hopefully by October I will be about 2 inches past shoulder and by January 2005 I should be back bone (armpit) length, and from there Ill spend the whole year trying to get to bra strap for January 2006 which should not take me so long from back bone length because I am barely 5'0 and I have a short neck. Regardless of what happens one thing I know for sure is that by 2006 I should have long healthy beautiful hair bra strap length or not.
I think that I will reach my goal, it's just going to take a lot longer than I had hoped...Also, I think that once I reach my goal, it will not be the end for me. Not only will I have to maintain it, but I will also have to do some evening out and growing out other parts of my hair that will surely keep me busy.

But when I look at folks like Adrienne, Zanna, Allandra and all of the others, I do have encouragement and it keeps me focused.

What I'm learning is that this is really a process. And I have to learn the elements of the process that are necessary for hair length and health for MY hair..Essentially, what works for me and what my hair needs.
I'm starting to see what areas of my hair need the most moisture and what I need to do to promote my hair's health. And for me, to not take my hair for granted and slack off..

My goal is waist length and I'm pretty close to midback, but I think I may have another year or so before I reach there..Which is fine with me (though I had hoped that it would be sooner..
aregee said:
not to discourage anyone here, but it seems very strange that we are setting goals for something that is out of our control. i mean, really, how much control do we have over how fast our hair grows? am I missing something?

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I can see what you are saying...however, we can all help the growth process along. My hair normally grows quickly, however, what helps me speed up my growth is:

- working out
-no heat
-no wrapping
-little combing
-use of good products
-and more...

All of these things not only help to attain length but to retain it as well. HTH

I know I can. I don't think you ever realize your true length or what your hair can really do until you start showing it some TLC. I am already seeing the rewards. I just have to remain consistent. We're ALL going to get there (wherever that is).

elite_chiq said:
...I know we allcan makeit to are goals but have any of you came to a legnth that you like and is easy to maintain. E.g you wanted waist but ended up with b/s because u liked it or wanted bra-strap but ended up with shoulder legnth because you like it? For example i want bra strap but i know i may just stop at in between b/s and shoulder. Sometime i think its something like "we want it and when we have it we no longer want it". Are some growing these hair just to prove that ethnic hair can grow? Please let me know if i am not making sense

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Hey Elite
- Youre making sense. When i first came to LHCF my hair was at a length that i liked but i needed styling advice (which i still dont follow
) but i was the same way. It's your choice to decide what is best for you. It also is fine to change your mind and decide to set your goals again.

I also have to say that the last 4 inches to bra strap for me were worse than watching grass grow, it was like watching a man cry -- just plain TORTUROUS
i had to do a post on it because it was so dang infuriating. for some reason no matter how much time passed, it never seemed like my hair was growing. I dont know what it was about that time but it was very unnerving for me because i seemed SOOO close to making my goal, but when i looked it seemed like i was never making progress. All i can say is i got there and now i'm on to my next goal of 4 inches past bra strap so it is DEFINITELY possible.

Also, i'm just growing my hair for me. just like when i chopped all my hair off into a pixie cut and everyone looked at me like i was insane-- i LOVED that cut too. My boyfriend at the time basically dumped me over it but who cares--- do what you love or what's the point of being alive
HHG -- jainygirl
LorraineG said:
I know I can. I don't think you ever realize your true length or what your hair can really do until you start showing it some TLC. I am already seeing the rewards. I just have to remain consistent. We're ALL going to get there (wherever that is).


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yep, I agree.
I know I will if I just keep a positive attitude and live by my mottos:

1.Don't speak defeat

2.Healthy and vibrant is the key, length will eventually come for me. I have decided to just let my hair 'be'.

3.Since hair grows anyway, all I have to gain is length.

Anything is possible if you just have faith and believe!
I believe that I'll reach my bra-strap goal. If I can't get it to grow any longer than that, then I'll just be satisfied with what I have.
aregee said:
not to discourage anyone here, but it seems very strange that we are setting goals for something that is out of our control. i mean, really, how much control do we have over how fast our hair grows? am I missing something?

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You aren't missing a thing! As long as hair follicles are not damaged, hair is going to grow. What you take into your body has an effect on how the hair grows but not necessarily how fast the grows. There isn't really anything you can do to "speed" up hair growth. However, you CAN do some things to help retain length. When that happens, it can give the appearance that hair grows fast when in actuality, you really just retained more length. The hair was going to grow anyway.

Just remember, what you put INTO your body WILL be reflected OUTSIDE of your body. The healthier you are, the healthier your hair will be (at least as it grows out of your head). You have to take good care of your hair just like you take good care of your body.
I do believe that I'm going to reach my goal now that I realize what I've been doing wrong. Starting out with super short hair is difficult, but I've had long relaxed/curly permed/natural hair before, so I'm just going back to what I used to do to grow my hair long.

And I'm also glad that I found this board, too, because I never would have taken the time to learn about MSM, biotin, and all of the other supplements that promote healthy hair & faster growth.
I started this thing thinking it was very possible to reach my hair goals. I thought I would be satisfied with shoulder lenght hair and as soon as I reached that goal, it didn't seem very long at all.

I've suffered several setbacks but I'm still going to try to reach my new hair goals and the first step is believing you can.
Ipanema said:

And I'm also glad that I found this board, too, because I never would have taken the time to learn about MSM, biotin, and all of the other supplements that promote healthy hair & faster growth.

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Me too, I didn't even know they had vitamins to promote that before I came here!
I think I can reach my goal with no set backs which is out of my control.
My hair is growing out pretty good I know my staple products
now and found that technique was the key for me and not the many products I bought and experimented with.
I would love to have waist lenght natural hair, but truthfully i dont know if i could handle it. In either case even if i dont make it I'm pretty satisfied with my current lenght.
I believe it's very possible for me to reach my goal of bra strap length. In the past few months, my hair has been thriving (since finding hair boards). I believe it's only going to improve.

elite_chiq said:
...I know we allcan makeit to are goals but have any of you came to a legnth that you like and is easy to maintain. E.g you wanted waist but ended up with b/s because u liked it or wanted bra-strap but ended up with shoulder legnth because you like it? For example i want bra strap but i know i may just stop at in between b/s and shoulder. Sometime i think its something like "we want it and when we have it we no longer want it". Are some growing these hair just to prove that ethnic hair can grow? Please let me know if i am not making sense


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I like my current length, a little past bra strap, and I know that I would have to spend more money on products. PTruthfully, I like my hair to be short more... it doesn't get in the way and it's easier to care for.

The only reason that I want longer hair is because I think that it looks prettier. I like to look pretty as possible, doesn't matter even though I know all this hair on my head is a pain in the @ss for me. Pretty shallow, but honest at least.
Yes I do. I have learned a lot in the last six months, and my hair has grown between 5 and 6 inches. I think my goals are reachible, even if they take a little longer than I want.