Do you mostly get compliments on your.....

Do you mostly get compliments on your...

  • Hair

    Votes: 28 18.8%
  • Eyes

    Votes: 16 10.7%
  • Skin

    Votes: 18 12.1%
  • Body

    Votes: 19 12.8%
  • Smile

    Votes: 53 35.6%
  • Personality

    Votes: 6 4.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 6.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
I choose eyes. I get alot of compliments on the color. Occassionaly I get compliments on the color of my hair. And sometimes I get compliments on my skin.
Smile and eyes!

SInce I was a little girl it has bee my eyes always. It has been within the last 5-10 years though that I have received alot of compliments about my smile. Of the two I am grateful to have a smile that many appreciate. I think that is good especially when we don't always take the time to do so. A smile can do so much for yourself and another person whether you know them or not. It is funny to get this compliment because I used to be told that I didn't smile enough. ALot has changed. I used to be told that I look older now I get people saying thinking I am younger. Strange but I am cool with it.
My skin.. ppl say its flawless... (but I don't see it...I know it's not the worst, but not flawless)... but I'm thankful for the quality of skin I do have.
I never get complimented on my skin! :cry:

Although people do tell me I look "radiant" so I suppose that's the same thing overall. Both men and women compliment my body, or a body part, and then smile comes in second.
I get a lot of compliments on my body from men. I get a lot of compliments on my hair and eyes from women. Men will compliment my hair and eyes as well but I guess they notice the smaller things last while women are more into details.
For those who voted "body," how do men compliment your body. Like, I'm trying to get a sense of how they say it and how they can get away with it in a respectful way.

I can imagine a body like Michelle Obama's being complimented - but if you're more voluptuous than muscular how does the compliment come across?